Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A104-W45
Release Date: January 22, 2005
Topic: Wei Jingsheng Foundation Held a Successful Board Meeting and Welcomes Dr. XingYu CHEN to its Board
Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)
The Wei Jingsheng Foundation Holds a Successful Board Meeting and Welcomes Dr. XingYu CHEN to its Board
On January 15, the Wei Jingsheng Foundation finished its board meeting. Participators reviewed and highly praised the 2004 work report by Ciping Huang, the Executive Director. One resolution was proposed and passed by all the participants of the board meeting:
Dr. XingYu CHEN, a longtime reputed Chinese democracy advocator and leader, was voted into the board. Below is a concise version of biography introducing Dr. Chen.
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Biography of Dr. XingYu CHEN
Dr. CHEN graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1982, and a Master of Science and later a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1983 and 1989, respectively.
In 1989, he became actively involved in the founding of the Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars in USA (IFCSS), and was appointed as the Secretary-General of inaugural congress of IFCSS. In 1990, he was elected as the President of IFCSS, in which he delivered the most spectacular yet eloquent debate of the whole 15-year history of IFCSS. During his presidency, his crucial outlook and strategic planning, as well as his capacity for team leadership, not only made the organization which represented over 200 Chinese students associations on the campus of about 200 universities and colleges in the USA become a house hold name within the Chinese-American society, but also put IFCSS on the table of American foreign policy. It became especially influential in China-USA relationships, particularly in the US congress. Even now, IFCSS still holds a strong relationship with Congress due to the pioneering work of its founding members including Dr. Chen. Dr. Chen's outstanding planning and strategy laid the important foundation for IFCSS as an organization, which insured an effective existence even now.
Dr. Chen is a multi-talented person, who impressed his circle of friends more with his knowledge of history, art, and literature, than the natural sciences wherein his college degrees were granted. Nevertheless, for the Wei Jingsheng Foundation, it is his participation, capacity, determination, persistence and dedication to Chinese democracy and human rights that made him qualified to be a board member. With his expertise on China affairs and knowledge of international politics, he has been involved with many projects the Foundation has, working both inside and outside of China, as well as doing such tedious tasks as graphic design and communication to our friends and allies. Among his contributions to the Foundation in the past a few years, he accompanied Mr. Wei Jingsheng to the European Parliament to meet with the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and the EP's leader Pat Cox. Most recently, he made contributions to and served as a judge in the committee for the 1st annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Award".
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A104-W45
Release Date: January 22, 2005
Topic: Wei Jingsheng Foundation Held a Successful Board Meeting and Welcomes Dr. XingYu CHEN to its Board
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