Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A92-W37
Release Date: December 10, 2004
Topic: Wei Jingsheng: We Must Give Up Wishful Thinking about the New Communist Leadership
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
Wei Jingsheng: We Must Give Up Wishful Thinking about the New Communist Leadership
(Written on September 20, 1004, partially broadcast by Radio Free Asia)
The 4th Conference of the 16th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party has come to an end. This conference was considered of extreme importance and thus it received overwhelming attention. However, it gave nothing new in policy change except one important action, which is that Jiang ZeMin gave up his military leadership and thus completed the process of transfer of all the controlling power into one person. All those who paid attention reacted swiftly and made commentaries immediately, which reflects the anxiety in general. In summary, there are two types of attitudes.
The first type could be called optimistic. This attitude is represented by the Democratic Progress Party in Taiwan. To express it in Mr. Wang Dan's words (as reported by news media including the Central Agency in Taipei on September 19, 2004): Hu Jintao represents the faction within the Chinese Communist Party that loves peace and is for democracy. Their rising into power means the speeding up of the Chinese democratic process, thus peace across the Strait is more likely. An important spokesperson, Mr. Cao ChangQing, also said that now Taiwan could declare independence immediately without worrying about a military invasion from Mainland China. Such claims made it appear that the most important fruit of a democratic China is to be good for Taiwan's independence. That this weird conclusion could be cultivated out of this type of wishful political culture is indeed a major "product" from more than one hundred years of the open mind movement in China.
The other type is more pessimistic, although different reasons are expressed. The opinions mostly in agreement are that there is nothing new with the advent of Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao - they will continue and maintain the policy of the Jiang Zemin era. There is no hope for political reform. The relationship across the Strait still will be under the tension. Hu and Wen will continue in the footsteps of their predecessors Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin.
The Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition groups all hold the later opinion. We think that the consistent dictatorship of the Chinese Communists will not change simply because of the renewing of its leadership. This renewal is the result of natural causes, but not the result of policy debate. It does not contain the motivation to change its policies and systems, and thus will not bring major change. The conclusion of the optimists does not have the facts straight, instead it is a combination of their dreaming and a thoughtful face-lift by the Hu/Wen leadership.
The Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition will not change our strategy; instead we will continue our role of opposition against the new dictatorial system. We shall push on the fronts of free press and free speech, with our goals for human rights and legal reform, in an effort to finish the one party dictatorship and build the modern democratic society.
Our stand comes from the following reasons:
First, this time of power transfer was not the result of moderate democratic fraction within the Chinese Communist Party versus the ones in power. It came from those people in the Communist hierarchy who were not happy with the effort of conflict reduction during the later part of Jiang/Zhu era. The major powerhouse that put an end to the Jiang/Zhu group came from the "Older Comrades" faction who represented the interests of both power and money combined together.
Second, the most noticeable action that the Hu/Wen group took after they came to power was to reduce the fight on corruption, while increasing their effort to suppress all sorts of opposition. Those people who visit the Internet often will have noticed that they have not loosened their suppression of FaLunGong while they have increased the lengths of the sentences handed down to non-religious dissidents by more than a factor of two. The government has also rapidly enhanced their Internet blockage. These actions could be counted as virtually the only major adjustments between the Hu/Wen and Jiang/Zhu eras.
Third, the ideological expression of Hu/Wen coming to the power is to "raise high the old-revolutionaries' flags", with an emphasis on "Marxism, Leninism and Mao Zedong's thoughts", and the action of visiting the "Chinese Communists' Mecca". The media has also turned around, airing many more entertainment programs describing the "Communism era", while the period before Communist power has reduced tremendously in practice. There are people who wanted to take a chance by walking on the marginal side. They produced the popular TV series "Walking toward the Republic". Well, it was banned by the direct order of Hu Jintao. With a foundation of this type of ideology, is it mistaken to call them the faction of the Chinese Communist Party who "loves peace and supports democracy"?
In response, the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition calls for all the righteous people both inside and outside China to continue in our role of opposition, to continue our work to end the Chinese Communists' one party dictatorship, and to build a modern democratic system with respect to everyone's freedoms and human rights.
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A92-W37
Release Date: December 10, 2004
Topic: Wei Jingsheng: We Must Give Up Wishful Thinking about the New Communist Leadership
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
中共16届4中全会结束了。这次被认为极其重要,受到各界广泛关注的会议没有任何政策上的新内容,只有一个极为重要的内容,就是江泽民交出了军委主席的职务,完成了集大权于一身的统治权力转移的过程。 各界关注者反应都很迅速,纷纷发表评论,显示了评论者们迫不及待的心情。综合一下不同的评论,大致分以下两种态度。
另一种是悲观派,意见并不集中,共同的看法是胡温的政策并无新意,仍将维持江泽民时代的路线不变。 政改没有希望,两岸仍将紧张。胡温体系将是邓小平,江泽民体系的延续。
第一, 这一次的权力转移并不是什么温和民主派与当权者斗争的结果,而是中共上层的既得利益对江泽民,朱熔基集团后期实行的对内,对外缓和冲突政策不满的结果。推翻江朱集团的主力并不来自中共和人大内部要求民主和法制的势力,而来自所谓“老同志”所代表的官商勾结的集团。
第二, 胡温上台以来最有代表性表现就是收缩反腐败的规模,同时加大对各种反对派势力镇压的力度。常上网的朋友们都能看到,虽然对法论功的镇压力度没有改变,但是对各种非宗教的异议人士的判刑增加了,刑期按同比增加了一倍以上。而且迅速加强了互联网的封锁。这也是胡温相对于江朱政策的唯一重大调整。
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