Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue: A126-O34



Release Date: April 24, 2005



Topic: OCDC Members Actively Participate the 61st United Nations' Human Rights Commission and Expose Chinese Government's Human Rights Abuses



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)





OCDC Members Actively Participate the 61st United Nations' Human Rights Commission and Expose Chinese Government's Human Rights Abuses



The United Nations' human rights commission finished its 61st session on April 22, 2005.  Representing the suppressed Chinese people, the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition members participated in a list of activities exposing human rights abuses in China and advocating freedom and democracy, both inside of the United Nations' compound to the governmental delegates, and non-governmental organizations, as well as outside to friends and allies.


The activities included, in particular:


1) On April 8, eleven Coalition members from seven countries met with Stephanie T. Kleine-Ahlbrandt, Programme Manager for the Asia-Pacific Unit in the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, as well as the other staff members to discuss and present the human rights conditions and individual cases.  Many documents and materials were exchanged.


2) On April 8, members of the Coalition also attended a session regarding China's relationship with African countries.


3) On April 11, the Coalition members presented a briefing to the UN on the worsening human rights in China (details see April 17's news release A124-O32).


4) On April 13, the Coalition members also attended a briefing on the freedom of expression, with particular emphasis on the New Tang Dynasty contract with Eutelsat, under the pressure from the Chinese government.  Mr. Wei Jingsheng was invited as the guest speaker, where he condemned the Chinese government's effort to control freedom of speech, even outside of China (for more detail and report on this event, please refer to the Chinese version).  Wei pointed out the problem with the big businesses when freedom were compromised as they surrounded themselves to the pressure from Chinese government due to their intention to access the Chinese market, as well as the exploited cheap labor.


5) On April 14, seven members of the Coalition visited Mrs. L. Snow, the widow of the most well known American author in China Mr. Edgar Snow, and had lunch together.  Of the visitors, Mr. ZHANG Jian was a student leader during the 1989 TianAnMen democracy movement and a survivor of the June 4 massacre; Miss XIA Ze had lost her own cousin to the massacre.  Again, Mrs. Snow expressed her support for Chinese freedom and democracy and condemned the 6.4 massacre conducted by the Chinese government.


During the 61st session, two documents were particularly distributed to the 61st UN Human Rights Commission participants and officers of the United Nations.  One contained appeals on the behalf of over one hundred dissidents inside China.  The other was the most current list of writers in prisons in China.



The link for the related photos:


1. Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition members working at the United Nations' human rights commission:



2. Wei Jingsheng as the invited speaker with session chairman Dr. Graves in United Nations to support freedom of expression, especially to support the New Tang Dynasty TV:





This is a message from WeiJingSheng.org


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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue: A126-O34



Release Date: April 24, 2005



Topic: OCDC Members Actively Participate the 61st United Nations' Human Rights Commission and Expose Chinese Government's Human Rights Abuses


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)











1 11名来自7个国家的联席会议成员于48日与联合国人权高级专员主管亚太地区的管理斯特芬妮可雷(Stephanie T. Kleine-Ahlbrandt)及其他有关官员。双方互相交换了材料与信息。

2 48日,联席会议成员参加有关中国与非洲各国的讨论会。

3 411日,联席会议在联合国内主办有关中国人权恶化的报告会(详情请参见新闻发布A124-O32)。

4 413日,联席会议成员与会声援新唐人电视台,维护与支持言论与新闻自由。魏京生先生应邀演讲。(细节请参看附件。)

5 414日,拜访斯诺夫人并共进午餐。其中的张健先生为1989年天安门广场的纠察队长,至今身上还残留有64屠杀时的子弹头。而夏泽女士则因64惨案痛失表弟王楠。其间,斯诺夫人再次谴责中共的6.4暴行并表示对中国人民民主与自由运动的支持。







1. 中国民主运动海外联席会议成员在联合国讨论与筹划下一轮的方案:














413日由国际互信组织(Interfaith International)组织召开了支持表达自由的研讨会,新唐人电视台企业政府关系部主任奚磊女士就该电视台与Eutelsat续签卫星租用合同之事在会上发言,她说,"本周五可能将是我们能够向亚洲和中国发送我们的电视信号的最后一天。由于来自中共政府方面的压力与威胁,为我们提供卫星服务的通信公司Eutelsat将准备关闭在中国上空播送独立新闻的'窗口',这意味着,世界上最大的破坏媒体自由的国家将控制欧洲最大卫星公司对亚洲广播的内容。""北京中共集团对世界上唯一的独立中文电视台的骚扰,对此我们并不感到惊讶。但令我们感到吃惊的是中共这种运用非法恐吓与拉拢的办法却屡屡成功。"


中国民主运动海外联席会议主席魏京生也在研讨会上发了言。他说,"最近发生的新唐人电视台与Eutelsat续签卫星租用合同之事是一个非常严重的事情。""中共一直在消灭自由流动信息,动员了最大力量想办法切断传播非共产党的观点。" 而在这当中,"西方企业家在很大程度上受到中国的控制,如中国政府给某些公司一些特别照顾,使他们可以使用非常便宜的劳动力,从而在竞争中占有优势。这些企业家除了与中共合作之外还影响政治家。"





















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