Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A87-W34



Release Date: November 20, 2004



Topic: Nominations, feedbacks and Suggestions Received for the First Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Award"



Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)





Feedback and Suggestions Received for the First Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Award"



Since the announcement establishing the "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Award" last May, we have received many positive and valuable responses in e-mails or on phone calls, especially from Mainland China.  In the last two weeks, with the last call for nominations and the announced potential that the first award could be increased to $5,000 US dollars, we have experienced a surge in responses, as well as nominations.  Some of the nominees have since been nominated more than twice by additional nominators.  The Wei Jingsheng Foundation is very encouraged.  Hereby, we want to share some of the feedback with all of you as our way of expressing our gratitude for your participation and caring for Chinese democracy and human rights progress.  As we are approaching the Award date, we encourage more of you to help us to better our effort.


As we have announced, the Wei Jingsheng Foundation decided to establish the "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Award", an annual award to encourage Chinese democracy advocates who have devoted themselves to and contributed to the progress of Chinese democracy.   The announcement shall be on December 5, the anniversary date of publication of the well-known article "The 5th Modernization - Chinese Democracy", by Mr. Wei Jingsheng in 1978, a landmark date for the Chinese democracy process.  This award is extremely unique with the main aim to encourage and support our Chinese democracy advocators inside China. 


The following are some of the feedback we received in the last a few days, mostly from Mainland China.  Understandably, we omit a lot of the crucial information about each individual nominee (at least the published ones or the ones which are to public's knowledge), which unfortunately took away too much good information.


1. Dear Mr. Jingsheng, I want first to express my salute to you.  Hereby, I want to nominate XXX.  I am wishing that I were not wasting my effort for this nomination.  In support of this nomination, I am including my article in praise of (his bravery and novelty), even though he knew that he would face danger upon his return to China...  And I want to say our effort is not just for the others, but also for us all...


2. Wei Jingsheng Foundation, I am including three items in support of XXX to receive this Democracy Champion award.  Please read them and give a review.  I want to point out that the nominee has a big influence inside China; it would give you a positive influence if you could award him.  I am also including a list of the others who would co-nominate him...  (Although he lost his family, was often returned to jail, and he suffers from terrible health, he still keeps a strong spine...)  His devotion to the democracy movement, along with all the unfortunate suffering his family had to suffer, is the exact image of the cruel suppression that tens thousands of democracy activists, dissidents, "anti-revolutionary families" had to suffer...


3. I want to first to greet Mr. Wei Jingsheng and his colleagues.  I think Mr. XXX who is still in jail deserve this award.  His heroic work is very moving.  I am not going to say too much here and believe you know it.  Please do not award the type of people who merely write something and thus receive both name recognition and benefit.  Some "latecomers" are not quite trustworthy...


4. XXX: (his detailed credential) during June 4, 1989, he was...  After that, he continued his effort...   His wife divorced him due to the discrimination she had to endure during his jail time.  Now finally he is out of jail... Just found a job, with extremely difficulty.  He could be arrested anytime...


5. Suggest (award) to XXX...  If there could be more, then maybe all of them to be awarded in the following way...  They are a nice group and have been helping each other all these days...  Some specific help is still needed from Wei Jingsheng...


6. XXX has been harassed by police and detained because what he just did...  To award these people in action is the best way.  I wish you could give the award to him and I would make a personal pledge and contribution for it...


Again, we want to thank to all of you and your nominations and wish to hear more.

To nominate, please be aware that the nomination deadline is set at midnight of November 25, 2005, Eastern Daylight Time of USA.


You may contact us at Wei Jingsheng Foundation.  Our mailing address is: P. O. Box 15449, Washington, DC 20003, USA.  Our phone number is: 001-202-543-1538.  The best way to reach us is via e-mail.  Our contact e-mail address is: HCP@weijingsheng.org.  Please send plain text (no attachments and/or picture imbedded e-mails) for a timely response.




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A87-W34



Release Date: November 20, 2004



Topic: Nominations, feedbacks and Suggestions Received for the First Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Award"



Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)










"魏京生中国民主斗士奖"为年度奖。得奖对象将以支持与奖励在中国国内坚持中国民主运动的个人与团体为主。预定颁奖日为125 -- 魏京生先生1978年发表的,享有盛名的文章“第五个现代化- 民主”的纪念日。第一届“魏京生中国民主斗士奖”提名截止日为20041125日,美东时间午夜。




1. 京生先生,好!首先向您表达我的敬意。不知是否已有人提了XXX为民主斗士候选人?但愿我没有多此一举。附上一篇与此相关的短文。。。


2. 魏京生基金会:现发送为XXX申请民主斗士奖的3件材料,供审阅。需要说明的是,XXX在国内影响很大,给他得奖,对你影响也很大。材料二的联名即为申请联名。(XXX现在的处境异常艰难,身体极差。但他的脊梁无疑是最硬、最坚韧的!)


3. 首先向魏京生先生和他的同事们表示问候!我认为应当奖给仍在牢里的XXX先生。我看到的报道和听到的X先生的英雄事迹,十分感人!具体就不多说了,相信你们也知道。千万不要奖给那些主要写写文章名利双收的人士!一些"后起之秀"实际上很不可靠的!!!


4. 提名XXX:他一九八九六四期间。。。之后又。。。服刑期间,妻子因被歧视而离婚。。。出狱后生活较艰难,随时可能再次被捕。。。刚找到份工作。。。魏京生先生是中国最早开创民主事业的人,是中国的民主之父。。。为了中国的民主事业奋斗终生!!!!


5. 如果只给一人,建议给XXX。如果可以给多人,建议给XXXXXXXXXXXX等人。。。 (他们一直在互相帮助。具体。。。)


6. 我提名XXX 获“魏京生中国民主斗士奖”。XXX因。。。 才受到警察的盘查并给带走。。。 应给这些做事的人。。。 给他们奖。。。我也会有所捐赠。。。


如果您有想法或推荐人选,请将有关被推荐人的详细情况及应获奖的缘由介绍给我们。我们的通讯地址是:P. O. Box 15449, Washington, DC 20003, USA。电话是:001-202-543-1538。最好是以电子邮件的方式联系。电子邮件地址为:HCP@weijingsheng.org 请以不含附件及图片的纯文本的信件方式直接寄出,以免延误。












欢迎投稿(暂无稿费)或批评建议,请寄信箱:  HCP@WEIJINGSHENG.ORG


魏京生办公室地址: 415 East Capitol Street, SE, Suite 2

Washington, DC 20003-3810U.S.A.

电话: 1-202-543-1538 传真:1-202-543-1539

紧急联系:1-301-693-2442 (黄慈萍)






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