Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A169-W79



Release Date: December 3, 2005



Topic: Wei Jingsheng Speaks on Taiwan at the UNPO's Conference in The Hague, Calls on the Europe Union to Keep Arms Embargo on China



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Wei Jingsheng Speaks on Taiwan at the UNPO's Conference in The Hague, Calls on the Europe Union to Keep Arms Embargo on China



On November 25, 2005, Mr. Wei Jingsheng attended a conference sponsored by the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) in The Hague entitled "Peace, Stability, and Security in East Asia: The Question of China and Taiwan" and delivered a speech at the event. UNPO is an NGO headquartered in The Hague in The Netherlands. It has always been concerned about the situation in East Asia and the persecution of ethnic minorities in China. In the last few years, The Netherlands and the Asia-Pacific region have developed deep economic and trade relations. This organization thus specially held this conference and invited members of Holland's legislative branch and experts to attend.


Both Holland Parliament Member and Foreign Policy Committee Chairman Henk de Haan and International Freedom Coalition Vice Chairman Hans van Baalen praised Taiwan's democratic development and economic achievements, and also supported both President Chen Shuibian visiting Europe and for Taiwan to be a part of United Nations and in the World Health Organization.


In his speech Wei Jingsheng pointed out that if the European Union removes its arms embargo on China it will lead to severe negative consequences because every decade in the past China would start a war against a foreign nation to cover up internal power struggles and social problems. At present, riots are happening all over China, which shows that Chinese President Hu Jintao's power base is unsteady. The concern that Beijing may start a war against Taiwan, is not an exaggeration. Wei Jingsheng analysis that the purpose of Russia's large weapons exports to China was to stir up a war between China and Taiwan, and to force America to sent troops to assist Taiwan. Then when NATO lacks American support, Russia will take the opportunity to seize onto Europe. Thus, European nations absolutely cannot stay aloof of the Taiwan issue; much less can they lift the arms embargo on China.


He pointed out that in the past, China never passed any laws before starting wars. China's motivation in passing the anti-secession law is to suppress the internal voices opposed to attacking Taiwan, and to arouse and concentrate popular will for integrating Taiwan into China.


Wei Jingsheng said that due to the E.U.'s postponing lifting the arms embargo and due to America's strong actions, the timetable for a war erupting between Taiwan Strait has been delayed. But to be able to decide the issue of whether or not we can avoid a clash in the Taiwan Strait requires the joint efforts of the international community.



(Information gained from reports from the Central News Agency for this release.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A169-W79



Release Date: December 3, 2005



Topic: Wei Jingsheng Speaks on Taiwan at the UNPO's Conference in The Hague, Calls on the Europe Union to Keep Arms Embargo on China



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)











2005年11月25日,魏京生先生应有小联合国之称的"无代表国家及民族组织(UNPO )"参加在荷兰海牙举办的"东亚之和平、稳定及安全:中国与台湾之问题"研讨会并发表主题演讲。"无代表国家及民族组织(UNPO )"是总部设于荷兰海牙的非政府组织,对东亚情势及中国少数民族受迫害的问题,一向非常关心。近年来荷兰与亚太地区经贸关系密切,该组织此次特举办研讨会邀请国会议员及专家学者出席。


荷兰国会众议院外交委员会主席德韩(Henk de Haan)、国际自由联盟副主席范巴伦(Hans van Baalen),赞扬台湾民主发展与经济成就、并支持陈水扁总统访欧,以及台湾参与联合国和世界卫生组织。




















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