Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue: A81-O15



Release Date: July 17, 2004



Topic: Introduction of Wang Youcai: The First Person who Registered Chinese Democracy Party inside of China and His Thoughts on Chinese Democracy Future



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)





An Introduction of Wang Youcai: The First Person who Registered a Chinese Democracy Party and His Thoughts on the Future of Chinese Democracy



In the month of June 2004, Ciping Huang of the Wei Jingsheng Foundation met for the first time and had many hours of conversation with Wang Youcai, the first person who tried to lead a registration of the first opposition party inside of China (Zhejiang Province, June 1998) and thus was sentenced for 11 years in jail.  He was just sent to exile three months ago due to international pressure.


Although we tried to reach Wang Youcai in 1998 in an effort to support him and his group of CDP members, Huang was glad to learn more details from him and expressed her admiration and support for Wang's bravery, effort and personal sacrifice, in pushing for a democratic China.  As both specialized in the Optics area of Physics, and both have a deep belief in the necessity of the multi-party system for a true democracy in China, as well as tried their share of action to set up opposition parties (for detail about Ciping Huang's effort, please visit: www.weijingsheng.org/lxhy/huang.html), they enjoyed sharing these common interests despite minor detailed differences.


In this issue, we publish Wang's article for readers to learn more about him and the China Democracy Party (CDP), along with our appeal to the international society to push for the release of all political prisoners in China, especially the dozens of CDP leaders who are still in prison. 


(Note: The English version is not exactly word to word translation of the Chinese version.  While we tried to keep Wang’s thoughts as original as possible without too much change of the English version, for those readers who can read Chinese we recommend you to read Wang's Chinese version for a better comprehension of his ideas and events.)


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Before 1989, I was most interested in hard science, for example, physics, astronomy, etc, I am especially interested in mathematics, of course I really participated public affairs, for example, students protests and demonstrations in 1986, and set up a student independent association----"action committee" in 1988, and helped to lead the most important democracy movement and was a general-secretary of Beijing higher university student independent Union in 1989. But June 4 affair gives me very different way in my life. I was deeply shocked, and I started to read more modern western political theory and law theory written by John Locke, Montesquieu, Burke, Tocqueville, Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, Hayek, etc, and I found politics as sciences based on democracy, constitutionalism, rule of law, federalism, judicial review, separation of powers, check and balance, etc, a series of values of institutionalization, to defend universal justice, human rights, liberty and freedom. Besides I tried to widely associate with many colleagues whom have or have not backgrounds of "democracy wall" in 1979 and/or democracy movement in 1989, I took a lot of time to learn and consider how to make the process of the transition possibly and peacefully and reasonable and direction-oriented from dictatorship or/and authoritarian to liberal democracy, I got knowledge all the universal human rights are all very important. And I found any democratic country should exist a multiparty political system, moreover, many countries came from different type of dictatorship to democracy country owing to the vital factor----an opposition party' existence and its important action and its push forward, usually it always becomes the most important power to make the modern transition possible and accomplish the transfer and reconstruct a series of modern political and law system. From the third democracy waves, we can also conclude the result; especially the transition is relatively peaceful, reasonable, controllably. Of course, the opposition party would rather generally be based on reasonable, peaceful, transparent, nonviolence.


As I understood the basic reason, many colleagues tried to find a party to participate in and pursue to some feeling to belong to, I tried to discuss with my colleagues and the outside people, for example, Professors in some universities, graduated students, managers in private companies and in state-owned corporation, and persuade to promote China democracy a new step, to attempt to set up an opposition party.


Then, what is the kind of the opposition party? It is very important issue to considerate and widely discuss, because the long emperor historic in China, and the near past time and present days, China has some dominate parties established twenties century, there are really some dictatorship and totalitarian structure, and if you consider, observe, and retrospect, you would find the very same structure between them and the Chinese long historic organizations, maybe my statement on the topic is not completely correct, there are really different between them, but, in essence, there are similar spirit, to CCP, even more. So the spirit, value, and structure of opposition is key factor, I try to set up an opposition party similar to American political party, whatever Democrat or Republic, it has some degree level structure, yet, according to my superficial understanding, it is some extent platform structure, it provides more equal opportunity for any person who try to devote himself to public affairs to manifest his potential property and talent. It provides the mechanics and institution to produce candidates, and try to participate into the election campaign to get the qualification of the party's support candidate or candidates to take part in the different level different aspects government election campaign. Although it is not reliable nowadays to practices, however, we should prepare for later future, (when and) after the transition occurs. My some intimate colleagues told me that I am too naive; it is impossible for China to have the opportunity to organize so ideal opposition party. But I do not think so, you know, in China, many people also told me it is impossible for China to be democratic, but I do not think so too. If China would be a constitutional democracy, China should have modern political party.


On the other hand, I tried to train the spirit of respecting law, on the rule of law. I tried to apply for register an opposition party-China Democracy Party, and ask CCP also need to register to be a non-government organization. It is my logic, my thinking way. I do not think CCP did not register, so CDP should not register. I attempt to register an opposition party in order to influence and change China traditional political way, politics as a science based on law and separation of powers, politics is not as a tool just based on power. CDP should establish similarity to western political party, not the same as CCP or KMD.


It is very possible that CDP will take a very important role in the transition in China from authoritarian to liberal democracy. If the transition change quickly, for example, five years, CDP maybe less important, but if the transition gradually, for example, more than ten years, CDP will make great role just similar to DPP in Taiwan. And I think it takes about ten years around to fulfill the modern transition in China. As an open nation-widely existed opposition, we should do our best to construct the flexible platform style party, we welcome any one who supports liberal democracy to engage in and work together and it leads the direction-oriented transition.


Let's retrospect in China historic trace, when Sun Zhongshan pursue help from western society and can not get more help, he transferred to pursue the help from Soviet Union and established the Lenin style party, the KMD was established in dictatorship style, executive the policy-"associated with Soviet Union, Communist Party, assisted peasants and workers", and the CCP founded just depended on Soviet Union and got support from Soviet Union, it is complete dictatorship party. If at that time, at the beginning, the western society support Sun Zhongshan, China history might be very different. So nowadays-American people and American Government support an opposition party in China based on democratic organizational form is very important. CDP demands more support at the first stage. As it becomes stronger, it can work out by itself.


Specially, I should point out that, based on not sophisticated religion in China, it is relatively less price to promote liberal democracy, and owing to the huge population, it is vital change in the would if China becomes a liberal democracy. It values the world greatly.


CDP is the result based on "democracy wall" in 1979, and "national democracy movement" in 1989, and the practices beyond 1989, it involves some persons engaged in "Democracy Wall" in 1979, a majority of numbers engaged in "national democracy movement" in 1989, and some students studying in university, and some peasants, workers, some engineers and managers in private and state-owned corporation, some entrepreneurs, or private owners at the first beginning, owing to crack down in the end of the year 1998, it continues forward, it works hard. It need new breakthrough on new thought way. I should point out some lack are factor by traditional political running way.  I have some ethnic responsibility. I should reflex my thinking mind.


At last, I can say CDP will balance some shift power and introduce a new way.

CDP should pay more attention to grassroots democracy, the branches stay in up-middle level, negotiation and cooperation each other, when many branches build well, and the national convention committee grows up naturally.


China transition three important factors:

(1) Up-down reform, just wait and pressure, non certain.

(2) Up-middle, self-independent self -organization, help and train middle and bottom strength, pressure on up and top, self -development

(3) Bottom-up, the basic grassroots foundation. The basic and important strength in social reform. Among them, the members of up-middle are very important to introduce and lead the direction. For example the different level election practice, establish widely relations among themselves and with up-middle factor.


As a new style opposition, at the beginning, we should do virtualization the national convention committee; we should do real local practice. That is whatever in election practice or in relation of association, especially to promote the different candidates and executive the democratic exercises. , With time passage, the local committee have solid foundation and can elected some representatives to take part in the national committee, it is the time the national convention committee is possible, the most important is the important members in CDP are the represents working in different level government, who are elected by the different local level citizens.



(This article is for your reference only.  It does not necessarily represent the stand of either Wei Jingsheng himself, or the Wei Jingsheng Foundation.)



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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue: A81-O15



Release Date: July 17, 2004



Topic: Introduction of Wang Youcai: The First Person who Registered Chinese Democracy Party inside of China and His Thoughts on Chinese Democracy Future



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)












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-- 王有才










今天已是我和我的同道王东海和林辉一起去申请注册成立“中国民主党”“浙江委员会”六年时间了。王东海参加了七九民主墙运动以及八九民主运动,林辉当时是浙江省宁波大学的学生, 我参加了八九民主运动, 担任北京高校学生自治联会的秘书长,遭到中共当局的通辑。我们做出这样的安排主要表明中国民主运动的传承性,发展性,以及中国民主进程的粗线条轨迹。为了尽量减少牺牲,我们用标志性的三个阶段经历的人来做出尝试。










1998年6月25日,我们一起去民政厅申请登记注册,我们当然知道一开始是不可能成功的,而且几乎肯定要坐牢的,但是,我们要通过艰苦的努力使得中国必须存在反对党这一观念在中国大陆传播,使得中国民主党在中国潜在化,通过时间的积累实在化,显性化,合法化,使得更多的公民可以参加和介入,积极努力,争取机会向更大的可能性发展。另外,我们也要试图培养法治观念,在法律的边缘范围内,开拓空间,去除恶法,培养程序观念和机制观念。这跟我个人的理念有关,我个人不反对革命,受杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)影响很深,但我知道我不参加革命,我主张演进,受哈耶克(Friedric A. Von Hayek) 影响。我主张积累和开拓扩展,我从英国的历史中感受到演进的重要性。人权的保障需要培养自由法治公民社会,当然有时革命非常重要,但我对中国上一世纪历史的学习,我真的怕大的动荡,对大多数公民不利。我个人认为光有抗议是不够的,在专制制度下,平时公民几乎没有权利,一旦街头抗争,反抗会很激烈,这当然有合理性,但确实有可能难以控制,也需要寻找另外的一些方式突破。只有在强有力的政治力量引导下,在威权社会里抗争才是可控的。另外,农村和社区选举虽然有很多问题,但我们认为那也是一个开始,需要提升和突破,当时余铁农和余元洪等就介入了农村选举,尽管以民主党名义参选没有成功,但不断的努力是需要的。另外,农村和社区也许可以用所谓的“海选”的方法, 因为它范围小,而且它是熟悉人的社会,在农村和社区也不设是一个办法,但是,一旦选举向上一层发展,必须要通过其他非政府组织提供不同的候选人,这样才具有可操作性,作为政党正好是提供候选人的工具。所以,建立反对党也为今后的选举发展提供了前提条件。我们一定要通过不断努力使直接选举向更上一级提升。另外,现在的县区一级公民代表选举也可以参与真做实做,虽然我知道很难,但是其他的也很难,即使是革命,在现代社会也是困难的,在此,我们暂时不谈它的副作用。当然,人们有权利需要用革命来推翻专制暴政。但我认为其他的道路也必须努力探索,在现代社会我个人认为这些新的努力也许更为重要,假如存在这些可能性的话。
































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