Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A155-W69



Release Date: October 1, 2005



Topic: Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Anti-Fascist War -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:纪念反法西斯战争60周年 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



Note: Please use "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)" encoding to view the Chinese parts of this release.  If this mail does not display properly in your email program, please visit:

http://www.weijingsheng.org/report/report2005/report2005-10/WW2Commemoration051001WJSA155-W69.htm which contains identical information.




On September 24, 2005, about 150 Chinese attended an event hold in University of Chicago in Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the World War II victory, with music, slides show and lectures.  The Chinese scholars in Chicago hosted the event, with music directed by the well-known Chinese musician Dr. YANG Fengshi, and documentary show produced by Dr. LAI AnZhi and Dr. MAO DongNing.  Invited to speak at the event, Mr. WEI Jingsheng, delivered the following message.



Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Anti-Fascist War

-- Wei Jingsheng



To date 60 years have passed since the end of the world war that ended in 1945. According to traditional Chinese theories, 60 years is one large cycle. Fortunately, World War III has not happened since then. This is because people are continually summarizing their bitter lessons and working together to fix the problems learned through these lessons. Only in this way are we able to prevent a major war that could happen at any time.


Why does 60 years equal a large cycle? It is because most of those who experience direct lessons from the events pass away during that period. The generations that grow up in a peaceful environment are not used to imagining bad things done by our human race. They take those bitter lessons simply as stories to listen to, they cannot endure the temptation of material interests, and they would rather forget those bitter lessons. Only because of this might some bad things happen again and again. And only because of this do we need to repeatedly remind people not to forget those bitter lessons from history.


World War II left us with two primary lessons. The first is on the weaknesses of democratic nations. Most of their people do not see politics as clear as their politicians. If their politicians are influenced even controlled by various interests and powers, and do not let the people see the true danger ahead of them, then the danger will become reality. The second lesson is that autocratic nations and newly formed democracies are unstable. Their behavior, both internal and in foreign affairs, changes very quickly. In particular, when a nation has been stirred up by fanatical nationalism, it will change in unpredictable ways to the average people and its actions often lead to wars.


Germany and Japan in the time before World War II are typical examples of this instability. Their political systems, which were in a period of transition, lacked authority, so politicians with all different types of views and behavior fought for power. Unfortunately, the gentler and less competitive democratic factions failed. The hardliners, bolstered by fanatic nationalism in their countries, rose to power. The nation's entire behavior completely changed. At that time the international community was unable to quickly adjust to this change. Some politicians did not see the danger in those unscrupulous political regimes, and put most of their effort into self-interest instead of public security. This made things much easier for those unscrupulous regimes, which moved step by step towards war.


In Europe, the Nazi Germany's rise was a typical example of an unscrupulous political party took its opportunity that latched onto the fanaticism of nationalism to legally take power. These types of political parties, which rely on the nationalistic fanaticism mood to take power, are inevitably both fanatic and insane themselves. The foundation of insanity that the regime builds through governing pushes it towards war. The Nazi Party took this path.  It did not violate the wishes of its supporters.


England, France, and other large European countries dealt with Germany through a policy of appeasement, a policy that people have roundly criticized. But at that time, the criticism those countries' politicians got from their people was not as strong as it is today. What the public opinion in those countries saw was the rapidly growing German economy, and it did not want to hear any warnings of danger and was unwilling to give that unscrupulous regime any real pressure. In reality it tolerated the fanatical Nazi faction win over the more rational political factions; this effectively helped Germany move towards war. Some countries even sacrificed the security of some smaller nations to guarantee the interests of the English and French capitalists. After the war they placed all of the responsibility on the heads of the German people. In fact the politicians of England, France, and America, along with the media of that time, bears half of the responsibility for the tens of millions that died. These are the weaknesses of democratic politics, weaknesses that have not fundamentally changed to this day. Victory has covered up many dark and repulsive things.


In Asia, the fanatic faction of the Japanese army took power in savage Japanese manner, moving Japan on a path to war similar to that of Germany. When Japan was nibbling on a China that had not yet ended its own civil war, the American politicians and media were taking a stance similar to that of Europe. Japan's more rational factions were being suppressed, allowing the war to proceed smoothly. In the end, the flames of war leapt onto America itself.


In this war two interesting characters are worth bring up: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin. Both of them were very clear minded on what was going on but had two completely opposite goals. Stalin clearly saw the danger present in Germany and Japan but elected to use a policy of encouragement towards them, in an effort to win opportunity for his own gain, yet eventually he was attacked and forced to join the Allied forces. Even viler was that in order to preserve his own capacity to get Europe, Stalin intentionally helped to spark a war between China and Japan, causing great disasters for the Chinese people. Roosevelt was the opposite. During a time when American politics would not allow him to enter the war, he indirectly involved with it, preventing the German-Japanese fascist plan to become reality. He stalled until America could enter the war, and came out victorious in the end.


Current circumstances are very similar to those before World War II. Under the momentum of fanatical nationalism, the Chinese Communist Party has been colluding with North Korea and other rogue states to move step by step towards war. Western politicians and media deliberately conceal the truth of the matter for the sake of their own business interests. China's war hawks have become more and more unbridled, threatening to use nuclear weapons against America on many occasions, while China's peaceful and democratic factions are being suppressed. This is almost a carbon copy of the political situations in Germany and Japan before World War II. A war is rapidly approaching us.


Therefore we should loudly appeal to all people to see the coming danger of war. Everyone should work to prevent this war. Germany and Japan were not satisfied with Poland, Czechoslovakia and Northern China. The Chinese Communist Party fanatics are not going to be satisfied with Taiwan or South Korea either. The disaster of a nuclear war is something that none of humankind, including the Chinese people, will be able to afford, so we must work to prevent it from happening.



Photo links of the event:

1. Audience who participated the WWII Victory Commemoration in Chicago:



2. Mr. WEI JingSheng delivers theme speech at the WWII Victory Commemoration:



3. Professor XIN HaoNian delivers speech:



4. Historian Mr. SONG YongYi delivers speech:



5. Concert Director Dr. YANG FengShi:



6. Three speakers during the Question and Answer session:




(First Issued by the Wei Jingsheng Foundation.  www.WeiJingSheng.org)



This is a message from WeiJingSheng.org


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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A155-W69



Release Date: October 1, 2005



Topic: Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Anti-Fascist War -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:纪念反法西斯战争60周年 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



若有阅读中文的困难,请直接访问我们的网站:www.weijingsheng.org 点击网页:

http://www.weijingsheng.org/report/report2005/report2005-10/WW2Commemoration051001WJSA155-W69.htm which contains identical information.








-- 魏京生

























1. 芝加哥大学世界反法西斯战争胜利六十周年纪念会:



2. 魏京生先生在芝加哥大学世界反法西斯战争胜利六十周年纪念会上演讲:



3. 辛灏年教授演讲:



4. 历史学家宋永毅演讲:






6. 演讲者回答听众的问题:











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