Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A168-W78



Release Date: November 26, 2005



Topic: Wei Jingsheng Invited to Speak at the Annual Meeting of the North America Division of the Alliance under Three People's Principle in New York



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Wei Jingsheng Invited to Speak at the Annual Meeting of the North America Division of the Alliance under Three People's Principle in New York



From October 28 to 30, the North America Division of the Alliance under the Three People's Principles held its 22nd annual meeting at the Sheraton Hotel in Flushing, New York.  Nearly one hundred people attended the meeting.  During the proceedings, it passed its primary resolution "to Guard Taiwan by Freedom and Democracy, and to Stand Solidly in Criticism of Chinese Communism". 


The president of Taiwan, Mr. Chen Shui-bian, sent a congratulatory letter for the occasion. Various officials and local Chinese leaders attended the meeting.  Mr. Wei Jingsheng was invited to give the keynote speech.


The well-known democracy advocator Mr. Wei congratulated the consistency of the organization.  He pointed out that it is uneasy to be consistent -- some people can not wait anymore for change, while some people surrender themselves to pressure, and even become corrupted and give up their ideals to support the Chinese Communism that people spit on. Some others only care about Taiwan itself, instead of the people in Mainland China.  Wei pointed out that it was not only hard to create an organization, but to continue its mission is even more difficult. 


Wei also pointed out the changes that have occurred within the Kuomintang (KMT or the Chinese Nationalist party).  Some people in Mainland China have been teasingly calling it the Taiwan KMT, instead of its original name of Chinese KMT.  He further emphasized that it was not appropriate for the former leader of the Kuomintang, Mr. LIEN Chan, to visit Mainland China (half year ago), because Mainland China is still under the Chinese Communism's dictatorship.  Regarding some Taiwanese' desire for independence, Wei expressed his understanding, although he thought it could not be done technically under the present conditions, and will not be welcomed by the Mainland Chinese people either.


Other Chinese democracy advocators Mr. HU Ping, Professor Winston YANG, and Mr. XIN HaoNian also delivered their speeches at the meeting.




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A168-W78



Release Date: November 26, 2005



Topic: Wei Jingsheng Invited to Speak at the Annual Meeting of the North America Division of the Alliance under Three People's Principle in New York



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)















著名民运人士魏京生在演讲中祝贺大同盟对三民主义的坚持。他说,坚持是难得的。有些人等不下去,有些人迫于压力,腐化了,放弃了理想,而去支持一个大家要唾弃的中共;有些人只关注台湾,这样对不起大陆的老百姓。他认为创造一个事业不容易, 但坚持一个事业更难。 魏京生说:“现在的国民党已经不是中国国民党了, 叫作是台湾国民党, 有很多人已经在网上公开的讽刺, 而且是大陆老百姓的讽刺。”


他对于国民党前主席连战访问大陆表示不以为然, 因为大陆目前仍由共产党一党专政。对台湾部份人士希望独立的问题,魏京生表示尊重他们的想法,不过他并不认为台湾能够独立。因为这也不适应全中国老百姓的想法。


北京之春主编胡平对中共的反分裂国家法发表看法。他认为,两岸现状是分裂分治,没有台湾独立的问题。他说,台湾一直是独立于中华人民共和国的。原来的台独是争取独立于国民党的中华民国这个外来政府, 现在台湾已经全面民主化。台湾人们不会接受中共的不民主制度。他认为中共的独裁政权对全人类,对全世界的自由和平都是最大威胁,所以应该大力推动大陆的民主化。


美国西东大学教授杨力宇表示, 他读中共的人权白皮书结论是“一党专制”。里面仍然把人民代表大会和中共领导的多党协商制度当作民主的主轴。不提民主的基本要求,中共永远“坐庄”。 他认为台湾应该支持大陆民主制度,提升自己民族品质。


刚结束在澳洲“谁是新中国”巡回演讲的辛灏年对真假三民主义发表了看法。他说,真三民主义是孙中山先生倡导的 “民族、民权、民生”,不是中共用来搞统战的三民主义。 孙先生是以民为本, 不是以官为本。 辛灏年认为,人民有权力, 才能作主, 但是现在大陆人民连一票之权都没有。解决大陆的专制统治, 民权才是最根本的。












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