Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A607-W371

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A607-W371


Release Date: January 23, 2011



Topic: The Way Out for China (Part XXXIII): Issues after Hu Jintao Visited the United States -- Wei Jingsheng

标题: 《中国的出路》之三十三:胡锦涛访美后的问题 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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The Way Out for China (Part XXXIII): Issues after Hu Jintao Visited the United States

-- Wei Jingsheng



Hu Jintao's visit to the United States is over.  Just as I anticipated, in negotiations with Americans he had to make concessions.  However, he remained tight on the currency exchange rate in order to take care of the interests of the big capitalists of the two countries.  He even made a small concession on the human rights issue, but not the exchange rate.  The exchange rate is the fundamental condition for the big businesses in both countries to make excess profits.  So Hu Jintao is indeed a "good" Secretary-General who works wholeheartedly for the capitalists.


Hu Jintao brought with him unprecedented large orders.  The total was initially claimed to be 100 billion U.S. dollars, but was ultimately negotiated at 45 billion dollars.  The failed half of the deals were likely related to U.S. defense technology, which is not allowed, or the bidding was too low.  It looks like the negotiators already calculated that the deals would not be as much as the so claimed 100 billion, but that amount was offered anyway to trick the big US businesses to mobilize their lobbying forces for Hu's US visit so as to guarantee the best reception and enough face were given during Hu's visit.


This deliberate calculation by Vice Premier Wang Qishan and State Councilor Dai Bingguo could be called as wishful thinking.  Because, if you cannot stand the pressure of the United States, or trade wars and currency wars really start, then the loss of trade on China side will certainly to be more than 100 billion dollars in addition to the loss of initiative.  Even if concessions are made regarding the exchange rate, they will still lose the huge trade surplus.  However, by blocking the mouth of the U.S. Congress with this amount of trade value in advance and delaying the time of the currency exchange war, China will be able to protect the excess profits of the large enterprises of both countries and still do not have to start adjusting the domestic market.   It will be able to maintain domestic inflation, and thus be able to fill the treasury deficit with the extorted money from the average Chinese.


Therefore, the real significance for Hu Jintao's visit to the United States was to formally define the so-called "basic national policy" of continued inflation without economic policy reforms in China.  Hu Jintao is kind of like Hua Guofeng, the abolished Communist leader in the late 1970's.  Their "basic national policy" is: "execute according to the already established guidelines".  They neither want to engage in political reform, nor in economic reform.  Instead, they would rather let China's politics and economics rot rapidly in the stagnant water, until the day of collapse.


Why so?  Mainly because their wishful thinking is really fooling themselves while trying to fool the others.  According to the Communist education that Hu Jintao received, to make concessions on the human rights issue is a major issue of principle.  He certainly would not take such an "unwise move" unless he had no other choice.  To him, that is already a huge concession.  However, to the others, paying lip service by a little self-criticism is a concession with no substance.  Even releasing a few well-known political prisoners is not enough to quell the pressure demanding the appreciation of the Chinese currency.


This is because that the current situation is totally different than that during the negotiations between Jiang Zemin and Bill Clinton.  At that time, the American economy was OK and Americans cared about the violation of other people's rights.  However, nowadays, the Americans care about their own interests.  Their own interests are more important that other people's rights.  This is human nature that we should not blame.


Although Wang Qishan and Dai Bingguo designed this plot for Hu Jintao to skillfully slip out of a predicament, it did not fool the others.  The Americans did not just refuse later, but rejected it right then.  While the president accepted the orders, the US Congress already made a posture to show they were not enough to accept.  Hu Jintao and his high-ranked advisors forgot that in the US system Congress makes policy, while the president implements.  So they think the plot was skillful, but in fact it is only served to deceive themselves.


Why do I say that they are deceiving themselves?  That is because they underestimated the intelligence of Americans.  When the Chinese currency RMB appreciates, the reduced trade deficit will be more than that amount.  Will the Americans not understand something so simple?  The $45 billion in business orders only reduces the trade deficit in one way.  Fair trade will bring reduction both ways, doubling the speed of trade balance and increasing employment in the USA.  Only a fool will take just one instead of two.  Of course, to obtain one in the hand first and then strive for the second is a more secure approach.  This is why the Americans played the fool.  These Chinese Communist leaders who think that they could cheat the others, are really fooling themselves.


What effect will this policy of "executing according to the already established guidelines" bring to the economy and politics in China?  This is what concerns our people in China the most.  Although business orders were given to the USA, the Chinese delegation did not open trade, and did not increase the merchandise in the domestic markets inside China.  The inflation in China will continue.  Bank loans will increase because of increased orders, which will further fuel inflation.  Because the same Chinese-made products are more expensive inside China than outside, now the importing business will make excessive profits and thus make the average Chinese lose more money.  This is the currency recovery plan by Wang Qishan, who is responsible for finance.


If the appreciation rate of the Chinese currency RMB remains slow, foreign exports will remain strong.  Then the domestic market in China will not develop, and the trade surplus will continue to grow as in recent quarters.  Therefore, trade friction will not be reduced, and the pressure from the United States will not be reduced either.  As a result, the diplomatic situation will remain grim.  Dai Bingguo, who is responsible for foreign affairs, will be held responsible, if he can still take responsibility.  So despite this huge business order to the USA now, that policy of "executing according to the already established guidelines" will lead everything back to the starting point, again to be reassembled into a state of trade war.  This is what Hu Jintao got from his last state visit to the USA.


In fact, the situation has yet to reach an irreversible stage.  If the wiser faction within the Chinese Communist regime still has the capacity, if they could treat the big orders as a way of expressing initial sincerity, if they want to take this opportunity to reform economic and political policies drastically, then there is still a possibility to turn things around for the better.  The following are a few steps of highest priority.


1: Release political prisoners, even just a few well-known political prisoners, in an effort to express the sincerity of Hu Jintao's commitment.


2: Accelerate the pace for the RMB appreciation, and open foreign currency with free currency exchange.  The reason is to recover money in a fair manner to curb inflation.


3: Reduce trade barriers and accelerate the automatic adjustment function of the market economy.  This will rapidly increase the amount of goods in the domestic market, while accelerating the speed of industrial restructuring and thus shift even more production into the domestic market.


4. Stop of playing games with the North Korean and Iranian nuclear issues, in order to reduce the international political disputes.  This will enable a focus on solving livelihood issues such as education and health care domestically, which might be able to ease the growing social crisis inside of China.


The important time is coming as the Chinese Communist regime increasingly slips into crisis.  The key to maintain social stability depends on the ability to change course and reform the outdated wrong policies.  I wish the wiser people within the Communist Party would be able to see the situation clearly and create a new situation in history.



To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's commentary, please visit:



(Written on January 20 and recorded on January 21, 2010.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A607-W371

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A607-W371


Release Date: January 23, 2011



Topic: The Way Out for China (Part XXXIII): Issues after Hu Jintao Visited the United States -- Wei Jingsheng

标题: 《中国的出路》之三十三:胡锦涛访美后的问题 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生

















之所以说自欺欺人,是因为他们低估了美国人的智商。人民币升值后减少的贸易逆差不会少于这个数字,难道美国人不懂这个简单的道理吗? 订单只是单向的减少,而公平贸易带来的是双向的减少,使贸易平衡和增加就业的速度加倍。傻瓜才选择一个而不要两个。当然,先拿到一个再争取第二个更稳妥一些。这就是美国人装傻的原因。以为把别人骗了的人,其实自己更傻。


























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