Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A356-W189



Release Date: April 12, 2008



Topic: Human Rights Torch Arrives Washington DC, Wei Jingsheng Speaks at the Rally



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Human Rights Torch Arrives Washington DC, Wei Jingsheng Speaks at the Rally



WASHINGTON, D.C. -- On April 6 in Washington, D.C., three Nubian Sudanese athletes, with human rights torches in hand, ran from the Victims of Communism Memorial to a lively crowd of hundreds of participants of a Global Human Rights Torch Relay (HRTR) rally at Freedom Plaza.


China's continuing violation of human rights leading up to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing was the focus of attention of the HRTR rally, as the international campaign passed the torch to the nation's capital, having passed through 29 countries, and the American cities of San Jose, Boston, Denver, and, most recently, San Francisco, which received the torch on Saturday.


The Washington, D.C. City Council passed a resolution that supported HRTR and condemned the human rights abuses in China.


Many groups suffering under communist rule were represented at the rally, including Falun Gong practitioners, Christians, Tibetans, Vietnamese, Laotians, Chinese and democracy advocates.


The Nubian runners, representing an ethnic group in Sudan and Egypt, made a big hit with the crowd. China supports the government of Sudan, both monetarily with equipment and by a Chinese labor force, in their intention to building the Kajbar dam and other dams, without the consent of the Nubian people.


Well-known overseas Chinese democracy Activist Wei Jingsheng spoke at the rally: "The human rights torch is the authentic sacred torch, it represents human rights, reconciliation, it is not about hatred. The Chinese Communist Party's so-called sacred torch represents suppression and slaughter of the Tibetan people, slaughter of Falun Gong practitioners and all religious believers; slaughter of anyone who protests against the dictatorship of the communists; they confiscate people's land and tear down their houses, what moral authority does that give them to say the Olympic torch is a 'sacred flame'?"


Wei Jingsheng observed that in recent months the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has not relaxed in its persecution of the Chinese people; rather its persecution of democracy activists, of Tibetans, of Falun Gong, of religous believers of all sorts has actually intensified. He said, "The CCP has a way of thinking about these things, they often think that suppression is a master key. As pressure grows more intense, the persecution grows more severe. Some still persist in persecuting despite external pressure, this is just the nature of the CCP, it is the nature of this evil regime. As suppression grows more intense, the pressure the CCP faces also grows; as the pressure grows the CCP then suppresses even more harshly, this is a sign that the CCP will soon collapse."



Related photo:




(The Wei Jingsheng Foundation is grateful to Dajiyuan and is responsible for this English version.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A356-W189



Release Date: April 12, 2008



Topic: Human Rights Torch Arrives Washington DC, Wei Jingsheng Speaks at the Rally



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)













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相关连接: http://epochtimes.com/gb/8/4/7/n2073051.htm










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