Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A73-W23
Release Date: June 7, 2004
Topic: Truth Cannot be Covered up -- Wei Jingsheng Radio Free Asia Commentary on 6.4 (2 of 3)
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
Truth Cannot be Covered up
-- Wei Jingsheng Radio Free Asia Commentary on 6.4 (2 of 3)
Dear listeners:
In the last segment I talked about how to educate children. I talked about how to teach them the true nature of wolves. We need to tell them the story of the Tiananmen Massacre in 1989. The children will ask:
Why did the entire country support the students?
Why did the Chinese Army massacre their own citizens and the students?
We must tell them the truth!
In April and May of 1989 there started a massive grass-roots patriotic and democratic movement in China. A student anti-corruption movement that spring initiated it. This movement was, in turn, caused by a struggle between the reform faction lead by Zhao Ziyang (the Chinese Gorbachev), and Hu Yaobang (the Chinese Yeltsin), against the conservative faction lead by Deng Xiaoping and Li Peng. The struggle intensified and spread, leading to the massive patriotic democracy movement involving the whole country.
At the end of 1988, the well-known intellectual and democratic advocate professor Fang Lizhi wrote a letter to Deng Xiaoping calling for the release of Wei Jingsheng (that is yours truly) who was imprisoned for more than 10 years merely for his political views. Being in prison, I did not know of this appeal nor had Prof. Fang and myself ever met. He acted out of a sense of justice and morality. This letter stimulated scores and hundreds of intellectuals and professionals to make similar appeals. Even many American and European intellectuals petitioned the Chinese government to release political prisoners. These appeals contributed to the massive democratic movement for political reform.
Under the progressive, democratic influence of their professors, campus activities of student leaders such as Wang Dan spread to the streets. The movement expanded from a few intellectuals to thousands of students and then to the entire society. In the media and casual conversation, anti-corruption and democracy were the only popular topics. This situation was perceived as a threat to the ruling elite, especially to the dictator Deng Xiaoping. He was at that time the symbol of dictatorship and corruption. An intense struggle bagan between Hu Yaobang, who supported the people's voices, and Li Peng, loyal to the corrupt and dictatorial officials, during a Communist Party's politburo meeting. It led to Hu's death by heart attack shortly afterward.
The death of Hu troubled the populace. The students of Beijing's educational institutions, one hundred thousand strong, went to Tiananmen Square. They demanded the truth about Hu's death. They demanded anti-corruption and democratic reform. After the students returned to the campuses there was a bloody incident where demonstrating students were chased and beaten in front of the State Council in Xinhua Gate by armed police. The incident angered the whole country. The students immediately returned to Tiananmen, setting up camps there. They vowed not to leave until the government told the truth. Beijing citizens began to mobilize in support of the patriotic student's demands. This mass movement spread over the entire country, with students and citizens hitting the streets for days on end. Even Chinese Government surveys indicated that there were more than one million on the streets in Beijing alone. In my own estimate, except for members of the Chinese Communist Central Committee, all other government and party institutions and other groups were on the street, openly showing their own organizations' banners. The scope of mobilization exceeded the Cultural Revolution. According to a survey those who never hit the Beijing streets were only one in ten thousand. Even the Communist propaganda dared not use 'a small bunch' to describe the massive movement. It was forced to admit the high participation.
In summary, from the beginning to end the students' and citizens' demands were to end the vice of the one-party dictatorship, to eliminate corruption, and to return the governing power to the people so the country could be on track for progress. These sentiments were patriotic, for love of the nation. To brand the patriotism "mobs" and call the murderers of the people "guardians of the Republic" is shameless lie. This lie is known as the Communist's shamelessness with "socialist China's characteristics". The blatant lies far exceed those of warlords and the Kuomintang (the Chinese Nationalist Party).
(The Wei Jingsheng Foundation is responsible for this version of the translation from the original Chinese version of Wei Jingsheng's Radio Free Asia commentary.)
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A73-W23
Release Date: June 7, 2004
Topic: Truth Cannot be Covered up -- Wei Jingsheng Radio Free Asia Commentary on 6.4 (2 of 3)
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
-- 魏京生就六四15周年在自由亚洲电台的评论之二
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