Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue: A138-O40
Release Date: July 4, 2005
Topic: OCDC's Activities in Observing the 16th Anniversary of the June 4 Massacre (picture gallery and sound track of Pacific Region and Washington DC)
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
The Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition Joins Forces for Activities in Observing the 16th Anniversary of the 1989 June 4 Tiananmen Massacre in Beijing (picture gallery and sound track of Pacific Region and Washington DC)
During the period of the 16th anniversary of the June 4, 1989 Beijing Massacre, the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition joined forces to hold memorial services and activities all over Europe, Asia, Pacific and America. Besides the previous reports (please see our news releases A129, A130, A133, A134, A135 and A137), we use a picture gallery at the end of this report to summarize our activities in the Pacific region and Washington, DC.
In addition, we feature the speech by
Mr. PAN Qing, OCDC Pacific Continental Chair, from the June 4 anniversary
seminar held in Australia. In his
speech, Mr. PAN emphasized the importance of saving our fellow Chinese, not
just by realizing the evil nature of Chinese Communism, but also by making our
own choice of being a human or a slave.
A country that does not remember what had happened in its past history
would have no hope.
The complete speech of Mr. PAN Qing is available at:
We thank Sound of Hope for the original sound track. A copy of the interview is also available at:
The Secretary-General of the OCDC, Ms. HUANG Ciping, organized/co-sponsored/gave speeches and participated in several events during the June 4 period as well. She also accepted several interviews both in Chinese and English, from the US to Asia, on the subject of June 4. She pointed out that the human rights abuses in China including the June 4 massacre are due to the evil nature of the Chinese Communist system, which is impossible to avoid even by individual persons who might have some conscience such as Mr. ZHAO ZiYang. The passing of ZHAO ZiYang (earlier this year) provides some opportunity for those people who still hold hope for communist reform to wake up.
Photo links:
1. Mr. PAN Qing speaks at the seminar in Australia:
2. New Zealand's Chinese newspaper New Times reports the June 4 memorial:
3. As usual, hundreds of Chinese attend June 4 anniversary activities:
4. Public rally held to show respect and remembrance of June 4, 1989:
5. June 4, 1989 picture display in New Zealand attracts a lot of attention:
6. PAN Qing speaks in Australia on behalf of OCDC chair, Mr. WEI Jingsheng:
7. HUANG Ciping speaks at DC rally on June 3, 2005:
8. IFCSS' president Mr. XING Zheng hosts the annual June 4 memorial in front of the Chinese embassy in Washington DC (the OCDC co-sponsors the event and HUANG Ciping speaks on behalf of the OCDC):
9. Well-known author Mr. ZHENG Yi and others place June 4 candles:
10. Ceremony and seminar on two new books released in Washington DC, on occasion of the June 4 anniversary:
(We express our gratitude for the organizations and new media who give us assistance and cooperation on these events, with special thanks to IFCSS, New Times of New Zealand, the Epoch Times, and Sound of Hope.)
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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue: A138-O40
Release Date: July 4, 2005
Topic: OCDC's Activities in Observing the 16th Anniversary of the June 4 Massacre (picture gallery and sound track of Pacific Region and Washington DC)
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
2005年六四时期,中国民主运动海外联席会议在全球各地包括欧洲,亚洲,太平洋及美国参与主办了各项纪念活动。除了已有的相关报道外(请参看新闻发布号A129, A130, A133, A134, A135 与 A137),我们将太平洋地区与美国首都华盛顿的活动以相片与录音的形式作以下介绍。
其中包括中国民主运动海外联席会议大洋洲负责人潘晴先生从新西兰作为魏京生的代表参加澳洲悉尼的“纪念六四暨中国未来研讨会”的谈话录音。他认为,今年六四和以往不同在于民众的觉醒。他同时表示中国最本质的问题是救心的问题,中国人所有的苦难不仅仅使中共邪恶的本质使然,很多也在于每一个中国人是选择做人还是做奴隶的问题。 一个忘记自己的历史的民族是没有希望的。潘晴先生在研讨会的部分发言可在希望之声电台:
1. 潘晴先生参加澳洲悉尼艾菲尔镇的“纪念六四暨中国未来研讨会”
2. 新西兰《新报》报道六四纪念活动:
3. 如同以往,上百名群众参加新西兰的六四纪念活动:
4. 户外广场的集会纪念:
5. 六四图片展:
6. 潘晴先生在澳大利亚代表魏京生先生发表演说:
7. 中国民主运动海外联席会议秘书长黄慈萍在美国首都华盛顿发表演说:
8. 全美学生学者自治联合会主席邢铮主持在中国驻美大使馆前的一年一度的六四烛光悼念:
9. 著名作家郑义与大家一起:
10. 六四期间在华盛顿召开的“中国:六四一代青年学者与过来人的思考”新书发布暨研讨会
欢迎投稿(暂无稿费)或批评建议,请寄信箱: HCP@WEIJINGSHENG.ORG
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电话: 1-202-543-1538 传真:1-202-543-1539;紧急联系:1-202-270-6980 (黄慈萍)
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