Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A531-W307

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A531-W307


Release Date: March 20, 2010



Topic: The Way Out for China (Part II) -- Wei Jingsheng

标题: 《中国的出路》之二 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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The Way Out for China, Part II

-- Wei Jingsheng



In the past few years, there has been a lot of dispute on the issue of democracy.  To distinguish the wrongs from the rights of these arguments, we need to clarify what really is democracy.  There are a lot of books and articles pontificating about democracy during the old Greek and Roman times.  Then there comes the agonizing: too bad these democracies were destroyed by dictatorship.  The democracy we want today, is the kind of democracy where everyone could participate.


As a matter of fact, this kind of ideology is really not too far away from us.  Those friends who are relatively older and have Cultural Revolution experience, as well as many friends who are younger but like to read books, would probably know that during the Cultural Revolution times, there were "free airing views" and "big-character posters".  A majority of the people then even participated in the election of the "Revolutionary Committee".  They even mobilized a whole mass judging of the court cases, by passing the court cases on to each working-unit, where people cast their votes to determine the terms of the criminal punishment.  Even then the average person felt that it was like children's games.  However, for the "democracy through mobilized mass" kind of people like Mao Zedong, this was their ideology.  This ideology even got carried out with the support of the dictatorial violence.  Why was it that the highest and true democracy in their ideology never appeared?  Why would the ideology of so many of the elite be a joke if it was realized?


The ancient people already gave the normal explanation thousands of years ago.  The democracy wherein everyone directly participates is practical in a village.  But when it expands to a larger scale, even to a city, it gets more difficult.  One either chooses a system that uses representatives to discuss official business, or ever shifts further toward the reign of the king.  The election style of the Khan during the older times of the Xiongnu, Sienpi (Xianbi), and Turks, lacked stability.  The larger it was, the more there were internal fights and mutual annihilation.  So for both the Orient and the Occident, it soon shifted to the relatively stable reign succession through bloodline.


The Chinese way of reign succession could be considered as the most efficient one in the world.  It did not depend on the aristocrats, but the whole elite class.  This is in some way like the "three representatives" promoted by the Chinese Communist Party nowadays -- a combination of three elite classes.  As described by the emperor of the Han Dynasty, when all the elite are in our pocket, where would be the people who would revolt?  Why should we worry about instability?


But reality could be more complicated and the outcome would go against the will.  Although a system of legitimate succession to carry on the ruling power was established, many issues such as running into a stupid ruler, monopolization of power and corruption by the government officials were hard to resolve.  Those issues became so difficult that in the past more than two thousand years, the system was often defeated by the tribes in China's border regions which practiced the ancient representative system, and eventually was defeated by a small group of "Western pirates".  Only after that was China able to draw a lesson from this painful experience.   It started to learn from the West, and the so called the most advanced, truest, and highest democracy.


However, after one hundred years learning from the West, we got a dictatorial system from the Communist Party.  How could this happen?  People of good will, as well as the elites and scholars have thought about this for more than a half century now.  Why did not China build a democratic system like the West?  Both Deng XiaoPing and Lee Kuan Yew (of Singapore) told us that we the Orientals are not good enough, with many problems of being tied by special cultural upbringing including language problems.   From that saying, it seems we are the inferior race and thus unable or do not deserve democracy.   Or to use a milder expression: the race might not be a problem, but we need to totally replace the culture.  The best way is to let the Westerners rule for a period of time, in an effort to change our cultural genes faster.  Then we will have democracy.


However, thinking further, this attitude does not make sense.  We share the same language base and racial base with Japan, Taiwan and Korea.  Some of them even try to take our ancestors as their own, and have even preserved more of traditional Chinese culture than we have.  Why can they have democracy, but not the Chinese?  That logic is not right.  In the past a few years, there have been people manufacturing a theory for "government by constitution".  This theory suggests that if we govern by implementing the constitution, then there will not be a problem and we will have democracy.  But even the common folk would say: that constitution has been written for more than half a century.  Some sections are even more detailed and thorough than in some Western countries; why are they not carried out?


This is exactly the question that people of good will have been thinking of for more than 30 years, and also the one recently leading to a lot of discussion.  Indeed, it is not wrong to implement the constitution.  Without constitutional and legal protection, a democratic system could not exist and maintain operation.  However, why then if the constitution is written, is it not implemented?  That is because human nature includes monopolization.  It is not necessary to say the dictators have particularly bad human nature.  When anyone is given too much power without restriction, even a fool will become a dictator.  Even an originally kind and fair-minded person would be corrupted by power and become a cruel and ruthless tyrant, at first only to protect his "fair-minded" position.


If we read Chinese history, we would know that so called "wise monarchs and capable ministers" were really the ones who carried out good deeds when they had to.  They needed to restrain their human nature.  When there was no need of restraint and they could do anything they liked, these rulers were self-indulgent and despots; if not themselves, then quickly replaced by such.  Then let us examine how the Westerners constrain their rulers.  Instead of simply relying on a constitution and laws, these rulers are controlled by the people with a strong opposition or opposition parties.  The existence of an opposition or opposition parties who are also experts on politics is the biggest and timely threat to the ruling group, and is a trustworthy guarantee to suppress the nature of the rulers and to restrain their tendency toward dictatorship.



To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's commentary, please visit:



(Written and recorded on March 4, 2010.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A531-W307

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A531-W307


Release Date: March 20, 2010



Topic: The Way Out for China (Part II) -- Wei Jingsheng

标题: 《中国的出路》之二 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生
































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