Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A163-W76

Release Date: November 5, 2005

Topic: We Must Break Through Chinese Communists' Media Monopolies and Blockades on Information -- by Wei Jingsheng
标题:无权无势的普通老百姓首先要突破的,就是中共的垄断媒体和封锁消息 -- 魏京生

Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)

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We Must Break Through Chinese Communists' Media Monopolies and Blockades on Information

by Wei Jingsheng

Just a while ago, we talked about the free-for-all churning in Taiwan's Legislative Yuan, the possibility that the island's democratic politics could regress, and that the focal point of the dispute is freedom of the news media. Or to say it another way, whether or not the government should control the media. If the media is controlled by the government, it will only report the good and none of the bad, and the people will be deceived. Thus the rights to vote and recall that the people hold in their hands will become like ears on a deaf person. Consequently, four political freedoms are prerequisites for protecting the various rights and interests of the people: freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of association, and freedom of assembly. These four main freedoms have safeguarded the people's ability to use votes and recalls to control the government and have made the government bring benefits, not harm, to society and the people. The governments thus cannot become tyrannies that ride on the heads of the people.

The Taiwanese people have already won an early-stage democracy for themselves; now the issue is taking a step forward in consolidating democratic governance and preventing the government from regressing into autocracy and dictatorship. In Mainland China it's different. The people nominally possess the right to vote and to recall, but these rights have always been like ears on a deaf person - mere displays. Recently the Taishi village incident in Guangdong Province has created a huge stir in the media; this is the best proof of the importance of these freedoms and is also the most typical case. The people of Taishi village, because they recalled their administrative officials, have faced suppression from police sent from the government, which even employed the criminal underworld in its suppression. Some thugs from the criminal underworld seriously beat a representative of the People's Congress that was concerned with protecting peasants' rights and that is still being treated in a hospital. This representative was so scared that he didn't dare to press charges against the thugs that injured him, voluntarily abandoning the idea of prosecuting them. Could what he fears be the thugs? No matter how fierce they are, thugs are never a match for government officials. What he fears is precisely this hooligan government that has wrapped itself in official clothes; what he fears is the clan of government bandits that is the Chinese Communist Party in position combines both thugs and police. In this incident, the lawyer that filed a lawsuit on behalf of the peasants was arrested and sentenced. Rights workers from Beijing were driven out of their work office; to this day they haven't been able to rent out another workspace. If they go back to Guangdong again, they will face something more than simply have their computers confiscated and have themselves in detention for a few days. No wonder even the People's Congress representative was afraid.

In addition to using any and all illegal means to suppress these rights activists, who directly participate in public affairs, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) also blocks information on a large scale. In the last a few days, Chinese websites with reports on this incident have been blocked and wiped clean on a large scale, and lately not a bit of information has reached out. At the same time, the government's high-handed policies towards the people of Taishi village have begun to see results. The organizers that took the initiative to establish connections with the voters have already been forced to surrender. In the previous stage they didn't surrender because news from the region was spreading and they received support from all over the world. With information unable to spread today, this support has lessened and the pressure they face has increased. They have passed the limits of their endurance. The CCP's methods have thus been effective. It can be seen that among all of their measures, blocking domestic and foreign media is the CCP's main measure for suppressing the people. The first instinct of all dictators and want-to-be dictators is to control the media and to block information. Thus the first things we powerless commoners must break through are media monopolies and blockades on information. To use the colloquial speech of the common people, sending out our voice is the first and most important measure. If we can't send out our voices, nothing else is worth could be in progress.

From this I have thought of another case. For many years, when we go to rescue political prisoners, we often run into this situation: political prisoners' family members, due to threats from the Bureau of Public Security, say that they can't make contact with the outside world; otherwise, they could face certain consequences. In other cases the police lure the family members by telling them that as long as they don't make contact with the outside world they will gain such and such interests. As a result the family members refuse to supply us with the necessary materials, leaving us unable to work with international human rights organizations. The different human rights organizations also have no way to negotiate with the Chinese government in order to make rescue effort. In the end, the political prisoners didn't receive any help and although some of these family members feel regret, some were not, they don't think that they've done anything wrong. It's hopelessly foolish. This reminds me of a little saying that was popular in jail: "If you tell the truth in an effort for a lighter sentence, you'll actually be stuffed in jail for your whole life; if you refuse to confess, you'll actually be let out in time for the New Year." This is a blood lesson that prisoners have learned over the last few decades in dealing with the untrustworthy CCP.  So these families of the political prisoners and the citizens in defending their human rights should learn this blood lesson from the other. If you help the government to block information, in reality you are harming your close relatives and yourselves. Those who courageously send out their own voices, who make emphatic appeals, will gain the sympathy of the public. This will only bring advantages instead of disadvantages. Moreover, there isn't a single Chinese law that prohibits you from appealing for the attention of society. Why do you want to help these who harm you to block information? It would be hopelessly foolish for doing so.

Let us keep in mind that saying of the untrustworthy CCP tyranny:
"If you tell the truth in an effort for a lighter sentence, you'll actually be stuffed in jail for your whole life; if you refuse to confess, you'll actually be let out in time for the New Year."

(Written on October 13, 2005.  Partially broadcasted by Radio Free Asia.  The Wei Jingsheng Foundation is responsible for the accuracy of this version of the English translation.)


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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A163-W76

Release Date: November 5, 2005

Topic: We Must Break Through Chinese Communists' Media Monopolies and Blockades on Information -- by Wei Jingsheng
标题:无权无势的普通老百姓首先要突破的,就是中共的垄断媒体和封锁消息 -- 魏京生

Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)













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