Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue Number: A90-W35
Release Date: December 5, 2004
Topic: Announcement from the Wei Jingsheng Foundation about the Foundation's First Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize"
Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)
Announcement from the Wei Jingsheng Foundation about the Foundation's First Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize"
December 5, 2004
This year, the Wei Jingsheng Foundation established the "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize". This prize is an annual award and will be issued on December 5 of every year, a landmark date for the Chinese democracy process. On that date in 1978, Mr. Wei Jingsheng published his famous article "The Fifth Modernization - Chinese Democracy" and shortly after was sentenced to jail for over a decade.
This prize is designed mainly for those individuals and organizations inside China who are persistent in pursuit of the democratic movement in China. It is a token to show our support and encouragement to those who maintain believing in and acting for the Chinese democracy progress in a very difficult environment. Thanks to our generous donors, this first year's prize has been increased to $5,000 US dollars.
We have received many nominations. Over one hundred democracy and human rights activists inside China have also participated in this activity. For them, the participation is risky and dangerous. The participation itself demonstrated that there are many people concerned and caring about the democracy movement in China. All the candidates made tremendous sacrifices to Chinese democracy and they deserve our respect and admiration. Although due to the limits, we could not give prizes to all the candidates, we salute them all for their courage and contribution.
Both Mr. Wei Jingsheng and the Wei Jingsheng Foundation have always believed that a multi-party system is the first step to end the one-party dictatorship and to establish a democratic China.
Whereas: The Chinese Freedom and Democracy Party (1991) was the first opposition party established in mainland China under the Communist government while Mr. HU Shigen was one of the main leaders;
Whereas: Later on in 1998, the Chinese Democratic Party was established on a much larger scale while Mr. LIU Xianbin was the founder of the Sichuan Preparation Committee of the Chinese Democratic Party;
Therefore: In order to commend their outstanding contribution to Chinese democracy and human rights as well as their years of sacrifice, after careful consideration and selection, the Wei Jingsheng Foundation decided that this year's prize be awarded to both Mr. Hu Shigen and Mr. Liu Xianbin.
Mr. Hu Shigen, born in 1954 in Jiangxi Province, graduated from the Chinese Language Department of Beijing University. Before he was arrested in 1991, he was a lecturer in the Beijing Language Institute. In January 1991, Mr. HU Shigen, Mr. LIU Jingsheng, and Mr. WANG Guoqi together established Chinese Freedom and Democracy Party. Mr. Hu also joined the "Alliance for China Progress", which was established by Mr. KANG Yuchun, Mr. LIU Jingsheng and some others. In December of 1991, Mr. HU Shigen, Mr. LIU Jingsheng, and Mr. GAO Yuxiang established "the Preparation Committee of Free Workers' Union of China". In 1992, Mr. Hu Shigen and Mr. Liu Jingsheng planned to distribute flyers in the cities of Beijing, Shanghai, and Wuhan during the June 4 period, as well as to use a remote controlled helicopters to drop flyers at Tiananmen Square in Beijing to protest the 1989 massacre by the Chinese government. However, Mr. Hu was arrested on May 27, 1992 and was later sentenced to twenty years in prison. Currently, Mr. Hu is serving his sentence at Beijing Second Jail. Because he insists that he is innocent and has not given up his appeal, he has been under severe treatment.
Mr. Liu Xianbin was born in 1968 in Suining city, Sichuan province. He was admitted as an undergraduate student in 1987 to the Labor and Human Resource Administration Institute of People's University of China. He participated in the democratic movement in 1989 and was arrested on April 15, 1991. On December 8, 1992, Mr. Liu was sentenced to two years and six months for "anti-revolutionary propaganda and agitation". After serving his sentence, Mr. Liu worked on research in social issues and wrote articles about human rights and democracy. He also was actively involved in the petition drives calling for democracy. In October of 1998, he initiated the Sichuan Preparation Committee of the Chinese Democratic Party. After the Chinese government's crackdown including the detainment of several leaders of the Chinese Democratic Party, Mr. Liu worked even more actively. On July 7, 1999, Mr. Liu was taken into custody by the Suining city Public Safety Bureau on the charge of trying to overthrow the government. On July 14, he was officially arrested. On August 6, 1999, he was given a speedy sentence of thirteen years. Now Mr. Liu is serving his term in Sichuan Third Jail.
By giving the prizes to Mr. Hu Shigen and Mr. Liu Xianbin, the Wei Jingsheng Foundation wishes to demonstrate its consistent support for democracy and human rights in china, as well as show appreciation and encouragement to all those who have devoted themselves to Chinese democracy. Let us work together for the future of a democratic and free China.
Wei Jingsheng Foundation
First Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" judging committee
HUANG Ciping, CHEN Xingyu, CHEN Bangzheng, LIU Jijie (signed)
For more detail accounts of Mr. Hu Shigen and Mr. Liu Xianbin, you may visit:
For more information and detail, visit our website at: www.weijingsheng.org or contact us at HCP@weijingsheng.org or call 1-202-543-1538
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue Number: A90-W35
Release Date: December 5, 2004
Topic: Announcement from the Wei Jingsheng Foundation about the Foundation's First Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize"
Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)
魏京生基金会今年设立了“魏京生中国民主斗士奖”,此奖为年度奖,将于每年的12月5日颁发。这个日子,也是魏京生先生1978年发表享有盛名的文章“第五个现代化—— 民主”的纪念日。“魏京生中国民主斗士奖”的得奖对象,将以中国国内坚持民主运动的个人与团体为主,以表示对他们在困境中坚持民主信念的支持与奖励。第一届“魏京生中国民主斗士奖”奖金总额已被增至五千美元。
胡石根,江西人,1954年生,毕业于北京大学中文系。1991年被捕前,是北京语言学院的讲师。1991年1月﹐胡石根,刘京生和王国齐成立中国自由民主党。胡石根还参加了康玉春,刘京生等人成立的“中华进步同盟”组织。1991年12月﹐胡石根和刘京生、高玉祥等人成立“中国自由工会筹备委员会”。1992年,他和刘京生等人准备在六四期间到北京、上海、武汉等地散发投寄传单,并准备用航模直升飞机在天安门广场上空散发抗议“六四”屠杀的传单。1992年5月27日,胡石根被捕,判刑20 年。目前在北京市第二监狱服刑。由于坚持无罪申诉﹐胡石根一直遭受二级严管待遇。
刘贤斌,四川省遂宁市人,1968年出生。原为中国人民大学劳动人事学院87级学生。因参加“八九民运”﹐1991年4月15日被捕﹐1992年12月8日﹐被北京市中级人民法院以反革命宣传煽动罪判处有期徒刑2年零6个月。刑满出狱后﹐刘贤斌一直进行社会问题的调查研究﹐撰写有关人权民主的理论文章﹐参加推动民主的呼吁书的签名活动。1998年10月﹐刘贤斌发起筹组中国民主党四川筹委会。在民主党数人被拘留的残酷现实到来时,刘贤斌反而更加活跃,不顾自身安危,鼓励同志们。1999年7月7日﹐ 刘贤斌以涉嫌颠覆国家政权罪被遂宁市公安局刑事拘留﹐7月14日被正式逮捕。1999年8月6日﹐刘贤斌以犯颠覆国家政权罪﹐被速判以有期徒刑13年。刘贤斌现在四川省第三监狱服刑。
黄慈萍,陈兴宇,陈邦铮,刘继杰 (签署)
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