Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A103-W44



Release Date: Jan 17, 2005



Topic: Prospect of China in 2005 - by Wei Jingsheng

标题:魏京生: 2005年展望


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)





Prospects for China in 2005

-          by Wei Jingsheng, December 22, 2004



At the end of 2004, it is wise to review the year's activities and prepare for next year. Some thoughtful people would also forecast the future so as to formulate a plan. There are routine elements that do not differ much. Even the differences are fairly normal. The most demanding elements are those that have no regularity, no rules to follow and thus are unpredictable. After several years of turbulent changes among the Chinese Communists, the Chinese people increasingly realize that the changes may not be so routine or normal. The coming years may bring huge, earth-shaking possibilities that drastically change their lives.


When I reviewed the year 2004, I discussed China's domestic and international environments and some advances and drawbacks. Let me expand on them and make some prediction of developments and explore their implications for our lives.


In the beginning, the Hu/Wen propagandists overseas suggested that with Jiang completely withdrawn from the political stage, we would see the beginning of China's democratization. Now it is obvious that that is not the case. As I said before, when competing for power everyone tries to gain support from the populace. Once the power is in hand, the rulers revert to their true nature - suppressing the people. To put it another way, when Jiang still held power, Hu/Wen could blame Jiang for any mistake. Now that Jiang is not available for the blame game, Hu/Wen must bear the responsibility for policies and practices. This development in a way lets people clearly see their nature, and clarifies their stand so they can no longer fool the people.  


Their first 'advance' was in foreign policy. For a while, Hu/Wen had smooth sailing due to the U.S. and European's delusion. Now their disillusionment is setting in. The largest achievement in China's foreign policy was the establishment of the six-party conferences on North Korea's nuclear development. China used North Korea's Kim Jung-il to gain concessions in human rights, trade, Taiwan, weapon sales ... Then Kim backed off.  Everything evaporated. That obviously was a trick on all the parties to start with. But no one would be fooled a second time. So will that vicious Chinese foreign minister Li play the same game for a second time?  I can relate to the difficult spot minister Li is in.


The second 'advance' was in the economy. Due to the linkage with the US dollar, China lost billions. In the past, the loss would have been transferred to the populace. However, the people have gotten smarter. While the Yuan valuation relative to the dollar remains unchanged, inflation has already set in. As soon as the economy appears to be uncertain, inflation may lead to economic collapse and the burst of the prosperity bubble. For the Chinese people who clearly know what Hu/Wen are about, it is like pouring gasoline on a fire.


This burst of deception will result especially in social rebellion. In the past the rebellion was moderate. This was not due to 'non-violent' sentiment, but to the people’s wishful hope for the Chinese communists and its legal system. It is not that the people didn't know they are entitled to use any means to assert their rights. It is due to a residual delusion of judicial fairness of the government. When a government deprives its people of these judicial entitlements, it is a totalitarian power. When that happens the people are entitled to seek extra-judicial means of asserting their rights. Such are the means by which the Chinese people repeatedly struggled against tyranny for 20-plus centuries. It has become a part of the Chinese culture. Even the most illiterate do not need any instruction or education, yet gain that knowledge from storytelling and drama plays. This is the cultural basis for the gradual resistance transformation in recent years. The speed of transformation is proportional to the realization of the tyranny of the government. The reduction of illusion leads proportionally to less tolerance. When tolerance has been exhausted, the people's behavior will be unpredictable.


As of now, the social conflict and the opposition formality have reached the turning point. Hu's reverting to Mao's policies, in a way, is involuntary. It may not be his personal choice. It is a predictable, unavoidable ultimate development of totalitarianism. When a totalitarian system has a choice between deceit and suppression, there is some survival possibility. When the only choice is suppression, it reaches its end.


Dear friends, I earnestly suggest that when you make plans for 2005, keep this possibility in mind.



(Written on Dec. 22, 2004.  Partially broadcasted by Radio Free Asia.  Translation credit: Robert T. Huang.  The Wei Jingsheng Foundation is responsible for the accuracy of this version of the English translation.)




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A103-W44



Release Date: Jan 17, 2005



Topic: Prospect of China in 2005 - by Wei Jingsheng

标题:魏京生: 2005年展望


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)





魏京生: 2005年展望













不容易骗人的最大结果兑现在社会的反抗上。过去人们大多采取温和的形式反抗,主要不是因为“和平民主非暴力”的宣传,而是人们对中共和它操纵下的法制还存在希望。既然还有希望就没有必要走极端,所以人们就“真善忍”了,大多选择温和的反抗形式。这并不等于人们不知道自己“有权以任何手段反抗暴政”。 “有权以任何手段反抗暴政”的权力是人民的最重要的集体人权,它来源于每个人的基本人权。当一种政治剥夺了人们最基本的人权时,这个政治就是暴政。暴政剥夺了人民享受公平待遇的司法权利,同时就赋予了人民在法律以外寻求公平的权力。这就是造反的权力的法学来源。中国人二十多个世纪以来反复使用着这个权力,这早已是中国文化的一部分,用不着有人煽动或教唆。每一个不识字的老农都从戏文和故事里面接受了充分的教育。这就是近年来中国社会的反抗形势逐渐转型的文化来源。转型的速度和暴政清晰化的速度成正比。也就是说,人们对中共的幻想越多,“真善忍”的比例就越高;人们对中共的幻想越少,从“真善忍”到“忍无可忍”的比例就越高。以汉源事件为代表反抗转型,正是中国社会从大多数人“真善忍”到大多数人“忍无可忍”的转折点。“真善忍”是中国文化经过两千多年的筛选找到的极限值,统治阶级过了线,百姓就被逼无奈只能过线。否则就只有忍而没有真和善了。





-- 魏京生









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