Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A133-W57



Release Date: June 19, 2005



Topic: WEI Jingsheng in France: as Invited Speaker for Seminar in French Parliament on Chinese Communism and Human Rights, and Give Suggestion on Taiwan Issue (combined news)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)





News item 1: Wei Jingsheng: Taiwan should use its current development situation to gain common ground with the E.U.



From Central News Agency Reporter Luo Yuanshao, Special May 31 dispatch from Paris -- Chinese democracy activist Wei Jingsheng yesterday in Paris expressed that the current mode of relationship that exists between the E.U. and China will probably continue unchanged, and that the European political circle will continue its anti-U.S., pro-China stance.  Taiwan will be an issue wedged right in the middle of this debate.  He pointed out that Taiwan should do its best to give prominence to its democratic development so as to gain common ground with the E.U., which would be helpful for Taiwan.  Yesterday Wei Jingsheng took part in a discussion on the 16th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre conducted at the French National Assembly.  In mentioning the situation in East Asia, he pointed out that Japan's efforts to become a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council would be beneficial to democracy and peace in the Asian region. China has maintained its opposition to this move, as it would be unfavorable to China's efforts to build hegemony in the region.  Also, China has never given up its intend to start a war in Asia, and Japan if elected to the Council would be a major barrier for that. China's attitude and reasons for opposing Japan's ascension to the UN Security Council is extremely clear.


Also, regarding Sino-European relations, Wei Jingsheng pointed out that the E.U. and China would maintain their current relationship.  Wei expressed that the Europeans in general have not felt a sense of responsibility for maintaining world peace; with the undesirable economic reality, they have been lured by the potential of big contracts from China.  E.U. politicians will continue on their path of opposing the U.S. and being close with China.


He said that Taiwan should do its best to showcase its democratic political development to allow the E.U., which is a political system accustomed to democracy, to be able to identify with Taiwan; only then would this situation be beneficial to Taiwan.

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News items 2: French Seminar Analyzing Chinese Communism and Human Rights



From Epoch Times Reporter ZHANG Le, Special May 31 dispatch from Paris - In the afternoon of May 30, Epoch Times Europe, Epoch Times France, and the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition held a joint seminar on "Chinese Communism and Human Rights" at the French National Assembly.  The seminar was sponsored by Parliament members and long time supporters of Chinese human rights, Mr. Jack LANG, the former French Minister of Culture and Minister of Education, and Mr. Philippe FOLLIOT.  French parliament members, aids to the parliament members, news media, and Sino experts, foreign diplomats in France, non-governmental organizations and democracy advocators attended the seminar.


The host invited the chairman of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition Mr. WEI Jingsheng, former director of Mandarin Service for Radio French Internationale Mr. WU BaoZhang, web editor of "June 4 Files" Mr. FENG CongDe, Taiwan Overseas Parliament member Mr. CAI GuoTai, and French representative of Epoch Times WANG Hong to give speeches.  They analyzed the threat of Chinese communism to its surrounding regions, and its destruction of the traditional Chinese culture and threat to the democratic system.  They also discussed the hope for a new China without dictatorial Chinese Communists, including the recent wave of "quitting the Chinese Communist Party" and the commentary series by the Epoch Times "9 Commentaries on the Chinese Communism".



Photo link of Wei Jingsheng at the Seminar hold in French National Assembly:




(The Wei Jingsheng Foundation is responsible for the accuracy of this version of the English translation.)




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A133-W57



Release Date: June 19, 2005



Topic: WEI Jingsheng in France: as Invited Speaker for Seminar in French Parliament on Chinese Communism and Human Rights, and Give Suggestion on Taiwan Issue (combined news)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)

















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法国会研讨会 剖析共产主义与人权



【大纪元531日讯】(大纪元巴黎记者章乐报导)530日下午,“大纪元时报”欧洲、法国分部和海外民运联席会议联合在法国国会举办题为“共产主义与中国人权”的研讨会。研讨会得到法国前文化部长和教育部长、历来关心中国人权状况的国会议员Jack LANG 先生和议员Philippe FOLLIOT先生的支持。会中来宾包括了法国议员、议员助手、媒体、汉学家、驻法外交官及民间团体和民主人士。
















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