Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A238-W124
Release Date: October 28, 2006
Topic: Call on the International Olympic Committee to Undertake the Responsibility -- Wei Jingsheng
标题:呼吁国际奥委会承担起它应负的责任;要求中国政府兑现它的承诺。 -- 魏京生
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
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Call on the International Olympic Committee to Undertake the Responsibility
-- Wei Jingsheng
April of this year the International Olympic Committee convened for a meeting in the South Korean capital of Seoul. Current Olympic Committee president Mr. Rogge, while discussing the 2008 Beijing Olympics, especially expressed his concern for the Chinese human rights situation. He hopes that the Chinese government will honor the promises it made while applying for the Olympics. Since the Chinese government made those promises China's human rights situation has continuously deteriorated. In the last a couple years the pace of deterioration has only accelerated. In order to remind the International Olympic Committee to pay closer attention to the Chinese government's promise-breaking conduct, and to safeguard those rights defenders in China, both democracy activists inside of China and Overseas, as well as sports fans jointly signed a petition to Mr. Rogge. The letter writes:
"Today in China not only are all Chinese denied their constitutional rights, legal professionals and lawyers who work as rights defenders are even denied their human rights. This past March, well-known rights defender blind Chen Guangcheng lost his freedom. In August, when well-known lawyer Gao Zhisheng made special trip to offer legal support for Chen Guangcheng's court appearance in Shandong province, lawyer Gao also arrested. In September, while attempting to provide Gao Zhisheng with legal aid, civil legal worker Guo Feixiong was also unjustly arrested." According to reliable sources, Mr. Guo has been tortured to extract confession of guilt. He thus went on a hunger strike, which continues to this day.
The petition points out that there are more rights defenders arrested than just these three, the list of names is quite long. They are only the most recently arrested, better-known activists. Suppressing the rights defenders is for the purpose of more conveniently suppressing human rights on a large scale. It is also to eliminate the voices of opposition and criticism to fake up peace and prosperity; to create the illusion that human rights have improved. With this aim the CCP has recently promulgated a decree limiting the expressions and operations of foreign journalists and news agencies. This measure makes it even harder for the outside world to understand China's severe domestic violation of human rights and the brutal suppression of those who raise their voices in opposition.
The petition also reminds Mr. Rogge: that he and previous president Juan Antonio Samaranch proudly recalled many times the International Olympic Committee's honorable record of boycotting South Africa for 30 years against Apartheid. And also that he previously recalled the 1988 Seoul Olympics as a turning point for South Korea's democratic system. At the April meeting in Seoul Mr. Rogge personally expressed to Beijing: "The Olympic Committee's purpose is clear, we hope to see respect for human rights." Signatories of the petition, on the basis of these grounds, are requesting the International Olympic Committee pay attention to China's current poor human rights situation just as it paid attention to South Africa and South Korea's human rights situations in the past.
We will hand deliver this petition to the Lausanne, Switzerland International Olympic Committee headquarters, and have already spread it widely with the media. We are still collecting signatures for the petition. Those interested listeners can support this letter by signing online. Please remember the website for signing is at: ceo2006.org, the mailbox is: mountain2008@gmail.com. When signing the letter do not forget to write in your location, city or province. In addition, you can also find links to the petition at a few overseas Chinese websites. I need to explain that: for courtesy the letter only mentioned the International Olympic Committee proud history without mentioning the Berlin Olympics of Nazi times, and how they became political propaganda that encouraged Nazi reactionary policies. The upcoming 2008 Olympics are facing exactly the same prospects. At a time when China is domestically suppressing opposing factions and religious believers; as China's human rights situation rapidly deteriorates; as the Chinese Communist Party meets with widespread opposition from the Chinese people, the International Olympic Committee will adopted what measures to guarantee it does not aid a reactionary government? What sort of measures can be adopted to prevent the Olympics from becoming a propaganda tool of the despotic CCP? This is a difficult issue for the International Olympic Committee and a difficult issue for sports fans around the world.
The loss would be too great if the 2008 Olympic games were cancelled. But demanding Chinese Communist Party abide by its promises, demanding the CCP substantially improve the human rights situation; demanding the CCP abolish the decree limiting news media; demanding the CCP observe the constitution and laws it established itself -- these are all reasonable and appropriate requests, and they are the CCP's promises that it ought to keep. We call on the International Olympic Committee to undertake this responsibility: demand the Chinese government honor its promises.
(Written in on October 5, 2006. Partially broadcasted by Radio Free Asia. The Wei Jingsheng Foundation is responsible for the accuracy of this version of the English translation.)
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A238-W124
Release Date: October 28, 2006
Topic: Call on the International Olympic Committee to Undertake the Responsibility -- Wei Jingsheng
标题:呼吁国际奥委会承担起它应负的责任;要求中国政府兑现它的承诺。 -- 魏京生
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
-- 魏京生
这封信我们将直接送交在瑞士洛桑的国际奥委会总部,也已经在媒体上广泛的发表。联名签署仍在继续进行,请热心的听众朋友们在互联网上签名支持。请记住签名网站的网名是:ceo2006.org 信箱是:mountain2008@gmail.com签名的时候别忘了写上您的所在地,城市或省。此外,您还可以在海外的一些中文网站上找到签名信的链接。需要补充说明的是:由于礼貌的原因,信中只提到了国际奥委会过五关斩六将的光荣历史;没有提到纳粹时期的柏林奥运会,成为鼓励纳粹反动政策的政治宣传。现在的2008年奥运会也面临着完全相似的前景。在中国国内残酷镇压反对派和宗教信仰的时刻;在中国的人权状况急剧恶化的时候;在中共遭到人民普遍反对的情况下;国际奥委会将采取什么措施来保证他自己不和反动政治同流合污呢?要采取什么样的做法才能避免使奥运会不成为中共暴政的宣传工具呢?这既是国际奥委会的难题,也是全世界体育爱好者们的难题。
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