Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A122-O30



Release Date: April 8, 2005



Topic: The Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition 2005 Annual Report - A review and an Outlook (by WEI Jingsheng)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)





The Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition 2005 Annual Report

- A review and an Outlook by WEI Jingsheng



1. International Environment


Under the leadership of the U.S.A., the unilateral anti-terrorism morphs into multi-lateral promotion of freedom and democracy. On the one hand, the Iraq situation tends to be irreversible. On the other hand, unilateralism and anti-terrorism brought the U.S.A. a lot of trouble, leading to disharmony with allies and confusion. That gives China advancement in international politics. The North Korean nuclear crisis and the Taiwan Strait tension seriously threaten world peace and Western interests. Western nations must review and adjust their policies and relationship to meet the new challenges.


As we can see, the new Bush Administration replaces and absorbs anti-terrorism with freedom and democracy banners. That change gained the allies' welcome, repairing some of the damages of unilateralism. In the handling of Syria, Iran and Lebanon the Administration did not use the Afghanistan-Iraq model. The change is toward more effective strategic and political means. The relations with Muslim world are gradually turning away from Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations" towards a more pragmatic relationship adjustment. This is a new approach, indicating a de-emphasis of Arabic affairs and the beginning of an Asian focus.



2. The Chinese Situation


From the standpoint of U.S. economic and political interests, the natural resources of West Asia and Africa and the economic development of East Asia present equal challenges. Western Europe and Japan have roughly similar interests. Eastern Europe, Russia, India, and South America are turning inward, seldom getting involve in international politics. China, taking advantage of the disharmony between the U.S. and Europe and the U.S. focus on Iraq, has moved forward on its own agenda: to increase its influence in Pacific Asia, taking the opportunity to get into the Eastern block for influence and control.  China is also expanding and enforcing its "Shanghai relationships", which include the supply line to Europe through Russia; enlarging the gap between the U.S. and Europe through the dispute over the ban of European weapon sales to China; attempting to thoroughly divide the U.S. - Europe alliance in case of a Sino - U.S. confrontation. The agenda also aims at softening the stands of Australia, New Zealand and other Oceania nations; instigating tension in North Korea and Taiwan confronting the U.S. right at China's door. The Chinese Communist Party increasingly appears to compete with the U.S. for hegemony in Pacific Asia; replacing the former USSR as the world leader of the dictatorial cartel in competition with the democratic nations. The foreign policy approach of the Hu Jintao group is very different from Deng Xiaoping's 'compromise for peace to develop the economy' approach - he is returning to Mao Zedong's ideology to pursue a status as a global superpower of the world.


Hu's new policy recognizes that the 'socialist market reform' and 'compromising foreign policy' of Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin have reached the end of the road. In Deng's policy, the reform was limited to economic policy. There was no political reform. That created the cruelest exploitation and suppression - far exceeding that of early Western capitalism. Official abuses and the rich-poor gap reach historically unprecedented proportions. Widening the rich-poor gap intensifies social and class conflicts. The collapsing system cannot be resolved by a high rate of economic growth. The fruit of economic growth is not enjoyed by most people because of its limitations due to the lack of political and social reform. The dictatorial nature of the system and the rampant illegal practices endanger social development and stability. There are only two choices left: thorough political reform or collapse. If thorough reform is not implemented, any conflict, even internal conflict among the ruling class, can lead to total collapse of the system.



3. The Chinese Communist Party's Response


Facing the crisis of confidence and the crisis of morality in the entire society, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) lost the absolute authority to maintain unity. So the Hu-Wen regime promotes extreme nationalism and a war stance as the only feasible way to regain authority. These promotions are also the only way for the CCP's dictatorial system to continue its rule. The method follows the precedent of the previous two CCP rulers. The onset of the Mao and Deng rules in their earlier years depended on external wars to establish dictatorial authority, to suppress opposition and thus stabilize rule. Only the Jiang-Zhu reign was an exception, and thus had to give up its power at the end.


Facing war or the collapse of the CCP, the Chinese Democrats have two principal tasks: building an opposition and establishing opposition parties. There are also two main responsibilities: preventing war and accelerating the collapse of the CCP and the rapid recovery toward democracy building. The most urgent prerequisite is to build a strong and effective opposition party, leading a democratic alliance.  Of course, the CCP will fervently try to prevent and destroy the democratic forces. There will not be a peaceful coexistence in such a struggle. There is absolutely no compromise. As the old Chinese saying: the wolves will eat the sheep; the tree leaves could not stop when the wind wants to blow.  The willingness of the sheep and tree leaves cannot change the reality they face.  Those people who try to persuade the sheep to dance with the wolves are either naively misguided, liars, or the co-conspirators of the wolves. We democratic colleagues must recognize the struggle - without any illusions.



4. The Opposition


Currently the CCP's main aim is to destroy the opposition. The methods include: cutting off resources, bribing (the opposition) with a variety of rewards and destroying the flagships.  They have been quite effective in doing so in the last 15 years.


A. The CCP is cutting off resources through a variety of means:

a) By cutting off external resources to dissidents in China - forcing them to be unemployed, destabilizing their finances and families, and leaving no resources left for any activities in promoting democracy and human rights;

b) By utilizing the power of foreign commercial and academic interests to reduce the fund-raising capacities of overseas opposition;

c) By causing the diversion of resources to non-democratic advocators or to those who are totally ineffective.  This approach satisfies the voting citizens in the Western democratic world, yet does not offend their business interests.


B. The CCP is bribing (the opposition) with variety of rewards.

Right after the Tiananmen Massacre, the Jiang-Zhu clique used the 'blockade' method. After a few years, the sentiment has cooled. However, the blockade policy was not modified. E.g. dissidents were still refused permission to return to their homeland even for a last visit with dying relatives. This caused fence sitters to get off the fence - joining or rejoining the democratic movement. That turned out to be a recruiting tool for the troubled democratic movement, although it is problematic on the quality of the recruits.  On the other hand there were turncoats to the CCP side. They were added to the undercover agents sent by the CCP. At times the former were more destructive than the latter. Even though the former retain a residue of conscience, it still had a softening effect on the democratic movement.  This is a success of the Chinese Communists.


C. The CCP is destroying the Flagships.

This element is the key of the CCP's strategy. Without leaders there is no organization, no movement. The failure of the June 4 Movement came when its leaders retreated and gave up the democratic movement. This strategy testifies to the CCP's success in damaging the Overseas Chinese democracy movement as well. The Chinese have a saying: 'Easy to recruit 1000 soldiers, hard to find a general'. The nurture of a leader takes personal qualities, experience and training, as well as times and the timing. The loss of a leader takes a huge toll and the time to replace her or him causes a void and confusion. During the last 26 years the problem of the Chinese democracy movement has been the preservation and protection of leaders.  When every dissident vies for the leadership, it contributes to the fatal error of our movement - unwittingly helping the CCP to burn our own flagships. This is the main reason that many consider our Chinese as a plate of loose sand. To eliminate the flagship, one has only to sow confusion and distrust, isolating the captain and thus reducing the authority as well as the effectiveness. There are many strategies such as weaken the strong for weak, set up a different leadership and discredit the current, etc. Although we don't have concrete evidence, we must consciously oppose these kinds of activities and prevent those who could be professional undercover agents in an effort to burn our flagships. We have suffered a lot from these sabotages in the past. We must constantly be vigilant.



5. Summary


Our goal is to move history forward and improve humanity. History does not allow us to make choices nor command change. China, along with the world as it now is, must have its casual reasons as well as its natural causes. We can't passively accept the situation.  The situation does not wait till we are ready.  We must strengthen our structure while utilizing the situation to reach our goal.  Today, we are here to discuss and contemplate how to realize our goals.  Tomorrow, we will return to our separate places, to take actions to realize our goals - to struggle and sacrifice to eliminate totalitarianism and build a democratic China.



-- Wei Jingsheng

Chairman, Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition

March 18, 2005



(Translation credit: Robert T. Huang.  For most precise and detailed content, please refer to the Chinese version.)




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A122-O30



Release Date: April 8, 2005



Topic: The Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition 2005 Annual Report - A review and an Outlook (by WEI Jingsheng)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)





















































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