Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A658-O183



Release Date: September 30, 2011



Topic: Red Ballet at Kennedy Center Becomes Focus of Controversy (the Epoch Times)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Red Ballet at Kennedy Center Becomes Focus of Controversy

By Matthew Robertson, Epoch Times Staff

Sep 25, 2011



WASHINGTON -- Chinese-Americans who fled the all-encroaching hand of communism in their home country are shocked, incredulous, and sounding the alarm over the fact that it has popped up again here in the United States-and at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts of all places.


A loose coalition of these individuals gathered outside the Foggy Bottom Metro station, where Kennedy's shuttle buses pick up patrons, on Saturday afternoon, giving speeches in Chinese and English and brandishing hand-scrawled signs that read "Communist ballet promotes hatred & violence" and "Communist ballet is not Chinese culture."


The signs referred to the performance of The Red Detachment of Women, an infamous revolutionary ballet, which sings the praises of the Communist Party and spits venom at class enemies. During the "land reform" campaigns associated with this period hundreds of thousands of innocent people were tortured, beaten to death, buried alive or otherwise persecuted because they were land owners, i.e., "class enemies."


The "Red Detachment," which glorifies that history and portrays the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as the savior of the nation, therefore shouldn't have been welcomed into the hallowed halls of the Kennedy Center, half of whose budget comes from the U.S. government, these activists say. Acts I and II from the play were performed there by the National Ballet of China from Sept. 22-24 as part of a month-long China program supported by the regime.


"Americans used to oppose communist propaganda, but now they've relaxed and the CCP is infiltrating the society. This is very dangerous," said Wei Jingsheng, often referred to as the godfather of the Chinese democracy movement, at the rally.


"They're bringing over this stuff, that even Chinese people have already rejected, and performing it on stage for Americans. It reminds me of the horrible violence and hatred of the Cultural Revolution era. I am shocked that they would perform this. It's just so brazen."


He added: "They're trying to poison people's thoughts, and this is only the first step.”


"If you think this is simply art, that's already dangerous," Wei said. "The CCP itself says that the purpose of art is to serve politics ... If you simply try to appreciate the artistry then you're already going along the CCP," he said.


He added: "This is their attempt at responding to Shen Yun, pushing out their most virulent communist propaganda."


Shen Yun, a premier classical Chinese dance performing arts company of which The Epoch Times is a media sponsor, travels the globe exhibiting traditional Chinese culture. It has met with the CCP's meddling for several years.


In a few instances where the Chinese regime could bring strong pressure-such as Moldova or the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong-the shows were cancelled. On other occasions the Party has responded with its own performances-but apparatchiks in the cultural department may have taken things a little too far with the current attempt, according to one scholar.


Lu Xing, a professor at DePaul University in Chicago who has written a book about Cultural Revolution-era indoctrination and propaganda, and who even sees some artistic merit in "Red Detachment," said in a telephone conversation that the idea of this ballet being performed for Americans seemed a little strange.


"This story is about eulogizing the Communist Party," she said. "To Americans, the story will seem absurd. Americans might normally watch love stories or stories of human compassion, or something that is at the level of human nature, but this is very political," she said. "It's full of hatred."


It's not even properly Chinese, in the traditional sense, Lu Xing explained. "Red Detachment does not represent anything of Chinese culture or tradition. The story is relatively contemporary ... not like an ancient story. It's communist propaganda."


Lindsay Capen, 48, holidaying in DC from San Diego, got that message as she meandered past Foggy Bottom Metro station on Saturday.


The night before she and her husband had been discussing what performance they would see: the ballet, or the opera? They chose the latter.


"I'm glad I didn't go now!" she exclaimed after hearing the speeches and understanding the idea behind the performance.


And the opera? "Oh, it was Tosca, it was wonderful!"



Related photos:




Link of the original English report:



Link of the original Chinese report:




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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A658-O183



Release Date: September 30, 2011



Topic: Red Ballet at Kennedy Center Becomes Focus of Controversy (Epoch Times)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)








美国26团体抗议中共华府演出 煽动仇恨









人权组织「为平等与自由负责」(Responsible for Equality And Liberty, 简称R.E.A.L.)创办人杰弗瑞伊姆(Jeffrey Imm)在该组织网站上发表声明,拒绝美化中共暴力,拒绝美化中共压迫,拒绝这个舞剧(《红色娘子军》)中的暴力压迫信息。 


中国人当年被中共欺骗 魏京生提醒美国政府警惕
24日下午在肯尼迪中心附近的乔治华盛顿大学外举行的集会上,魏京生先生说:「中国人民当年没有警惕性,被共产党的宣传所欺骗,遭受了很多苦难,现在美国社会也缺乏警惕性,让共产党的仇恨宣传进入到美国,将来会有什么结果呢? 我们也很怀疑。」 













当今的中共政权,已经把当年的小偷小摸发展成了国际性的间谍运作。最近通过的名为H.R. 28992011中国媒体互惠法案》指出,在2010财政年度中,有大约650名中国公民持国际记者签证进入美国工作,而美国方面却只有2名为美国国际广播局工作的新闻记者被允许常驻中国大陆[2] 这种差异难道不让我们担忧吗?一名前中共高级情报人员叛逃到美国后透露,中共政治、军事、经济领域情报间谍工作的重点一直是美国。更有甚者,中共把当年赤裸裸的口号式洗脑也完善成了国际性渗透系统。包括「孔子学院」、「中国学生学者联谊会」、「中国统一促进会」等组织,都是挂羊头卖狗肉的中共传声筒。 








1. The Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition (Chairman: Jingsheng Wei) (中国民主运动海外联席会议, 主席 魏京生)
2. China Interim Government (President: Mr. Fan Wu) (
中国过渡政府, 伍凡) 
3. Alliance for Democracy for Asians in USA (President: Mr. Tan Nguyen)
4. China Affairs (
5. China Democratic Revolution Federation

6. China Democracy Journal (
7. China Peace (
8. Chinese Social Democratic Party (
9. Christian Democracy Party of China (
10. Democracy Party of China (
11. Future China Forum (
12. Global Service Center for Quitting Chinese Communist Party
13. Rally for Democracy (Representative: Dr. Binh Nguyen)
14. Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) (Founder: Mr. Jeffrey Imm)
15. The International Organization to Support Non-Violent Movement For Vietnam (Chairman: Dr. Quan Nguyen)
16. Tibet Dokham Chushi Gandruk (Representative: Mr. Lobsang Chophel)
17. United 4 Equality, LLC (U4E) (Founder/CEO: Ms. Carolyn A. Cook)
18. United League for Democracy for Laos (President: Mr. Bounthanh/Boulom)
19. Uyghur American Association (President: Mr. Alim Seytoff)
20. Vietnamese American Community of DC, MD, and VA (Chairman: Mr. Anh Hong Do)
21. Washington Forum
22. Mr. Cai Dengwen, U.S., Central Exe. Committee, Chinese Social Democratic Party (
蔡登文 美国 中国社会民主党中央执行委员) 
23. Mr. Liu Jianghe, U.S., Christian Coalition of justice (
柳江河 美国 基督教公义联盟) 
24. Mr. Liu Guohua, U.S., Allies of The Guard of American Values (
刘国华 守护美国价值联盟) 
25. Mr. Liu Yunquan, U.S., Secretary General of Chinese Social Democratic Party (
刘因全 美国中国社会民主党秘书长) 
26. Ms. Xu Pei, Germany, Freelance Writer (
徐沛 德国 自由作家)


















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