Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue: A62-O11



Release Date: April 25, 2004



Topic: Transnational Radical Party Hosts Briefing on Chinese Human Rights in UN

-- OCDC Members Presented Current Human Rights Condition in China



Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)





Transnational Radical Party Hosts Briefing on Chinese Human Rights in UN

-- OCDC Members Presented Current Human Rights Condition in China



On April 15, 2004, the Transnational Radical Party, sponsored a briefing on the deteriorating Chinese human rights condition.  The briefing was given by the members of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition.  The transnational Radical Party is a UN registered non-governmental organization with consultation status, with a worldwide reputation and a long-standing support of Chinese human rights and democracy, especially Mr. WEI Jingsheng.


The briefing was lead by Mr. Wei, Chairman of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition and moderated by Ms. HUANG Ciping, the Secretary-General of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition.  Its special features included Mr. Chhime R. Chhoekyapa, the Representative of The Dalai Lama.  Also had to cancel the last minute due to an illness, Mrs. Lois Wheeler Snow delivered her regard to the occasion and to the members who participated.  Mrs. Snow is the widow of the late Mr. Edger Snow, the most famous Western author in China.


The briefing also featured Mr. ZHANG Jian, a survivor of June 4, 1989.  Mr. Zhang still has bullet pieces left in his body from the Chinese army that opened fire on the students on TianAnMen Square in Beijing.  His speech was powerful and very moving.  He also displayed materials from the relatives of the June 4 victims, who unfortunately were not able to get in the United Nations' compound.


Other presenters were members of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition from all over the world, on various topics related to Chinese human rights conditions.  The presenters and their topics were as follows.  Dr. LIU Gang, OCDC Director from Denmark spoke on the Internet and Information Blocking.  Mr. PAN Qian, OCDC Director in New Zealand, on the workers Movement.  Mr. XIANG Lin, OCDC Asia Director from Japan, on Chinese peasants & migrant workers.  Ms. KANG Dongwei of France, on AIDS/HIV that is spreading rapidly in China.  Ms. Tanya LAU from Hong Kong, on forced relocation by the Chinese government.  Dr. CHEN Shizhong from USA, on religious freedom and search of conscience in China.


The briefing and its Q&A session lasted for two hours with several news media, including TV, radio stations and newspapers.  Several people were interviewed afterwards.  Several kinds of materials and booklets related to the Chinese government's suppression of human rights and Chinese democratic progress were distributed to the participants and audience.




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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue: A62-O11



Release Date: April 25, 2004



Topic: Transnational Radical Party Hosts Briefing on Chinese Human Rights in UN

-- OCDC Members Presented Current Human Rights Condition in China



Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)










这场由中国民主运动海外联席会议主席魏京生先生率领的报告会由联席会议秘书长黄慈萍主持。达赖喇嘛的特使,祁卡帕先生(Chhime R. Chhoekyapa)也参加了会议。中国人民家喻户晓的西方记者斯诺先生的遗孀斯诺夫人(Lois Wheeler Snow)虽因病未能如期到会,但也向报告会及与会人员们致意。



















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