Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A174-W84



Release Date: December 17, 2005



Topic: Honoring the Great Character of Hu Yaobang -- by Wei Jingsheng

标题:敬重胡耀邦的偉大人格 -- 魏京生 


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Honoring the Great Character of Hu Yaobang

- by Wei Jingsheng


November 1, 2005



Mr. Hu Yaobang's 90th birthday will soon arrive. People both inside and outside China are preparing events to commemorate him. In remembering Mr. Hu Yaobang today, I would like to honor his way of treating others.  Even though he and I are two completely different people in terms of ideology and political goals, Hu Yaobang's great character was something that I always revered and used as a model for myself.


Nearly two decades ago, Hu Yaobang offended Deng Xiaoping because he supported more open-minded policies. At the time he was Secretary-General, a nominal member of the Chinese Communist Party.  Nevertheless, he was stripped of his position by the Chairman of the Party Consultative Committee. In the Chinese Communist Party's history of violating law and order, this move was second only to the occasion when Party Chairman Mao Zedong sent then-President of China Liu Shaoqi into jail, where he was tortured to death.  As the victim in this injustice Hu Yaobang received the widespread sympathy of the people.  Hu Yaobang died of illness that was trigged from quarrelling with the autocratic faction of the Chinese government.  Because he had supported the stance of the civilians during the 1989 democracy movement, his death set off large-scale protest marches.  He became an important figure in the making of history, which further helped him win the tremendous respect of the people.  It also made him a figure that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) power-holders would rather not to discuss.


Recently, Hu Jintao made a sudden decision to hold commemoration activities on Hu Yaobang's 90th birthday. This unexpected change brought about widespread speculation and discussion among people.  Most thought that Hu Jintao had two reasons for holding this unusual event.  First, Hu wanted to use the commemoration event to raise his own prestige, since over the last two or three years the true face of Maoism, which is the Hu Jintao doctrine, and his use of brute force in suppressing freedom of speech has almost completely wiped out the last bits of illusion that the people had hoped of him. Second, Hu wanted to bring more people into his political faction. He can use the high respect that the people have for Hu Yaobang in order to draw people and factions over to his side (especially ones from the "Communist Youth Leagues" faction), and get his own faction out of the position of weakness that it holds in its power struggles with the Jiang Zemin faction. We do not hold any interest in these dirty tricks of using the dead to attack the living. These methods also do not have much to do with Mr. Hu Yaobang's own actions or his reputation.


My reverence for Hu Yaobang's great character has to do with an experience of mine that happened nearly a full twenty years ago. After I was diagnosed with coronary heart disease at the end of 1983, Deng Xiaoping personally directed a plan to transfer me and several other most important political prisoners to the prison in Qinghai province at the end of 1984. In particular, Deng Xiaoping personally hand wrote a memo to his subordinates telling them to have me put in a reform-through-labor camp located at least three thousand meters above sea level.  Even the police officers at the Qinghai jail thought that this was a deadly measure to take out on someone with coronary heart disease; at the very least, it was extremely harmful.  Thus I wrote letters to all the chief CCP leaders demanding humanitarian treatment and to be released on medical parole, or at the very least to have my living conditions and medical treatment improved. One day in the beginning of 1985 the jail heads sent me instructions.  Then-General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Hu Yaobang had stopped in Qinghai for two days en route to inspecting Tibet, and took a half-day to convene the Provincial public-security organs, procuratorial organs, the people's courts, and the leaders of the judicature and the reform-through-labor system and to listen to their reports. He also gave instructions regarding my treatment.  He said that Wei Jingsheng and other political prisoners should have received medical parole if needed, but they could not grant this because of various political reasons.  However, from revolutionary humanitarianism's stand, the political prisoners like Wei Jingsheng should not be treated as ordinary criminals, but as workers for the nation in terms of both living and medical treatment. The head of my reform-through-labor camp thus came to notify me that my treatment would be improved from that set by Deng Xiaoping's guidelines, which stated that the "treatment for Wei Jingsheng and other political prisoners should not be better than that of ordinary criminals."


Even though after the democracy movement of 1989 the police officials clearly notified me that Hu Yaobang's instructions were null and void and that things would follow Deng Xiaoping's original instructions, the officers at all levels of the jail still tried their best within the range of their powers to maintain the medical treatment conditions I had under Hu Yaobang, as well as to give me help in my personal life.  Thus, I survived.  Hu Yaobang and these common Communist Party members had treated the others with their own identity as a human being.  This attitude was different from that of the vicious Fascist members.  People like Hu Yaobang represent many members of the Chinese Communist Party.  Today, on a personal level I am thankful to them, and I miss them - because I am just an average human being, despite our ideology differences.



(Written on November 1, 2005.  Partially broadcasted by Radio Free Asia.  The Wei Jingsheng Foundation is responsible for the accuracy of this version of the English translation.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A174-W84



Release Date: December 17, 2005



Topic: Honoring the Great Character of Hu Yaobang -- by Wei Jingsheng

标题:敬重胡耀邦的偉大人格 -- 魏京生 


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生






















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