Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A355-W188



Release Date: April 6, 2008



Topic: Wei Jingsheng Invited to Appear on Voice of America "Pro and Con" TV/Radio Program on the Importance of International Pressure on the Chinese Government



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Wei Jingsheng Invited to Appear on Voice of America "Pro and Con" TV/Radio Program on the Importance of International Pressure on the Chinese Government



On April 4, 2008, Mr. WEI Jingsheng was invited by Voice of America's "Pro and Con" TV/Radio Program for a debate with a Chinese visiting scholar of John Hopkins University, Mr. DA Wei.  The program was about the role of international pressure on the Chinese government over the issues of Tibet, the Chinese democracy progress, and human rights.  Of particular concern were the ongoing protests over the suppression in Tibet and the upcoming Olympics Games in Beijing in August.  The program also discussed the possible consequence of the "nationalism" fanned up by the Chinese government.


A video of this program can be viewed by visiting our website at:


with the debate part to be the last 23 minutes of the 30 minutes long program.




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A355-W188



Release Date: April 6, 2008



Topic: Wei Jingsheng Invited to Appear on Voice of America "Pro and Con" TV/Radio Program on the Importance of International Pressure on the Chinese Government



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
























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415 East Capitol Street, SE, Suite 2, Washington, DC 20003-3810,USA


Wei Jingsheng Foundation, P. O. Box 15449, Washington, DC 20003, USA

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