Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A397-W211



Release Date: August 2, 2008



Topic: Wei Jingsheng: The Beijing Olympic could be the Worst One in Olympic History (Sound of Hope)

标题:魏京生:北京奥运可能成为奥运史上最糟糕的奥运 (希望之声)


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese at the end)



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Wei Jingsheng: The Beijing Olympics could be the Worst One in Olympic History


By Ming Fu and Yuhan Li of Sound of Hope, July 24, 2008



With only two weeks in the countdown for the opening of the Beijing Olympics, the Beijing regime has imposed many strict tactics, from blackouts and clampdown to martial law right before the games, causing complaints from the masses all over China.  Mr. Wei Jingsheng made remarks that these Beijing Olympics games could be one of the worst in Olympic history due to the organization by the Chinese communist government.


On the eve of the Olympic Games, the Chinese communist regime brutally suppressed the Tibetan people by sending more troops into the Tibetan region, tightened its monitoring and controlling over petitioning citizens all over the country, forbade non-Beijing petitioners to enter Beijing, put those still petitioning in Beijing into jail, put strict control over foreign tourists, and so on.  It has been reported that the whole country will have Internet server blackouts during the period of the Olympic Games.  All these actions taken by the Chinese communist regime against human rights are beyond comparison in Olympic history, except perhaps the case of the Nazis and Hitler in 1936. 


Reporters from Radio Sound of Hope interviewed Mr. Wei Jingsheng, the famous human rights activist.  Wei remarked that when Hitler's Germany was organizing the Olympic games, there were also calls for opposition; Hitler released several Jewish prisoners at that time, in order to hoodwink the world and put a golden touch on his face.  Hitler deceived the world.  Now the Chinese communist government is following the Nazi's example and intend to achieve the same result.   The only difference is that the Beijing regime has more sophisticated tactics and tricks than Hitler, to deceive the international community.


(Wei's voice)  "It has been taking opportunities in trade and using economic tools to control the media in western society and to influence western politicians, and using some fabricated and manipulated news to cheat the people in western world.  In this aspect, the Chinese communist government is the same as the Nazis."


However, Wei Jingsheng pointed out, the situation at this time is not exactly the same as 1936.  The world now has more freedom in media and higher speed in information exchange and expressing opinions, so the voice of criticizing the Chinese communist regime is still very loud from the international society.


(Wei's voice) "That is why the Chinese communist regime has not yet achieved all its goals.  It failed to hide its evil innermost intentions completely.  Therefore, the voice of criticizing the Chinese communist regime is still very loud from the international society."


Wei Jingsheng commented, right now the Chinese communist regime may be facing more obstacles internally than internationally.  (Wei's voice) "The Chinese communist government has bigger trouble than Hitler had (in 1936), because nowadays Chinese people are not as easily deceived as the German were people then.  The Chinese people, after suffering under the dictatorship for several decades, understand more and more clearly about the evil nature of the communist system. To a different extent, all the Chinese people have an attitude against the Communist regime, despising or, at least, distrusting the regime. Therefore, the Chinese communist regime may be facing more obstacles internally than internationally right now.  You can see, recently, many activities by ordinary people against the government have become shocking. A clear target is the Beijing Olympics.  They would make trouble to the Chinese communist regime, during the Olympic Games."


Wei Jingsheng said that under such circumstances the communist regime is suppressing even more strongly inside China, with Beijing being almost under martial law.  Such tight control may backfire and draw even stronger reactions by the ordinary Chinese people.  This is already a failure for the Beijing Olympic Games and probably is leading to the worst Olympic Games in history.


(Wei's voice) "The communist regime is facing huge obstacles inside China and is taking all types of severe measures to suppress the people.   Beijing city is currently almost under martial law.  Such tight control would force the Chinese people not to tolerate it any longer.  From this view, we can say that the organization of this Olympic Games is already a failure.  The communist regime is losing its decorative shining face.  Moreover, many activities by ordinary Chinese people against the communist regime, during the Beijing Olympics, could likely make these games the worst in Olympic history.  Although we are not predicting how bad it could be, however, we can tell for sure that it will not be so peaceful during these Olympic Games."



Related voice links:




(The Wei Jingsheng Foundation is responsible for this version of the English translation.  We thank the reporters Ming Fu and Yuhan Li of Sound of Hope.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A397-W211



Release Date: August 2, 2008



Topic: Wei Jingsheng: The Beijing Olympic could be the Worst One in Olympic History (Sound of Hope)

标题:魏京生:北京奥运可能成为奥运史上最糟糕的奥运 (希望之声)


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese at the end)






































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