Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A80-W29



Release Date: July 10, 2004



Topic: On the Wisdom of Chinese Communist Party's Policy towards Hong Kong -- Wei Jingsheng



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)





On the Wisdom of Chinese Communist Party's Policy towards Hong Kong

-- Wei Jingsheng's commentary on Radio Free Asia, July 2004



It is painfully obvious to all that the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) "One Country, Two Systems" is a miserable failure in Hong Kong.


The reason is that there are great differences between the two systems. A democratic system tolerates different opinions and interests. It is a system that reaches a balance through the compromise of various opinions and interests. A totalitarian system is one that subjugates all opinions and interests to one opinion and one interest. It does not tolerate other opinions and interests.


Deng Xiaoping experimented with "One Country, Two Systems" in the 1950's. He clearly understood the consequences. He confidently proposed to the British a solution. The British were willing to make Hong Kong a gift to Deng on the "One Country, Two Systems" promise. That also saved the British a huge load of trouble.


In the 1950's the Peoples' Republic of China (PRC) was a new born entity. The CCP was confident that its Communism system was far superior to all other systems. It also did not have any dependence on the international market. The CCP applied the "One Country, Two Systems" scheme on Tibet so that they were free to engage in the Korean War. At that time it was a wise move. In a few years irreconcilable conflicts developed. The CCP could not tolerate the Tibetans' traditional systems and lifestyle. The Tibetans could not tolerate the CCP's destruction of their traditions and lifestyle. It leads to an unavoidably bloody war.


Now, 50 years later, the PRC is considerably dependent on the international market, while Hong Kong is an international city. The intolerance of the CCP in the "One Country, Two Systems" scheme makes it impossible for the citizens of Hong Kong to accept. The conflicts have deepened in the last two years. The CCP is using their traditional strategy. First they label any dissent as "unpatriotic". Then they use threats and violence in trying to muzzle the public. Then they use their so-called "law" to eliminate the opposition with the threat of using the army and armed police. This strategy was originally planned. It led to the legislative problem of "Article 23" of last year.


However, any scheme to fool the people can only work once. The second time it will be exposed. The huge demonstrations in Hong Kong last year show that the majority of citizens of Hong Kong know the consequences of "Article 23". The citizens of Hong Kong will not accept such consequences. So both sides, the CCP and the citizens of Hong Kong, took one step back - maintaining the current status. This is a strategy to resolve the "One Country, Two Systems" conflict. If the CCP adapts this strategy- not to prick on the sensitivity of the citizens of Hong Kong, there will be peace, at least temporarily.


However, the CCP character is an aggressive one. They are not used to compromise. Other characteristics of the CCP are stubbornness and extreme egotism. To them there is no problem they cannot solve. This aggressiveness inevitably pushes the others to the corner and leads to a deadly struggle. That is how the CCP forced the Tibetan struggle. That is also how the CCP forced the Tiananmen carnage. This uncompromising attitude is now being applied to Hong Kong. There is a real risk that the normally compliant citizens of Hong Kong may rebel. If that happens, there will be strong international reaction.


I wish to ask the CCP leadership a question: do you want to risk international sanction, making 1.3 billion citizens suffer once more just because of a small policy setback in Hong Kong?


You, the CCP leadership are all fat cats now, affluent and powerful. However, there are still huge numbers of people in China struggling for their daily basic necessities, having not even food to eat. You are forcing these people to rebel in desperation! They may dislike US and European imperialism. They may dislike the situation in Taiwan. However, their pragmatic considerations are the official abuses and corruption in their own neighborhood. The citizens of Hong Kong may be restrained by the rule of law and by morality; the desperate Chinese citizens may not be so restrained. Riots or even civil war may break out, which most likely will lead to revenge and more blood and lives. I strongly urge you to think through the consequences that may lead to you, the CCP leadership, to suffer drastic, tragic repercussions.


There is still one smart guy in the CCP leadership, Ceng QingHong. He said: "There are only misunderstandings between us and the citizens of Hong Kong - no basic differences". You, the leadership, would not lose anything if you use Ceng's attitude as a baseline to resolve the conflict with the citizens of Hong Kong. With conflicts resolved this way, the citizens of Hong Kong would strongly support a "One Country, Two Systems" system. The citizens of Hong Kong are pragmatic. Their fever for Chinese democracy may moderate with time. Therefore the effect on Chinese political reform may be minimal. Applying the same attitude towards Taiwan may similarly minimize the hostility. You, the rulers of China, should have no worry. Instead, continuing the Communist Party leader Hu Jintao's ideology will make you suffer. That you must consider very carefully.



(Translation Credit: Robert T. Huang.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A80-W29



Release Date: July 10, 2004



Topic: On the Wisdom of Chinese Communist Party's Policy towards Hong Kong -- Wei Jingsheng



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)





如此对待香港有前途吗?(魏京生在自由亚洲电台的评论, 20047月)

























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