Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A393-O120



Release Date: July 29, 2008



Topic: US President George W. Bush Meets with Chinese Freedom Activists in White House Today



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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US President George W. Bush Meets with Chinese Freedom Activists in White House Today



On July 29, 2008, at 11:30am, President George W. Bush formally met with Chinese Freedom Activists at the White House Residence.  These people were: Mr. WEI Jingsheng, Mr. Harry WU, Ms. Rabiya Kadeer, Mr. Bob FU, Ms. Sasha GONG, and Mr. Wei's assistant Ms. Ciping HUANG, and Ms. Kadeer's assistant Alim Seytoff.


This meeting was in response to a request from Congressman Franck Wolf, Congressman Chris Smith and Congressman James McGovern.  According to the White House, President Bush also dropped by a meeting that his National Security Advisor had this morning with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, and reviewed current bilateral relations with the Foreign Minister.


As President Bush entering the meeting room, he enthusiastically shook hands with everyone and also told Mr. Wei: "We have met."  As everyone sat down, President Bush voiced concern to Ms. Kadeer about her family.  Ms. Kadeer told him about her children inside China who were persecuted.  Mr. Wu talked about the work of the LaoGai Foundation.



Mr. Wei told President Bush that he thinks "the President's attendance at the Beijing Olympics is a mistake: that regardless how you explain it, the Chinese government would say that it supports the Communist dictatorial government.  It would cause a big misunderstanding by the Chinese people and damage the image of Americans in the minds of the Chinese.  If you have already decided to go, I suggest you use all the opportunities to release correct massages, to pay attention to the human rights of persecuted political prisoners, religious believers and ethnical minorities, and to be concerned about the freedom and democracy of the Chinese people."


The President responded: "I know that you are against me going to Beijing.  But this is a dilemma for me.  To cut off the relationship may not be a good thing.  Not to talk about human rights is not a good thing either.  So I decided to go, to talk about human rights, and I will talk about this issue with Mr. Hu Jintao face to face."


Mr. Wu and Ms. Huang and others gave lists of people who were persecuted to the President.  Mr. Bush also looked at the foreword by Mr. Wei Jingsheng for the 2007 annual report by the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders in Europe and its China section and commented about it as "interesting, I'll look at it." 


Ms. Ciping Huang also told President Bush that the Chinese government had lied to the whole international society about the dialogs with Tibet.  She gave the President a document in which the responsible person of the Chinese Communist Party's United Front Department (note: this is the department that took in charge of the "dialog with Tibet" at the beginning of this month; it is really an organ of the Chinese Communist Party) answered the XinHua News Agency on the issue of Tibet and claimed that the Chinese Communist Party "would not make any dialog with the 'illegal organization' of Tibet".


Mr. Fu then talked about the persecution of the underground Christians in China.  Mr. Bush said that he wanted to visit an underground church before, but the Chinese party said that they could not find the underground ones, only the above ground ones, which resulted in laughter.  Ms. Gong talked about her international human rights activities.  Mr. Wu emphasized again the human rights abuse in the LaoGai camps.


Near the end of the meeting, Mr. Wei Jingsheng suggested again that when President Bush goes to Beijing to talk about human rights, he should not just to talk to Hu Jintao, but also to talk to the news media: to let all the Chinese people to know his believe of human rights and democracy so as to avoid misunderstanding.  The President said that he is very grateful for the suggestion and that he already has a series of plans.  As various people get together and various media accompany them, he will use all the opportunities to talk about political prisoners, religious freedom, etc.  He asked Mr. Wei and everyone not to worry about it.


After the meeting, Mr. Bush and everyone came to the front door of the White House.  He shook hands hard with Mr. Wei twice, and took Mr. Wei for a group picture together.  As he was departing, he embraced with both Ms. Kadeer and Mr. Wu enthusiastically.


The following link is the statement from the White House's Press Secretary:



And the group photo is available at:

http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2008/07/images/20080729-4_d-0396-2-515h.html or




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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A393-O120



Release Date: July 29, 2008



Topic: US President George W. Bush Meets with Chinese Freedom Activists in White House Today



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)











2008年7月29日 上午十一点半,布什总统在他白宫住处的会客厅,正式会见了魏京生、吴宏达、热比亚﹒卡德尔、傅希秋和龚小夏,以及魏京生的助手黄慈萍女士和卡德尔女士的助手阿莱姆先生。会见是应美国国会众议员弗兰克﹒沃尔夫、克里斯﹒史密斯和詹姆斯﹒麦克高文的要求安排的。据白宫消息,在会见前,布什总统还顺便在中国外长杨洁篪和白宫国家安全顾问会谈时作了短暂的逗留,并谈到了中美两国的关系。


















http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2008/07/images/20080729-4_d-0396-2-515h.html 或



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