Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue: A149-O42



Release Date: September 7, 2005



Topic: Letter from China: Mr. ZHANG Lin was Sent to Hospital due to Hunger Strike



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



Note: Please use "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)" encoding to view the Chinese parts of this release.  If this mail does not display properly in your email program, please visit:

http://www.weijingsheng.org/report/report2005/report2005-09/ZhangL050907YTSappealA149-O42.htm which contains identical information.




Editor's Note:

Although we have timely communications with dissidents inside China, most of the time we do not publish any of them due to prevent putting these people in jeopardy.  However, we release this letter in concern for a grieving situation, as well as to respect the messenger, Mr. YANG TianShui, who is just as brave as Mr. ZHANG Lin and has had the benefit of help from the international society himself.  We hope the international society will pay enough attention on this urgent matter and give help when it is possible.

-- Ciping HUANG



Mr. ZHANG Lin was Sent to Hospital due to a Hunger Strike



The dissident writer, Mr. ZHANG Lin, is familiar to all of us.  He has been imprisoned in the First Detention Center of BengBu City of AnHui Province room 206.  However, some might not know that he has been in struggle in a hunger strike for days, and is now going through emergent medical rescue.


I just received a phone call late in the night from Mr. ZHANG's wife, Ms. FANG Cao, moments ago from her home in BengBu.  She said: "According to reliable information, ZHANG Lin has been on hunger strike for nearly one week, and is going through medical rescue now."  She is very anxious, and in association with the letter she just received from ZHANG Lin in jail today, she is even more worried.


This short letter from ZHANG Lin was written on September 2, 2005, with a postal stamp sent out from the detention center on September 4, 2005.  The letter said:

"Dear FANG Cao:

How are you and Anne?  Regardless whatever will happen, you must go on living with strength, and nurse our children to adulthood.  If there is the opportunity, bring them to live abroad.  I want to see some lawyers.  Local ones are fine.  Please reply immediately.

ZHANG Lin, on September 2, 2005


FANG Cao is worried because she knows that ZHANG Lin has a strong character, and this letter sounds like his last letter.  The news of the hunger strike and this letter came at the same time, and has really broken her heart.  I could hear her refrained crying over the phone.  Her crying is not due to her weakness, but her sign of love.  She loves ZHANG Lin, their children, and freedom and democracy.


What would be the outcome of ZHANG Lin's struggle this time?  Will he be able to carry out his legal rights of meet the lawyers?  What will happen to him in that dark prison?



-- YANG TianShui, from NanJing, on September 6, 2005





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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue: A149-O42



Release Date: September 7, 2005



Topic: Letter from China: Mr. ZHANG Lin was Sent to Hospital due to Hunger Strike








据说张林绝食抗争 已被送到医院抢救








“亲爱的方草:你和安妮好吗?无论发生什么情况,你都要坚强生活下去,把我们的孩子抚养大,如果有机会,就带她们到国外生活,我想见律师,本地律师也可以,请立即回复。张林 9月2日”














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