Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue Number: A189-W93



Release Date: March 5, 2006



Topic: Holding Hunger Strikes to Protest Violence, and Advertising to the World, in an Effort to Protect Human Rights, and to Call for the Rule of Law

标题:维护人权 呼唤法制 绝食抗暴 广告天下 -- 呼吁全球万人同步大绝食宣言


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Holding Hunger Strikes to Protest Violence, and Advertising to the World, in an Effort to Protect Human Rights, and to Call for the Rule of Law

-- Declaration of Appeal to the People of the World to Participate in a Major Hunger Strike


February 28, 2006



At present, the human rights situation in China has rapidly worsened and the political climate is steadily moving towards one filled with the criminal underworld society and terrorism.  It has already reached an unbearable point.


Recently, people such as Lawyer Wen Haibo, Ouyang Xiaorong, Ma Wendu, Hu Jia, Yan Zhengxue, Lawyer Yang Zaixin and others were secretly kidnapped by the authorities and are nowhere to be found.  People such as Jiang Meili, Mo Zhujie, Wang Shuizhen, and Ma Yalian were monitored and put under house arrest.  Lawyer Gao Zhisheng, because he acted as a defense lawyer for Falun Gong practitioners, had his law practice illegally shut down and faced an aborted assassination attempt and other threats.  Lawyer Yang Zaixin, because he openly acted as a defense lawyer for innocent Falun Gong practitioners, was illegally dismissed from his workplace.


Since September 2005, Professor Ai Xiaoming, Lawyer Tang Jingling, Lawyer Guo Yan, Lü Banglie, Wu Yaoqiu, Lawyer Xu Zhiyong, Lawyer Li Fangping, Yao Lifa, Chen Guangcheng, Qi Zhiyong, Zhao Xin, and Guo Feixiong were beaten and abused by plainclothes policemen and hooligans directed by the authorities.  When the Taishi Villige residents recalled their village officials and conducted peaceful protests, they were met with illegal suppression.  When residents of Dongzhou protested to protect their land rights, they were met with bloody suppression from the authorities, many died and wounded.  Looking further back, in June 2003, when Lawyer Zheng Enchong stood up for those who were having their homes demolished, he was framed and charged by the authorities in Shanghai, and was sentenced to three years in jail.  In September 2004, the civil rights lawyer Li Baiguang was illegally taken into custody by the authorities.  In February 2005, the civil rights lawyer Guo Guoting was charged on trumped-up charges of "assembling mobs and disrupting social order," and had his occupational rights stripped away from him.  In May 2005, the civil rights lawyer Zhu Jiuhu was charged on once-again fabricated "illegal assembly" charges and was illegally detained.  The Internet has been tightly blockaded by the Beijing authorities, and the widely praised "Freezing Point" weekly magazine was brazenly shut down.  Writers and journalists that have expressed independent opinions have been illegally "rectified."  With such a huge nation, where can you find the freedom to avoid fear?  Among those weak groups in society, where can you find the freedom to avoid deficiency of supplies?  In all the media of China, where can you find freedom of speech?  And asking devotees of Buddha, where can you find freedom of belief?


The perverse acts of the Beijing authorities are extremely evil, are too numerous to record, are imperious and tyrannical, have created widespread indignation and discontent, and have fallen below the lowest standards of human civilization.  If this can be endured, what can't be?  If we turn a blind eye to this tyrannical regime, it will be a shame for the free Chinese people in the future and for civilized society. 


We - people from all over the world who hold fast to human conscience and the idea of human rights, and who reject the Communist totalitarian regime - have agreed to hold 24-hour hunger strikes so as to strongly demand that the international community, democratic governments all over the world, political parties, human rights organizations, non-governmental organizations, and kind-hearted people of the world to pay close attention to the degeneration of mainland China's political climate into one of organized crime and terrorism and to strongly protest the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s misuse of state power to persecute its citizens.  With one mind, we state our support for those Chinese human rights lawyers who have, in recent years, done work for civil rights under extreme hardships.  With one voice, we state our support for the worldwide hunger strike activity initiated by Lawyer Gao Zhisheng.  Our hunger strike protest is out of absolute necessity, as our compatriots in China are risking their lives and human rights.  Who could sit idly by and watch?  Hereby, we announce to the world that on this occasion of the CCP's National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Congress, we call on the international community to go into action and to pay critical attention to China's human rights situation.  To this end, we have decided to hold a joint hunger strike from 9AM on March 6, 2006 (Beijing Time) to 9AM on March 7.  


We strongly call for:


1.  The immediate and unconditional release of the following brave souls that secretly kidnapped and illegally detained: Wen Haibo, Ouyang Xiaorong, Ma Wendu, Hu Jia, Yan Zhengxue, Yang Zaixin, Qi Zhiyong, and others.


2.  The immediate and unconditional release of all illegally detained writers and journalists, and the immediate and unconditional release of all illegally detained political dissidents: Hu Shigen, Wang Bingzhang, He Depu, Zheng Enchong, Yang Jianli, Huang Jinqiu, Shi Tao, Zhang Lin, Yang Tianshui, Zheng Yichun, Xu Wangping, Li Zhi, Zhao Yan, Cheng Xiang, Qin Yongming, Luo Yongzhong, Cai Lujun, Xu Wei, Yang Zili, Jin Haike, Zhang Honghai, Yu Huafeng, Li Minying, Ye Guozhu, Cai Zuohua, Feng Bingxian, etc.  To stop the brutal suppression of Falun Gong practitioners which has been nearly 7 years now.  We also call for the immediate and unconditional release of all those illegally detained and sentenced to forced labor, including Christians, Catholics, and other believers.  We call for the immediate and unconditional renewal of the business of all of the human rights lawyers, such as Zheng Enchong, Gao Zhisheng, Guo Guoting, Yang Zaixin, who have had their law offices closed. 



Currently we have the following sponsors:


Asia-Pacific Region: Yuan Hongbing, Zhang Qingxi, Cao Huiling, Ming Juzheng, Yan Peng, Wen Jinke, Chen Yonglin, Hao Fengjun, Chen Weijian, Pan Qing, Dongfang Lieshou, Lü Yi.


North America: Guo Guoting, Wei Jingsheng, Xu Wenli, Ren Bumei, Liang Yufeng, Li Dayong, Wang Yuhua, Wang Dan (Female), Zheng Yi, Tang Boqiao, Ying Hongshan, Yan Ming, Wu Fan, Liu Yinquan, Philip Adams, Michael Craig, Ye Ping, Sheng Xue.


Europe: Fei Liangyong, Pan Yongzheng, Peng Xiaoming, Huang Heqing, Zhou Lei, Qian Yuejun, Zou Haixia



(The Wei Jingsheng Foundation is responsible for the English translation of this statement.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue Number: A189-W93



Release Date: March 5, 2006



Topic: Holding Hunger Strikes to Protest Violence, and Advertising to the World, in an Effort to Protect Human Rights, and to Call for the Rule of Law

标题:维护人权 呼唤法制 绝食抗暴 广告天下 -- 呼吁全球万人同步大绝食宣言


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)








维护人权 呼唤法制 绝食抗暴 广告天下

---- 呼吁全球万人同步大绝食宣言





近日来,温海波律师、欧阳小戎、马文都、胡佳、严正学、杨在新律师等多人 ,被当局秘密绑架,不知去向;蒋美丽、莫珠洁、王水珍、马亚莲等遭监控、软禁;




自2005年9月迄今,艾晓明教授、唐荆陵律师、郭燕律师、吕邦列、吴耀球、许志永律师、李方平律师、姚立法、陈光诚、齐志勇、赵昕、郭飞雄遭到便衣警察和当局指使的黑社会流氓暴打, 太石村村民为罢免村官而进行的和平的依法抗争被非法镇压, 东洲农民土地维权活动被当局血腥镇压,死伤多人;


往前追溯, 2003年6 月,为拆迁户仗义执言的郑恩宠律师被上海当局构陷罪名,判刑三年; 2004年9 月,维权律师李柏光被当局非法拘禁; 2005年2 月,维权律师郭国汀被当局捏造"聚众扰乱社会秩序"罪名而非法剥夺的执业权; 2005年5 月,维权律师朱久虎被当局再次虚构"非法集会"罪名,被非法拘捕;








我们——来自全球各地,秉持人类良知,坚守人权理念,拒斥共产极权——相约同步进行 24小时的绝食,强烈要求国际社会、各民主政府、各国政党、人权团体、非政府组织、良知人士严密关注中国大陆黑社会化和恐怖化的政治生态,强烈抗议中共滥用国家权力残害国民。我们同气相求,声援近年来中国人权律师艰难卓绝的维权工作,我们同声响应,声援高智晟律师发起的全球接力绝食活动。我们绝食抗争,实乃万不得已;国内同胞岌岌危矣人权性命关天,谁能忍心坐视?特此广布天下,值此中共"两会"期间,特呼吁国际社会,行动起来,紧急关注中国人权现状。为此,我们决定全球统一定于北京时间 2006年3月6日9时至3月7日9时举行全球同步抗暴绝食:并强烈呼吁:


1.立即无条件释放被秘密绑架非法拘禁的温海波、欧阳小戎、马文都、胡佳、严正学、 杨在新、齐志勇等人士!


2.立即无条件释放所有被非法监禁关押的作家和记者。立即无条件释放被监禁关押的所有政治异议人士;胡石根、王炳章、何德普、郑恩宠、杨建利、黄金秋、师涛、张林、杨天水、郑贻春、许万平、李志、赵岩、程翔、秦永敏、罗永忠、蔡陆军、徐伟、杨子立、靳海科、张宏海、喻华峰、李民英、叶国柱、蔡卓华、冯秉先等。立即停止持续了将近七年的对法轮功修炼者的残暴镇压。 立即无条件释放全部被非法关押判刑劳教的包括基督教、天主教等信仰者在内的信仰人士。 立即无条件恢复被非法强行停业的郑恩宠、高智晟、郭国汀、杨在新等维权律师的执业权。




北美:郭国汀、魏京生、徐文立、任不寐、梁裕峰、李大勇、王玉华、王丹(女)、郑义、唐柏桥、应宏善、严明、 伍凡、刘因全、Philip Adams 、Michael Craig 、叶平、盛雪……





袁红冰:(612)9687 7684 ,(61)407 506 525


林冰: (61)433-266-339

















2006年2 月 28 日







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