Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A46-W11
Release Date:
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
Dear friends and readers,
Happy new year and season’s greetings to you
all! Thank you very much for your
support in the past year, as well as your holiday greetings and best wishes,
either by phone calls, by e-mails, or by cards.
We appreciate them very much. At
this time, we thank you all, although not specifically and individually. Personally, I also want to thank those of you
who have submitted your articles for our website and newsletters. In particular, I want to thank those who have
patiently helped me to correct my poor English for our various publications,
especially the newsletters. They are:
Prof. Lawrence Anderson-Huang, Mr. Dick Kleeman, Mr.
Robert T. Huang, Ms. Minky Worden, and Mrs. Louise Bankey.
Here, we share with you a letter Mr. Wei Jingsheng received for this
holiday, as a token of thanks to so many of our supporters.
Again, thank you and best wishes for a happy and healthy new year!
-- Ciping Huang
Dear Mr.JingSheng Wei:
When Mr. Solzhenitsyn got arrested in 1974, over one hundred writers in
the USSR Writers’Society signed a petition to the
government to show their anger and protest. That made me sigh: the Russian people were different from our
Chinese. If the same thing happened in China, especially 20 years ago, it might
be very hard to hear one voice like a light cough showing one’s concern or doubt,
not to mention over a hundred to write in protest. Might it be because the “braveness genes” in our Chinese’blood have been diluted, weakened, or killed in the
past thousands of years after too much suppression with cruel methods such as “killing all of the people of the nine relationships
associated with if one rebels”? Are Americans
physically and emotionally stronger as the descendants of those who traveled
over the thousand-miles sea and struggled in a tough new land? Are we Chinese the later generations of those
who survived by not being brave enough and having more “coward
Chinese is a coward nationality, and I’m the
one of them. I cannot help sobbing to see this.
Therefore, whenever a brave one stands up, he/she is always an earthshaking
hero to me. During my growing up period, it first was Yu LuoKe,
then Zhang Zhixin, both were executed, then it was you. One day I visited Beijing and asked my
relative who lived near Xidan: “Where
is the Xidan Democracy Wall?”
Although the Wall and the articles were all put into the prison along with your
freedom, I still went there in order to show my special respect and admiration.
However, my respect and admiration towards you at that moment were
mostly affected by your courage and sacrifice. I knew very little about your
reasoned thinking and thoughts. At that time, “Bravery” meant “Martyr”,
with a heavy price of one’s blood and life.
Finally I got a chance to read your works and thoughts in the
It reminds me of my own experience.
When I was in Northern of Jiangsu Province
during the Cultural Revolution, one day I saw more than one hundred peasants
were pushed out of the waiting room in XuZhou train
station. One peasant murmured: “Why do you push us out?
We have purchased the tickets”. I asked the station
worker: “Why can't they stay here? Outside it is
snowing”. The
station worker answered: “Look at them, so dirty,
tattered like beggars. It will damage the stations' image.”
Then I followed the peasants outside and asked: “Where
do you plan to go?” “Our village people have been
starved for a long time. We have no way out. We will go to DongBei.
It is said we can work in the mine to earn some money.” The great hope was shining through their
hungry eyes.
Many similar situations made me start to doubt Communism. However, it
was only doubt. I had no guts to do anything to change it.
Later, after I read more of your articles and works, I gradually
learned that your courage does not only come from pure braveness, but from the
solid belief that is the result of many years reading, thinking and
searching. Recently, I got the chance to
know you more via Ciping. The more I read and know about your words, thoughts,
and works, the more I feel that you are a very rational thinker. You are
different from some others who are always very radical and wrathful, even
though you have thousand reasons to be more wrathful after two times arrest and
many years in prison. Your humble and unadorned words transferred the
convincing points with long-lasting influence that changed people’s minds. Whenever someone mentions your name now, I have to
be silent for a while since I cannot find the suitable words to show my deeper
respect and greater admiration.
The recent newsletter reported your poor health condition and it makes
me very worried. I want to send you a
check as a small Christmas gift to show my concern and good wishes. It is a
small gift indeed to compare with what you have suffered in the prisons and
what dangers that you are facing now. So I hope you can accept it without
saying something.
I wish you have better health and wish the democracy undertakings that
you are fighting for will get much progress.
This is a message from WeiJingSheng.org
The Wei Jingsheng Foundation and the Overseas Chinese Democracy
Coalition are dedicated to the promotion of human rights and democratization in
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For website issues and suggestions, you may contact our professional
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To find out more about us, please also visit our websites at:
www.WeiJingSheng.org and www.ChinaLaborUnion.org
for news and information for Overseas Chinese
Democracy Coalition and human rights and democracy movement as whole,
especially our Chinese Labor Union Base.
You may contact Ciping Huang at: HCP@Weijingsheng.org or
1-516-384-1958 for emergency or
Wei Jingsheng Foundation office at: 1-202-543-1538 Fax: 1-202-543-1539
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A46-W11
Release Date:
-- 黄慈萍 顿首
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