Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue:
Release Date: March 26, 2005
Topic: Wei Jingsheng Speaks and Gave Interviews at Rally in Front of the US Capitol in Washington, DC, Calling to Quit the Communist Party
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
Wei Jingsheng Speaks and Gives Interviews at a Rally in Front of the US Capitol in Washington, DC, Calling to Quit the Chinese Communist Party
On March 19, 2005, the "Quit the Chinese Communist Party" rally was held by the reflection pool in front of the US Capitol of Washington DC, in celebration of over 370,000 people who left the Chinese Communist Party. Wei Jingsheng and other Chinese democracy advocators joined the rally and gave speeches and interviews. They included HUANG Ciping, the Secretary-General of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition; LI HongKuan, the chief editor of the well-known Chinese electronic magazine DaCanKao; and YE Ning, a Chinese democracy activist and respected human rights lawyer.
During both the rally and the interviews, Wei Jingsheng emphasized the importance of leaving the Communist Party, to save one's own conscience, as well as to save China. He pointed out that this encouraging news of so many people leaving the Chinese Communist Party is the beginning of the end to finish the Chinese Communist dictatorship and end the evil that has made everyone suffer.
HUANG Ciping was interviewed by the New Dynasty (Xin Tang Ren) TV station after the rally. She said that although she disliked the Chinese Communist Party since she was young and never bothered to even apply for a membership, she could relate to these people who had made the mistake of joining and their regret on carrying the sins done by the Communist Party. Quitting the Communist Party is the best solution for them. With two of her college alumni who had just publicly read the open letter signed by 16 schoolmates who publicly denounced the Communist membership, she called her alumni join together for the progress in China. She said: "We are proud of our outstanding role in the forefront of science and technology, we are proud of our student movement in 1986 that lead to the eventually country-wide student movement in 1989. Now it is time we lead this progressive movement until the end of the Chinese Communism regime." HUANG graduated from University of Science and Technology in China.
The following is a brief translation of one of the interviews Wei Jingsheng gave that day. It is reported by Ye PingHua of DaJiYuan.
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Special interview of Wei Jingsheng:
Quitting the Chinese Communist Party is the opportunity to clean out one's conscience completely
In the afternoon of March 19, many organizations held a "Quit CCP" rally in front of the US Capitol in Washington, DC. The event was to celebrate the mark of over 370,000 people leaving the Chinese Communist Party (i.e. CCP), and meanwhile calling for more Chinese to "Quit the CCP for Self-Salvation, and Quit the CCP to Save China". The leader of the Chinese democracy movement, WEI Jingsheng gave a speech during the rally and gave this reporter a special interview afterwards.
Wei Jingsheng thinks "the 9 Commentaries on the CCP" is a very important landmark for people to quit the CCP, which helps people who are still tied to Communism to recognize the sin of the CCP and to be able clean their soul completely. In particular, he said: "To announce 'Quitting the CCP' is very important. A person cannot claim that he did nothing bad within the CCP membership. Because he is in the CCP, and supporting CCP officials doing bad things, he is complicit."
Wei said that this phenomenon has evolved into a movement of saving China, with more and more people separating themselves from the Communist party - because of all the sins in China that are associated with the CCP, and all the good things that could not be accomplished also due to the CCP."
Wei was in prison for 15 years under the charge of being "anti-revolutionary" after he published an article in 1979 calling for democracy in China. After he was released for 6 months in 1993, he was sentenced for 14 years under the same charge. He was released in 1997 under international pressure. Currently, he is the Chairman of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition and President of the Wei Jingsheng Foundation.
In this report, we are giving the full accounts of the exact interview...
(For the rest detail of the interview, please refer to the original Chinese version.)
Photo link of Mr. Wei Jingsheng etc. at the rally:
Photo link of Mr. Li HongKuan speaks at the rally:
Photo link of Mr. Ye Ning speaks at the rally:
(The Wei Jingsheng Foundation thanks to DaJiYuan for the original Chinese report and is responsible for the brief English version primarily based on the Chinese version. Photo credit: HUANG Ciping.)
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue:
Release Date: March 26, 2005
Topic: Wei Jingsheng Speaks and Gave Interviews at Rally in Front of the US Capitol in Washington, DC, Calling to Quit the Communist Party
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(大纪元记者亦平华盛顿报导) 3月19日下午,华府退党服务中心、告别中共网站、《九评共产党》网站和大纪元退党网站在美国华盛顿国会山庄前联合举行“退出中共”大集会,庆祝退党人数突破37万,同时呼吁更多的中国同胞“退党自救、退党救国”。中国民运领袖魏京生在集会上发表了演讲,随后接受大纪元记者的专访。
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