Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A66-W20



Release Date: May 30, 2004



Topic: Wei Jingsheng's Speech to Tibetans and a Tibetan's Decades Long Live



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)





Wei Jingsheng's Speech to Tibetans at the Tibetans' Rally for Freedom

in front of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland on April 6, 2004 (excerpt)



Every year we meet here.  I saw some of familiar faces again.  Today, we gather here to tell the world about the suppression of the Chinese government.  That government has done numerous crimes in the past fifty some years.  However, there are others who lie about Chinese human rights records, even right there inside the UN.  We cannot stop them, but can let the others know what the Chinese government had really conducted, loud and clear.  We need to do all we can in all sorts of ways, both inside and outside the UN to let the world to know the suppression, suffering and arrests happening in China.  It is the Chinese government that has made all the people, including our Hans, Tibetans, and Uyghurs, to suffer.  So we must unite together, then we are strong enough in dealing with that evil power.


This world is not that ideal, not only due to evil power, but also due to the liars, like these liars who spoke in favor of the Chinese government.  Our goal is to make the world better, to let everyone, all the groups, including Hans, Tibetans, and Uyghurs, to have a better live.


Everyone wants to live in ones' own homeland.  But to return to our own homeland, is when the evil Chinese government collapses.  We must have our confidence.  We must be persistent, one year after another.  After years of effort, we shall be successful.


Do not underestimate our own power.  The very fact that we are here makes the Chinese Government afraid.  But do not think the evil force would not have their ways.  We must unite and be alerted to prevent that evil force's tricks.  I hope that we will unite, as well as become alerted.


The Dalai Lama said that all the people on this world are the same family.  To him, we are all brothers and sisters.  He cares about all people.  He has a broad and deep heart for all of us.  So we must united together in dealing with the evil until the final victory.


Thank you all.


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Nima's story

-- A Tibetan's Lifelong Fight against Chinese Government's Suppression

-- A Speech to the 5th Congress of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition

in Annemasse, France, on April 10, 2004 (excerpt)



I started my fight against the Chinese Communist army in 1958.  In 1960, I was caught and stayed in jail for 22 years, More than one year of that time, I had handcuffs on me all the time.  After my release, I was in Lhasa for some small business.  I attended the Lhasa's demonstration in September 1987.  The following month, the demonstration grew even bigger and houses were burned and I was hit by the bullets that are still inside my body.  (Nima showed his scar and the x-ray photo of the bullet in his body, photo links: http://weijingsheng.org/pic/newsletters/newsletters2004/newsletters2004-1/wounds040410Nima-3.jpg and http://weijingsheng.org/pic/newsletters/newsletters2004/newsletters2004-1/Xray040410Nima-2.jpg ).


I had to stay in the hospital for three months and pay more than 3,000 Yuan that was a lot of money.  I had to stay at home after I got out of the hospital.  But in the demonstration in 1988, I participated again and was taken away by the military police at 1 am after midnight.  I stayed in jail for one more year, and only was released because my wounds got infected and deteriorated. 


I was interrogated at least three times every month.  Every time they would ask: "Will you go demonstrate again."  I was electronically shocked once and could not leave my bed for some time.  Every time I saw a demonstration, I would go to there and subsequently get arrested.  So I decided to leave Tibet, but my wife and children are still there.


The Chinese Communist Party is not democratic.  It is a one-party dictatorship.  In 1989, Hu Jintao gave the order to arrest and to kill; all the jails in Tibet were full, with many monks and nuns of several thousands.


After my release, I left and visited several places including ChengDu and Shanghai.  A few days after I arrived ChengDu, I saw the demonstration by the students of Shichuan universities.  A couple of them were killed and many attended memorial services. 


One night the military police had a conflict with the students.  The military police shot at the students.  But I do not know how many.  They come to get us like the way to get the sheep.  The students had their slogans: "Don't worry, we die for the freedom and democracy of China and you should be proud."  The conflict was so strong and made me very nervous.  So many people in China rose up due to the suppression of the one-party dictatorship.  We must unite together in an effort to over through the Chinese Communists.


We are all in exile because of the Communists.  We have the same difficulty.  You are not nuns and monks and have to sacrifice your families for Chinese democracy.  Inside China, people cannot speak up to against the Chinese Communists, but we can do so here.  We must continue, until the day of democracy.


Who would not want to stay in their own country?  Who would want to suffer the suppression?  The best thing is to have democracy, to have our own homeland.


In Switzerland and the USA, there are a lot of Tibetans.  They often demonstrate for Tibet's independence.  But what we really need is the real democracy in China, then we may talk about independence.  Independence is a passive way for us to find our way. 


I did not see June 4 of 1989, but have heard of it.  So we know that the Chinese Communists are cruel to all the people.


In Switzerland, I saw many people who all agreed that they came over because they dislike dictatorship.  Under the leadership of the Dalai Lama, we want a democratic country, instead of one-party dictatorship.  Our common goal is democracy and human rights.  The Dalai Lama asked for the high autonomy under China.  If there is democracy, then independence is not an issue.


Many people, including the Tibetans, the Uyghurs, the Mongolians, asked for their independence and they were forced into exile.  This exile is really the guilt of the Chinese Communists.  To seek the only way of unification, is to have freedom and democracy over the whole China, which grants us all the equality regardless our race and ethnic backgrounds.


(All applauded.  The Tibetans saluted Wei Jingsheng and delivered the white Tibetan scarf to him.)




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A66-W20



Release Date: May 30, 2004



Topic: Wei Jingsheng's Speech to Tibetans and a Tibetan's Decade Long Live



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)





魏京生在日内瓦联合国前抗议对西藏人权迫害的集会上的演讲 200446















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2004410  法国安娜玛塞 (Annemasse, France)



1958年开始,我就和共产党的军队作斗争。我参加了两年多,60年我在示威的时候被抓到了,然后在牢里住了22年。82年从牢里出来了以后,到拉萨做小生意。在监狱里,带了一年多的手铐。879月,拉萨示威我也参加了。然后8710月在拉萨有规模很大的示威,烧了房子。那时我中了弹,现在还在身上。(出示伤疤,和X光片。有关像片的网页连接: http://weijingsheng.org/pic/newsletters/newsletters2004/newsletters2004-1/wounds040410Nima-3.jpg















































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