Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue: A127-O35



Release Date: May 7, 2005



Topic: HUANG Ciping Attends the Press Conference of Huang Hua Gang Magazine; WEI Jingsheng Comments on the Cross Taiwan Strait Visit by LIEN Chan



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)





HUANG Ciping Attends the Press Conference of Huang Hua Gang Magazine

WEI Jingsheng Comments on the Cross Taiwan Strait Visit by LIEN Chan



On April 24, 2005, HUANG Ciping was invited to the press conference of the HUANG HUA GANG magazine in New York City.  Entrusted by the party members in China, the HUANG HUA GANG magazine officially announced at the press conference the founding of the KuoMinTang party (re-established) within China and presented a series of documents as well.  The announcement was the product of the previous day's events, when members from 17 provinces/cities inside China gathered in Nanjing to officially declare the founding of the KuoMinTang party (re-established), which partially in response to the Mainland China visit by Mr. LIEN Chan, the chairman of the KuoMinTang party from Taiwan.


In response to this news, HUANG Ciping expressed the following on behalf of Wei Jingsheng Foundation:


1) We, the democracy advocators for China, always believe that a true democracy must be established via fair competition of ideas within the condition of a multi-party political system.  Under this condition, we welcome and support any opposition party in an effort to overcome the current one-party dictatorship of the Chinese Communists.


2) The KuoMinTang party has a long history of the ideology of Mr. Sun Yat-sen that is very popular in China.  Under his principles, we have hope for fairness and justice in China.


3) Although we all hope there is a peaceful resolution across the Taiwan Strait, we are disappointed that the timing of Mr. Lien's visit is not right, considering the recent backslide of the Chinese Communist position on a list of issues including human rights and democracy.  Making the Mainland visit at this time sends a wrong signal to the Mainland government, even giving them encouragement.


4) Should Mr. Lien visit Mainland, we hope that freedom and democracy would be put at the highest priority and be highlighted during the visit. 


Meanwhile, Mr. Wei Jingsheng gave interviews on Mr. Lien's Mainland China visit as well. 


The following is a report by the Central News Agency on April 25, 2005.



[Central News Agency]  Paris, April 25, 2005


The Chinese democracy advocator Mr. WEI Jingsheng expressed that it is not the right timing for the chairman of the KuoMinTang Party, Mr. LIEN Chan, to visit Mainland China at this time.


Wei Jingsheng said that Mainland China has just passed its "anti-secession law", and now Mr. Lien wants to visit Mainland China. It is a bad timing, and also reflects on the lack of unity concerning Taiwan's relation to the Mainland within people of Taiwan themselves.  There are different opinions within brothers.


Regarding the possibility that Mr. Lien's visit could bring a chance for the two sides across the Taiwan Strait to enter negotiations, Wei said: "Negotiation presupposes that both sides have their sincerity.  But when the other side does not have that intention it would be useless."


Wei Jingsheng also said that Chinese president HU Jintao does not have solid power in his hands, thus he could use war to enhance it.  One should not think that there would be no possibility of war across the Taiwan Strait only because Beijing will hold the 2008 Olympics.


Wei Jingsheng will return to the United States on April 26.



(The Wei Jingsheng Foundation thanks to Central News Agency for its Chinese report and is responsible for the accuracy of the English translation.)




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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue: A127-O35



Release Date: May 7, 2005



Topic: HUANG Ciping Attends the Press Conference of Huang Hua Gang Magazine; WEI Jingsheng Comments on the Cross Taiwan Strait Visit by LIEN Chan



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)












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