Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A162-O44



Release Date: October 30, 2005



Topic: The State of China and Its Future Prospects -- a Written Speech by Wei Jingsheng

标题:中国的形式和前途 -- 魏京生在巴黎"《九评共产党》研讨会"上的书面发言


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Editor's note:


On October 23, 2005, a seminar on the nature of the Chinese Communist Party was hold in Paris with more than 200 attendees.  It was sponsored by the French Branch of Epoch Times and the French Chapter of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition.  The seminar started with a written speech by Mr. Wei Jingsheng, the head of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition.  It was read by the head of the OCDC French Chapter, Mr. ZHANG Jian.  The following is Wei Jingsheng's written remarks.

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The State of China and Its Future Prospects


By Wei Jingsheng



Everyone knows that China is already sitting on a volcano that could explode at any time. Yet no one can predict when it will explode. Because of this, we should observe the development and future possibility of social conflicts in China.


People often say that intense social conflicts and clashes have been around for a long time in China. 3-inch-thick ice can't be formed in a single wintry day. If we look at the overall picture, there have been roughly three stages.


The first stage started in the Mao Zedong era. When the Chinese Communist Party first seized power it had a seemingly democratic political structure. It was able to win sincere support from the people, so it quickly and steadily tided over the difficult economic situation of the time, rapidly restoring the economy. At that time China's economic conditions were the best in Asia and were truly a miracle, being superior to the conditions in Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Yet at the same time, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) established its autocratic system one step at a time, establishing this system in politics, the economy, and cultural matters and in other areas. At this time the CCP's main targets for attack were the cadres and the intelligentsia. Even though these attacks caused great disasters for the people, yet people stayed in an ignorant and relatively satisfied state because of the policy of egalitarianism put in by the CCP. By the time of the Cultural Revolution, the people, full of hatred, directly went after a few government officials and police officers. Yet they didn't directly hate the CCP.


The result of this autocratic system, however, was that the economy hit a recession, and resentment pervaded the middle and upper classes of society. Deng Xiaoping later changed Mao Zedong's pure Communist system and began to open up for a market economy; at the same time, he maintained political and cultural autocracy. During the first half of this period - that is, the Deng Xiaoping Period - this policy began to create corrupt politics and economic disparities, and gave rise to dissatisfaction in the whole society. Yet the people still hadn't cast off the mold of only opposing the phenomenon (avaricious officials) and not opposing the emperor. The people still held great hope for the CCP regime itself. But the corruption that the people opposed had already reached the highest levels of government; that is to say, it had reached the point where the problem could no longer be resolved. This led to the eruption of the June 4th massacre, which shocked the world; it also brought about the 1989 democracy movement. The movement's demands were for democracy and freedom, but in its slogans the movement still only opposed corrupt officials and not the emperor.


Yet the June 4th suppression smashed the common peoples' dreams of honest officials and sages; at the same time, it also smashed Deng Xiaoping's dream of a half-capitalist, half-communist society. In the Jiang Zemin Era of the 1990's, the CCP gradually gave economic privileges and interests to China's intelligentsia, cadres and military officers. This created a situation in which these three groups of elites united to create a class of bureaucrats that on their own initiative took control of a stable monopoly on the capitalist class. Yet this also created an immense class of poor workers and peasants as well as an utterly enormous and destitute proletariat.


The discrepancy between the rich and poor and class conflicts are the main reasons for the clashes happening today. In the last 55 years, Chinese history has taken a big detour, going from dreams of equal prosperity to a serious wealth gap and intense class conflicts. The Chinese people have again taken up the ideas of democracy and freedom, but this time people are more sober-minded and steadfast, and the base of society behind these ideas is more extensive. History has again come to a crossroads. Every person must make a choice and decide which path he or she wishes to take. As Mr. Sun Yat-Sen once said: "The great wave of democracy is vast and mighty; those who go along with it prosper, and those who oppose it perish."



Photo links of the event:

1.     The hosts and speakers for the seminar:



2. Audience who participated the seminar;



3. Full participants in discussing the nature of the Chinese Communists:





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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A162-O44



Release Date: October 30, 2005



Topic: The State of China and Its Future Prospects-- a Written Speech by Wei Jingsheng

标题:中国的形式和前途 -- 魏京生在巴黎"《九评共产党》研讨会"上的书面发言


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)








中国的形式和前途 -- 魏京生在巴黎"《九评共产党》研讨会"上的书面发言











-- 魏京生

















1.     巴黎华侨文教中心第五次"《九评共产党》研讨会" 的主办人与主讲人:



2. 研讨会" 的听众:



3. 研讨会" 现场:










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