Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue Number: A187-W92
Release Date: February 28, 2006
Topic: Wei Jingsheng Foundation Sends Letter to the President of IOC Concerning Chinese Human Rights Abuses Associated with Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation Sends Letter to the President of IOC Concerning Chinese Human Rights Abuses Associated with Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
On February 27, 2006, the Wei Jingsheng Foundation sent a letter to the president of IOC concerning Chinese human rights abuses associated with Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. This is a joint effort with several other human rights organizations include Olympic Watch, Laogai Research Foundation, Solidarité Chine and the International Society for Human Rights. The following is the letter.
Mr. Jacques Rogge
International Olympic Committee
Chateau de Vidy
CH-1007 Lausanne
February 27, 2006
Dear President Rogge,
As the 2006 Olympic Winter Games have come to a close and your attention can now fully turn to the 2008 Olympic Games, we are urging you to focus on the continuing human rights abuses in the People's Republic of China that threaten to damage the Olympic ideals forever.
During the bidding process in 2001, Beijing made clear promises on human rights issues. We have heard promises regarding "improvement of the human rights situation" and "respect for freedom of speech". As most observers agree, the situation in China is clearly not improving.
The government of the People's Republic of China and the Communist Party of China, with whom the Beijing Organizing Committee is clearly linked, continue to abuse the human rights of Chinese people. The fundamental freedom of expression is clearly not respected: dozens of journalists and internet activists are documented in prison for merely exercising their internationally recognized human rights; religious freedoms of Tibetan Buddhists, Uyghur Muslims, Chinese Christians, Falun Gong practitioners and others are not respected. Torture is "widespread" in China according to official UN statements. The Chinese government continues to execute more people than the rest of the world combined, in the absence of fair trial procedures. Beijing is clearly willing to trample upon the Olympic ideal of peace by threatening military action against the democratic processes in Taiwan.
Human rights abuses are surfacing even in direct relation to the preparation of the 2008 Olympic Games. Residents of several Beijing neighborhoods have been illegally evicted for reconstruction projects without proper compensation. Just over a year ago, a brave man Ye Guozhu was sent to prison for four years for lawfully attempting to organize a peaceful protest event of these people.
Further, according to many reports, the conditions under which the Chinese youth "train" for athletic success seem symptomatic of and clearly linked to the nature of the regime in China. Hard work is certainly necessary for an athlete to succeed. However, the authoritarian government seems to be grossly ill-treating many young people in state training camps as it is interested not in their benefit, but only in its own survival through the abuse of the Games.
President Rogge, we urge you to immediately assume your responsibility in defending the Olympic Charter's ideals of "harmonious development of man", "dignity" and "peace", and making it clear to the Chinese authorities that if human rights are not respected in China as promised, the IOC will be forced to reconsider holding the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.
Most sincerely,
Wei Jingsheng Huang Ciping
President Executive Director
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue Number: A187-W92
Release Date: February 28, 2006
Topic: Wei Jingsheng Foundation Sends Letter to the President of IOC Concerning Chinese Human Rights Abuses Associated with Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
国际奥运会主席 罗格先生
随着2006 年冬季奥运会的结束,您将全力以赴关注 2008 年奥运会。我们非常希望您重视中华人民共和国对人权的践踏,因为这个践踏可能会给奥运会的理念带来永久性的损害。
在2001 奥运会招标过程中,北京曾经对人权问题做出明确的保证。我们都听到这样的承诺: “改善人权状况”,“尊重言论自由”等等。但是众所周知,中国人权状况根本没有得到应有的改善。
践踏人权的情形甚至直接渗透到 2008 年奥运会的准备工作中。建造奥运会体育馆时,好几个北京住宅区的居民被强迫搬迁,得不到合理的补偿。一年前,一个叫叶国柱的勇敢的人站了出来,试图组织和平示威请愿来为百姓解决困难,但他却被投入监狱,判刑四年。
魏京生基金会 主席: 魏京生 (签字)
魏京生基金会 执行主任: 黄慈萍 (签字)
欢迎投稿(暂无稿费)或批评建议,请寄信箱: HCP@WEIJINGSHENG.ORG
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