Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A74-W24



Release Date: June 8, 2004



Topic: The Chinese Communists' Annual June Paranoia -- Wei Jingsheng Radio Free Asia Commentary on 6.4 (3 of 3)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)





The Chinese Communists Annual June Paranoia

-- Wei Jingsheng Radio Free Asia Commentary on 6.4 (3 of 3)



Dear listeners:


In the last segment I traced the origin and development of the mass democratic movement in the spring of 1989. One may ask: why did it turn to a most tragic massacre? The sole reason is the Communist Chinese rulers' refusal to give up extreme and ultimate totalitarian power; refusal to let citizens exercise their constitutional rights. This refusal led to the brutal, murderous suppression policy by the extreme conservative fraction of Deng XiaoPing and Li Peng.


First we must clarify that when we refer to the Communists, we mean the ruling clique of the Chinese Communist Party. It does not mean the average rank and file members of the Party. The Massacre in 1989 clearly showed that the 60 million Party members stood with the citizens and students, simply because they were from the citizenry. Their social standing, mentality, relationships, friends and relatives are among the ordinary citizens. In important issues their reactions are nearly identical to the ordinary citizens.


I remember when I was imprisoned in Qinghai, a group of young jailers angrily demanded that TV time be expanded from 2 hours a day to the whole day. The leading cadres complied happily because they also wanted to watch the developments in Tiananmen Square. They were concerned about the situation and the fate of the student hunger strikers. Who I criticize are the dictatorial ruling elite - not including the reformists such as Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang, etc. who were sympathetic and supported the people's rights.


It was verified later that the majority of the inner circle did not stand with the Deng Xiaoping-Li Peng minority. Even the majority of military leaders did not want to suppress the people. One example: General Xu, the head of the 38th Army, was outstanding among the majority. He refused to open fire on the people. He was almost executed for his refusal. He was imprisoned instead. However, those who absolutely opposed suppressing the people and those who absolutely advocated violent suppression were both minorities. This standoff is the reason the troops surrounded Beijing for two months while Deng XiaoPing hesitated.


The middle of the ruling elite had conflicting feelings. They disliked the dictatorial and corrupt practices. They wanted a life in democracy and freedom. But, they were reluctant to give up their bloody, hard-fought privileges that they gained at great sacrifice. That privilege comes from one-party dictatorship. In more than a month's time the extreme conservative fraction led by Deng succeeded in persuading the middle majority. The suppression policy gained effective support in the inner circle. Even the military leadership, such as Hong XueZhi, and Qin JiWei ...while not wanting to be blamed for the Massacre, could not prevent the Massacre. Once Deng decided, he bypassed the military. Li Peng illegally ordered the troops to clear Tiananmen Square. The epic tragedy unfolded.


This episode showed the weakness of the Reformist faction. They did not want to commit the crime of suppressing the people in conscience, but they were reluctant to give up their privileges and their ideology, and they were powerless to prevent the suppression. While the internal atmosphere tilted to Deng XiaoPing's hard-line, Zhao Ziyang and Hu QiLi simply put themselves let themselves out of the loop and visited North Korea instead.  This weakness enabled Deng who was going to escape, to re-group and attack, overwhelming the Reform faction that had the support of the entire citizenry, and resulted a massacre that led to a decade of darkness in the nation.


In the decade and half since, there have been criticisms directed at the students who considered themselves as the leaders of the movement. I think it is unfair. It is also the result of the Chinese Communist propaganda. Fifteen years ago, Wang Dan, Li Lu, Chai Ling... had passed the age of voting eligibility. However, that sudden, intensive movement engulfed them without any mental or organizational preparation. The movement, pushed by the reformists inside of the Chinese Communist leadership and intellectual elite, had been at times confusing to them, and made them at a loss to react to the rapid changes. They did not know how to continue, yet unwilling to surround themselves. The intensity of the public trust and support would not allow them to retreat anyway. The consequence is to wait on TianAnMen until the massacre to put the period for this movement.  Without a formation of an opposition, people has put their hope on the reformist faction at the highest level, this is the primary reason of failure of the movement. To blame a group of young, idealistic but inexperienced students is the unfair way of shifting the responsibility of the reformists that many of them went exile afterwards.



Editor's note: The Wei Jingsheng Foundation hereby expresses gratitude for our volunteer Mr. Robert T. Huang's help with the translation of Mr. Wei Jingsheng's Radio Free Asia commentaries for the last three issues of our newsletters.  Mr. Huang has been a long time supporter of Chinese democracy and human rights, and particularly to this foundation and Mr. Wei himself for the last few years.  Mr. Huang has been giving us suggestions and feedback as well as requested help.  We hereby sincerely express our thanks to Mr. Huang, as well as others anonymous or not, for your support of the cause of our fellow Chinese in general and of us in particular.



(The Wei Jingsheng Foundation is responsible for this version of the translation from the original Chinese version of Wei Jingsheng's Radio Free Asia commentary.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A74-W24



Release Date: June 8, 2004



Topic: The Chinese Communists' Annual June Paranoia -- Wei Jingsheng Radio Free Asia Commentary on 6.4 (3 of 3)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)






-- 魏京生就六四15周年在自由亚洲电台的评论之三


















(此为魏京生基金会所整理的魏京生先生在自由亚洲电台所作评论的文本。魏京生基金会特此向帮助将魏京生先生的中文稿译成英文的Robert T. Huang先生表示谢意与敬意。黄先生多年来支持中国的民主与自由,对本基金会及魏京生本人更是关心。在此对他过去的建议,指导及随叫随到的义务帮助一并致谢!)









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