Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A84-W32



Release Date: November 5, 2004



Topic: Wei Jingsheng Foundation’s Final Call for Recommending Nominees for its First Annual “Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Award”



Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)





The Wei Jingsheng Foundation’s Final Call for Recommending Nominees for its First Annual “Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Award”



As stated in our news release A63-W18 six months ago, under the encouragement and financial support of an anonymous donor, the Wei Jingsheng Foundation has decided to establish an annual award to encourage Chinese democracy advocates who have devoted themselves to and contributed to the progress of Chinese democracy.  It is called “Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Award”. 


The announcement date shall be on December 5, the date of publication of the well-known article “The 5th Modernization – Chinese Democracy”, by Mr. Wei Jingsheng in 1978, a landmark date for the Chinese democracy process.  This award is extremely unique with the main aim to encourage and support our Chinese democracy advocators inside China.  Currently, this annual award is set to grant $1,000.  We encourage more donors to contribute as well.  


Since the release of the announcement, the Foundation has received many responses, and some recommendations, from both inside and outside of China.  Hereby, the Wei Jingsheng Foundation is making its final call for nominations, with a deadline set as November 25, 2004.  Meanwhile, the Foundation also wants to take this opportunity to gather more input and suggestions about this award.


If you have a person to nominate, please send the name, the credentials and other details to us.  The best way to reach us is via e-mail.  The contact e-mail address is: HCP@weijingsheng.org

Please send plain text (no attachments and/or picture imbedded e-mails) for a timely response.




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A84-W32



Release Date: November 5, 2004



Topic: Wei Jingsheng Foundation’s Final Call for Recommending Nominees for its First Annual “Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Award”



Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)










该奖为年度奖。得奖对象将以支持与奖励在中国国内坚持中国民主运动的个人与团体为主。预定颁奖日为125 -- 魏京生先生1978年发表的,享有盛名的文章“第五个现代化民主”的纪念日。目前,奖金设立在匿名人士所捐的一千美元。我们也感谢并希望其它支持中国人权与民主运动人士的积极捐赠。


如果您有想法或推荐人选,请将有关被推荐人的详细情况及应获奖的缘由介绍给我们。最好是以电子邮件的方式联系。电子邮件地址为:HCP@weijingsheng.org 请以不含附件及图片的纯文本的信件方式直接寄出,以免延误。













欢迎投稿(暂无稿费)或批评建议,请寄信箱:  HCP@WEIJINGSHENG.ORG


魏京生办公室地址: 415 East Capitol Street, SE, Suite 2

Washington, DC 20003-3810U.S.A.

电话: 1-202-543-1538 传真:1-202-543-1539

紧急联系:1-301-693-2442 (黄慈萍)






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