Note on May 6, 2005:


Update: Mr. ZHAO Xin has since released.  However, Mr. ZHANG Lin is not free yet.  More democracy advocators have been harassed and detained recently, including the harassment and later detention of democracy activist Mr. XU WanPing of Sichuan Province a few days ago.  We call on the international community for further attention and effort for their release.




Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue: A120-O29



Release Date: April 2, 2005



Topic: WEI Jingsheng Met with US State Department Officials on Behalf of the Chinese Human Rights Advocators and Asked Clarification of the US Stand



Original Language Version: English

(English at beginning, Chinese version at the end)

Please visit our website if you have problem to read Chinese in this issue





WEI Jingsheng Met with US State Department Officials on Behalf of the Chinese Human Rights Advocators and Asked for Clarification of the US Stand



On March 24, 2005, Mr. WEI Jingsheng met with Ambassador Michael Kozak, the Acting Assistant Secretary in charge of the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor in the US State Department.  HUANG Ciping, Secretary-General of the Overseas Democracy Coalition and three other State Department officials also attended the meeting.  The meeting lasted for an hour.


Mr. Wei Jingsheng presented Ambassador Kozak the letter he wrote to him on March 17, 2005.  The conversation mainly focused on the two major concerns within the letter.


The first concern questioned the US government's decision announced on March 17 to not put forward a resolution condemning the Chinese government's human rights record at the 61st UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva, along with the concern of the Chinese dissident community that this decision would bring the Chinese human rights condition backwards.  Mr. Wei pointed out that usually during the spring, especially around the Geneva UN Human Rights Commission session, there is a temporary relief of the suppression by the Chinese government.  Without a proposed resolution on the Chinese human rights condition, the Chinese government is more likely feel free to suppress the dissidents in China.


Wei Jingsheng also brought out the concern that, along with the news that the US government would not initiate a resolution to condemn the Chinese human rights condition, the news media also quoted the US government official stating that the Chinese human rights condition has improved, which is in direct contradiction to both the reality and the annual human rights report on China the State Department had put out itself just one month earlier.


Although the Wei Jingsheng Foundation had made similar inquiry to his Bureau staff in the afternoon of March 17, Ambassador Kozak clarified that, in agreement of Wei's assessment, the US State Department stands on the observation that the Chinese human rights condition remains poor.  He emphasized to Mr. Wei that the US government made the decision to not present this year's resolution because the Chinese government promised to make a series of compromises and human rights improvements during the coming year.  The US State Department will closely monitor these promises item by item.  Should these promises not be delivered, the State Department will continue measures including seeking a resolution to condemn the Chinese government's human rights condition in Geneva.  Ambassador Kozak asked Mr. Wei to pass the information to the Chinese community, along with the US government's commitment to human rights and democracy.


The second part of the meeting covered the second half of Mr. Wei's March 17 letter, regarding the on-going suppression by the Chinese government against the dissident community inside China, especially the arrest of Mr. ZHANG Lin and Mr. ZHAO Xin in the later half of January at the same time many other dissidents were harassed and detained after the death of Zhao ZiYang (the Chinese Communist Party chief during the 1989 Democracy Movement).  Zhao had refused to order the massacre and thus was put under house arrest for more than one and half decades until his death.


During the meeting, on behalf of the Chinese dissidents inside China, Wei Jingsheng also presented their letter appealing for international attention on the ongoing Chinese government's suppression on human rights.




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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue: A120-O29



Release Date: April 2, 2005



Topic: WEI Jingsheng Met with US State Department Officials on Behalf of the Chinese Human Rights Advocators and Asked Clarification of the US Stand



Original Language Version: English

(English at beginning, Chinese version at the end)

Please visit our website if you have problem to read Chinese in this issue








2005324日,魏京生先生约见美国国务院主管人权、民主与劳工的代理助理国务卿迈克寇扎克大使(Michael Kozak)。与会的还有中国民主运动海外联席会议秘书长黄慈萍女士及其他三位国务院的官员。










最后,受中国大陆境内民主人士的委托, 魏京生先生向国务院的人权官员递交了他们的请愿书,呼吁国际社会对中国人权现况予以关注。















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