Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A534-W309

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A534-W309


Release Date: March 28, 2010



Topic: The Way Out for China (Part III) -- Wei Jingsheng

标题: 《中国的出路》之三 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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The Way Out for China, Part III

-- Wei Jingsheng



The most important keys for a democratic politics are the opposition party and opposition front.  That means we should have two or more political parties within the politics of a country.  Meanwhile, we need a strong opposition front formed by various political groups, with the ability to threaten the position of the ruling party to the point where the ruling party could be overturned at anytime.  Only in this way will the ruling party govern with great caution, in the way we the Chinese describe as "walking on thin ice".  Then, the ruling party will hesitate to violate the rights and interests of the people.  We must keep in mind a precaution that these rulers may abuse their powers, as the way to prevent the thieves.  When the rulers have too much power, with the not-so-perfect human nature, the consequence would be the cruel exploration and suppression against the people.  The current China provides the best evidence right now.


Many friends have asked me this question before: if this system of one person, one vote is in our constitution, which seems also to have been executed in the past, how did the Chinese Communist Party seize people's rights that are stipulated by the Chinese Constitution?  On the surface, it seems not to violate the principle of the minority being subject to the majority, yet why is the reality that the majority obeys the minority?   Many friends cannot make a sense of this; nor could I when I was young.


One thing that happened during the Cultural Revolution period really puzzled me after much pondering.  However, only after I read and thought for a while, especially after I got to know the society by spending several years in the countryside, in the army and in the factory, I gradually realized the big trick played by the Communist Party's autocratic dictatorship that enabled it to get people's power by cheating.  This trigger happened exactly 40 years ago, when an ideological controversy about the theory of bloodlines resulted in the execution of a young thinker of 27 years old.


His name was Yu Luoke, a young Pekingese worker.  Because his family background was not in favor to the Chinese Communist Party, he could not attend any university.  However, he was very erudite and hard thinking, and in particular extremely brave.  He said what many people thought of yet did not dare to say, eventually using his own life to insist on what he believed.


Many people know that when Mao Zedong initiated the Culture Revolution, he used a small group of middle-school students who were very daring.  Yet, an even smaller group of middle-school age students were the nerviest and dared to challenge the authority that was composed mostly by the children of the Communist cadres.  To bolster and support this smaller group of "red guards" who dared to challenge the official authority, Mao and his people praised highly a slogan which states "the hero fathers produce brave men; the anti-revolutionaries have bastard sons."  This is the well-known "theory of the bloodlines."  That slogan extremely encouraged that group of proud youth, which enabled them to burst the bureaucratic system of the Communist Party.  The result was a situation favorable to Mao to take back his power from chaos.


To prevent the newly formed bureaucratic system falling back to the older bureaucrats, Mao's clique had to abandon the larger group of "red guards" with its core leadership of the children of the Communist cadres, and meanwhile try to foster the rising rebel faction which resented the bureaucratic clique.  This is the social and political background of the theoretical dispute between those who supported the "theory of bloodlines" and those who were against it.  Both sides took Mao's own conflict sayings to support themselves and both sides had their own supporters and social bases.  For a while, they stuck to their guns and caused a sensation over the whole country.


As Mao's clique rapidly accomplished their goal to seize and firmly grasp the power in various levels of the government, the dispute over the "theory of bloodlines" evolved into a substantial transformation.  The side that supported the "theory of bloodlines" was effectively the social base for those who attempted to restore the older bureaucratic system.  So, regardless of which forms they took for their activities, they received merciless strikes until they finally disappeared into the tides of being "sent to the countryside" and "attending the military".  The rebel faction that was against the "theory of the bloodlines" did not escape the same kind of fate.  Eventually, they ended in the countryside and jails.  Only when all sorts of oppositions were eliminated, the system of autocratic dictatorship sailed into its stable state.


After all the opposition were suppressed and sent to jail, the Chinese Communist Party gave a death sentence for the immediate execution to Yu Luoke, who was the theorist of one party against "the theory of bloodlines" in the dispute.  Like many people then, I was puzzled after much pondering.  The political goals had already been achieved and both sides of the dispute were not significant.  Why did the Communist Party made a big show with a lot of noise to "kill the chicken as a way of showing the monkeys"?  It was noticeable that the Communist Party was not ready to redress the other side either, as some of the other side were still in prison, some also had a death sentence for the "crime of anti-revolutionary behavior".


So what was the reason that the Communist Party must execute Yu Luoke, the representative of one side, especially that side that made more sense?


I gradually realized the reality in China then, only after I spent several years as a peasant, a soldier, and a worker.  I solved this puzzle after I understood the "class struggle theory" of the Communist Party in their ways to fool the people, to divide them up to rule.  This ruling method invented by Mao Zedong is just the opposite of a democratic system.  A democratic system divides the politicians into two or more factions and political parties, so their fighting is a benefit to the people.  In comparison, Mao's ruling method was to divide the people into two or more factions, to let their fighting result in a win and the benefit of the Communist Party.


Thus, I realized why the side that makes more sense could be even less tolerated by Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai.  Being against "the theory of bloodlines" would touch the theoretical base of the Communist rule.  When people are not enemies who would fight each other to their death, the minority suppressors would be exposed in their true face as the enemy to the people.  This is the root reason that Yu Luoke met his unfortunate end, as well as the greatness of him to be the representative of the people.  In comparing him to the people who met their misery because they provided their opinions to the Communists, there are fundamental differences.



To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's commentary, please visit:



(Written and recorded on March 12, 2010.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A534-W309

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A534-W309


Release Date: March 28, 2010



Topic: The Way Out for China (Part III) -- Wei Jingsheng

标题: 《中国的出路》之三 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生







文革中发生的一件事,使我百思不得其解。经过几年的读书思考,特别是经过几年在农村,军队中和工厂单位中对社会的了解,渐渐地使我看透了专制独裁使用什么手法变了个大戏法,把人民手中的权力骗到了手。这个故事就是整整四十年前,为 了一场有关血统论的思想争论,枪毙了一位年仅27岁的年轻的思想者。




























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