Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue: A77-O14
Release Date: June 26, 2004
Topic: Wang Wanxing's Wife, Wang Junying, Visit Wei Jingsheng Foundation Office and Appeal to the International Community for the Release of Her Husband
Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)
Wang Wanxing's Wife, Wang Junying, Visit Wei Jingsheng Foundation Office and Appeal to the International Community for the Release of Her Husband
On June 19 and 20, 2004, Ciping Huang, the executive director of Wei Jingsheng Foundation, received visits from Mrs. Wang Junying, wife of Wang Wanxing in the Foundation office, in discussion of her husband's case and effort for his release (photo link: http://weijingsheng.org/pic/newsletters/newsletters2004/newsletters2004-2/WangJY040620HCP-2.jpg). Wang Wanxing is the most well known Chinese political prisoner being put into a mental institution – Ankang Hospital, a common practice of the Chinese government nowadays in an effort to silent the dissidents. For his effort to ask the Chinese government to re-evaluate June 4, Wang Wanxing has been in confinement for more than 12 years. Hereby, in an effort for the international community to learn more about Wang Wanxing's case, as well as to push for his early release, we provide the following testimony that Mrs. Wang Junying wrote and entrusted Wei Jingsheng Foundation to release and urged the foundation to act more on her behalf.
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Appeal Letter of Mrs. Wang Junying:
On June 3, 1992, the day before the 3rd anniversary of the June 4 memorial, my husband, Wang Wanxing carried: a "10,000 word appeal" to Deng Xiaoping, a self-made tape of the appeal, and a banner calling for "reevaluate the June 4 judgment" to Tiananmen Square in Beijing. When he unfurled the banner at the Peoples' Hero Monument and ready to give a speech, he was set upon by the police. During that incident, the police injured a Japanese reporter and an American reporter. The police also exposed all the films of that incident. My husband was detained at the Chaoyang police station in Beijing. On June 30th, he was transferred to Ankang Hospital - a mental institution administered by the police. All the doctors and nurses there wear police uniforms.
This is my first visit to the United States and first time to Washington, DC. I come to report the long detention and appeal for my husband, Wang Wanxing. My husband was born on October 10, 1949 in Shandong Province. He attended elementary and middle school in Beijing. The Cultural Revolution interrupted his schooling. He was sent down to the Mingshan Ranch of the Construction Corp in Heilongjiang Province in 1968. He was permitted to return to Beijing in 1979. He worked as the warehouse manger at a construction company of Zuojiazhuang in the Chaoyang District of Beijing.
During the 1989 student demonstration he was in contact with the student leaders: Chai Ling, Wang Dan, Ding Xiaoping, Wang Zhengyun, etc. They held meetings in our home.
Ding Xiaoping and Wang Zhengyun served sentence for their participation in the 1989 Tiananmen democracy movement. In April of 1992 after serving prison term of nearly 3 years, Ding and Wang was released and had no job. My husband quit his job, tried to open a bookstore so they can work there.
However, before the June 4 anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre in 1992, Ding and Wang planned to organize a candlelight vigil of several hundred students in Tiananmen to commemorate the Massacre. My husband tried to talk them out of it saying, "You have just been released and have not regain your health. The risk of being arrested again is very high and you would again be in prison for many years, causing the Movement a great deal of loss. There would also be a great blow to your futures. All the participating students would also at risk of being put in prison". After this advice, they still insisted on organizing the vigil.
So to test the authority's reaction, my husband went to Tiananmen a day earlier, thinking if the authority arrested him, the students would not carry out their planned vigil. The result was that he was arrested. The students gave up their plan. My husband became the sacrificial lamb while sparing dozens, if not hundreds of students being persecuted by the police.
My husband did not expect to be committed to a mental institution. If he were put in prison, there would be a definite term, e.g. 3-5 years. In a mental institution, there is no diagnosis. The family is not notified of the terms of confinement. That is, the confinement is indefinite.
Wang Wanxing has already spent 12 long years in the mental institution. He suffered immensely. His head was injured during a beating, requiring stitches. There are scars on his chest. He was assigned to help an elderly patient and other most filthy jobs. During these indignities, he upholds his personal dignity and strong belief: he does not fight back when beaten; he does not return verbal insults. He does this in an effort to avoid being confirmed as a mental case, as well as out of sympathy for fellow patients. He also saved a suicidal patient.
My husband told me many times that he sympathizes with his fellow patients. He did not react to beating nor verbal abuse. This is his strength and his greatness, under the most difficult, trying situations.
Twelve years is a long time. The Chinese Communist completely destroyed our family. My daughter lost her father's love since she was 10 years old, attending the 5th grade. I was branded a "counter-revolutionary" and the wife of a mental deviant, subjected to the disapproval and insult of the community constantly. I endure this silently to wait for the return of my husband, to nurture my daughter, and to keep my job - the only mean of support for us. At work I must work harder than others. For several years until year 2000, I left home at 6 am and came home around 11 pm. My daughter does not enjoy fully her mother's love. I just cannot explain to her the reason for our suffering.
Wang Wanxing's parents and mine also suffered the cruelties of the Chinese government abuse, facing enormous pressure and stress. My parents and his father passed away, not seeing his freedom. His mother is still waiting, day and night, for his release so he can have a reunion with us abroad. The government has broken and brutalized two generations of this family.
In the last twelve years, to secure my husband's release, I have appealed to the Beijing city government, city police department, and city party apparatus, city delegates of the People's Congress, the State Council, and many other government entities in China. I appealed. I protested. I visited (the various agencies). I waited patiently. So far there is no result. Political persecution caused me to lose my job and my health. I have heart disease, high blood pressure and bone problem. I urgently need medical care.
After suffered immensely for more than a decade, I published an article, "A political prisoner's wife's appeal - after more than a decade of silence" in August 4, 2002. After that, Mr. Hou Jie wrote, "Wang Wanxing's hospital room #6" and "823 Greeting Cards". These articles show clearly my husband's effort on behalf of Chinese democracy and the global attention of his sacrifices and cruel persecution.
Wang Wanxing thirsts for democracy and freedom. He thirsts more for justice, fairness and truth.
Hereby, I thank to the international community's attention and support to my husband and my family. And I urge the governmental branches and non-governmental organizations put effort to try to visit my husband in China and thus to give him a fair and honest evaluation so he could be released early. I also appeal to the U.S. State Department, Senate and House of Representatives and other organizations to work for his release from the mental institution. I wish soon he will be reunited with our daughter and me and enjoy a normal family life.
Thank you very much.
Wang Junying, wife of Wang Wanxing
June 20, 2004
(First released by Wei Jingsheng Foundation. Please give credit, with the foundation’s website at: www.WeiJingsheng.org. Translation credit: Mr. R. T. Huang.)
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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue: A77-O14
Release Date: June 26, 2004
Topic: Wang Wanxing's Wife, Wang Junying, Visit Wei Jingsheng Foundation Office and Appeal to the International Community for the Release of Her Husband
Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)
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我先生王万星被关进精神病院,是他自己没有想到的。如果被关进监牢,最多也就判3-5年的徒刑。可是关进精神病院,不但没有诊断书,而且也不告诉家属他几年可以出院。王万星已经在精神病院熬了12年。12年中,他的头被打破缝过针,他的胸部被人殴打,留下了疤痕。在医院他被分配去伺候一个老年多病患者,为人洗尿屎布。在医院,他保持着个人的信念和尊严,他救过一个自杀的病人;在和精神病人打交道的12 年中,他从来打不还手,骂不还口。这么做一方面因为他知道如果真的还了手,他会被他们指控为他真有神经病,另一方面出于对病人的同情。我先生王万星多次对我说,“精神病人也很可怜,我很同情他们,所以受多大的伤害,也绝不会还手”。我先生以他极大的忍耐、巨大的毅力,忍受着各种屈辱。
12 年,这是一个多么漫长的岁月!中国共产党把我们这个家庭彻底拆散了。在我女儿十岁上小学五年级的时候,就已经得不到父爱。而我也被当成反革命家属和精神病患者的妻子。这样的身份,使我抬不起头来。别人可以随便评论我,随时监视我。为了等待我的先生王万星,为了养育我的女儿,我只好忍声吞气地活着。各种屈辱、冤枉都只能往肚子里咽。而且为了不丢掉工作,我必须比别人干更多的活。这样一直维持到2000年。有好几年我都是早上6点离开家,一直干到晚上11点左右才能回家。因此我女儿也得不到正常的母爱。女儿在这样缺乏父爱母爱的阴影下渡过了12个春秋。而我甚至无法向她解释她所承受的创伤的缘由。
王万星的太太 王军鹰
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