Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A663-O188



Release Date: October 12, 2011



Topic: Chinese Regime Nervous About Revolution's Centennial Anniversary (The Epoch Times)



Original Language Version: Chinese/English (Chinese version at the end)



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Chinese Regime Nervous About Revolution's Centennial Anniversary

-- Chinese Communist Party is rewriting the history of the 1911 Xinhai Revolution

By Gary Feuerberg, Epoch Times Staff

Oct 10, 2011



WASHINGTON-Monday, Oct. 10, marks the 100-year anniversary of the revolution that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has always celebrated as a necessary preliminary step for the CCP's own assumption of power in 1949. But in a year that has seen successful revolutions in Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya, and other revolutions threatening the rulers of Bahrain, Iran, Syria, and Yemen, official commemorations on the mainland of the Xinhai Revolution have been strained.


The Xinhai Revolution overthrew the last imperial dynasty, the Qing dynasty and replaced it with a republic. But this year the CCP is not calling the Xinhai Revolution by the term "revolution."


Instead, the CCP is calling the Xinhai Revolution a "reform," said Wei Jingsheng on Oct. 6 at a forum held at the U.S. Capitol titled, Xinhai Revolution: China, 100 Years Ago-Today and the Past. The forum was sponsored by 14 organizations dedicated to democracy and human rights in China.


Wei is a well-known democracy advocate, sometimes referred to as the Father of Chinese Democracy, and is the chairman of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition. He was imprisoned for a total of 18 years for his writings on democracy and human rights.


"In the past it was very solemnly commemorated, but this year the CCP is quite nervous, because they're afraid of the 1911 Revolution-the word 'revolution,'-because now most Chinese people think that reform has no hope, and that only revolution can bring about real change. So the CCP is afraid," Wei said.


One could hardly call the Xinhai Revolution a "reform" when it began with the Wuchang Uprising on Oct. 10, 1911, with gunshots, he said. Oct. 10, known as "Double-Ten Day," is celebrated as the beginning of the Republic of China and is a national holiday in Taiwan.


The city of Wuchang, now the modern day city of Wuhan, in Hubei Province in central China, was where the insurrection first began that led to the abdication of the last emperor (Puyi) on Feb. 12, 1912. The Qing dynasty had decided to build a new army and had chosen Wuchang as the site for the manufacture of the new military equipment.


The officers and soldiers at Wuchang were greatly influenced by the revolutionary ideas of Sun Yat-sen, who later became the first president of the Republic of China, and is today revered both in Taiwan and on the mainland.


The soldiers at the military headquarters in Wuchang revolted and took over the local government, declaring the Republic of China, said Dr. James Li, who spoke at the forum.


Li said he was radicalized in part because he was born in Wuchang. He was a student leader at the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989 and a graduate student at Peking University when he organized the first petition for the Independent Workers Union. He was imprisoned for about two years.


Wei said that the CCP's retreat from supporting a tradition of celebrating the Xinhai Revolution has become ludicrous. It even stopped the showing of a romantic drama between Sun Yat-sen and his wife, which it had encouraged in the past.


It's clear that the CCP doesn't want this particular revolution celebrated, he said.


Now the regime is promoting Gandhi's example of "peace" and "nonviolence," said Wei. While Gandhi won India's independence from Britain with nonviolence, Wei pointed out that Gandhi had a fundamental faith in the British and could appeal to their better side. The Communist Party of China, he said, by contrast is pure evil.


Spiritual Awakening


The consensus of the speakers at this Capitol Hill forum was that after 100 years, China is once again at a crossroads. The CCP fears the cries of a Jasmine Revolution will echo in China.


The recent experiences of the Middle East and North Africa revolutions suggest that a prerequisite for change is that people renounce dictatorship, said Dr. Zhang Tianliang, an Epoch Times columnist and adjunct professor at George Mason University. Before Chinese can come out and protest on the streets, they first need to have a "spiritual awakening" to rebuild China with a new value system that is the opposite of the CCP's ideology of "struggle" and state violence.


Zhang said that the Chinese people had been brainwashed by the CCP to place their hopes for a better life in the Party, but after the publication of the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" in November 2004 by The Epoch Times, people began to see the Party as the problem, not the solution. The "Nine Commentaries" led to the Tuidangmovement, which means "withdrawal from the Communist Party."


He said 100 million Chinese have now renounced membership in the CCP or its affiliated organizations. Zhang said that the importance of the Tuidang is being officially recognized by the U.S. Congress with the recent introduction of House Resolution 416 and Senate Resolution 232.




Ge Lifang, from the League of Chinese Victims, provided some reasons why the Chinese people would want an end to the CCP. In 2001, her family lost their home in Shanghai to make way for urban renewal. She described the forced demolition of homes of 40,000 people, who were given no compensation and were rendered homeless.


There was no legal recourse because China lacks the legal system to protect property rights. Ge went to Beijing often to petition the injustice, but was warned by local authorities that if she persisted, she would be sent to a re-education through labor (RTL) camp.


The Chinese justice system also took away the assets of Wen Xinping, who granted an interview after the forum. Ms. Wen and her husband in 1992 started one of the first biotech companies in China, Jingmei Biotech Co., Ltd. It was very successful and was worth $500 million.


She said that her husband colluded with a local judge and the prosecutor, the husband's former classmate, to steal her share of the ownership and threw her into jail in Shenzhen for 19 months in 2007-2009. She showed photos of physical abuse that she alleged she received.


Local grievances are important said Roland Watson, the founder of Dictator Watch, but the focus needs to elevate if freedom is to be won.


"Local grievances lead to local protests. But if the focus is shifted to freedom, this can be used to create national movements, and national protests. Tiananmen Square can once again ring with voices calling for democracy."


Another student uprising like Tiananmen could happen "anytime," said Li.



Related photos (all photo credit: the Epoch Times):

1. Dr. Tsuwei Huang hosts the Xinhai Revolution forum in the US Capitol:


2. Wei Jingsheng, Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition chair, speaks to more than 130 audiences:


3. Dr. Zhang Tianliang, Columnist of the Epoch Times & Adj. Prof. of George Mason University:


4. Roland Watson, Dictator Watch:


5. Cheden Adetseang, President of Tibet Youth Congress in NY & NJ:


6. Zhao Yan, the Chinese Citizens' Delegation To Condemn CCP’s Anti-Humanity Crimes Stationed at the UN:


7.Lawyer Li Jinjin:


8.Zheng Kexue, vice president of the Chinese Freedom and Democracy Party:


9. Ge Lifang, the League of Chinese Victims:


10.Wen Xinping protests the Chinese government:




Link of the original English report:



Link of the original Chinese report:




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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A663-O188



Release Date: October 12, 2011



Topic: Chinese Regime Nervous About Revolution's Centennial Anniversary (The Epoch Times)

标题:美国国会研讨会:辛亥革命的回顾与前瞻 (大纪元时报)


Original Language Version: Chinese/English (Chinese version at the end)











【大纪元2011年10月07日讯】(大纪元记者亦平美国华盛顿DC报导) 2011年10月6日下午,中国民主运动海外联席会议等十几个团体在美国国会大厦举办"辛亥革命的回顾与前瞻"研讨会。多位中国问题专家回顾中国一百年来的历史,探讨中华民族面临的抉择和未来的出路。


辛亥革命百年 中共刻意低调 惧怕"革命"












传《九评》促三退 中国人精神觉醒






























独裁者观察创立人罗兰德华生(Roland Watson)说:"海外华人在推动中国大陆民主变革运动中应该扮演更重要的角色,使中国实现民主是一个巨大的考验,但是无论多高的山都可以被雨水滴穿,中国人民充份认识到民主自由目标的重要性,就一定能推翻共产党这座大山。"


新泽西地区藏青会主席Cheden Adetseang说﹕"国父孙中山建立了这样一个民主政权,如果他在中国执政,中国形势一定不会像现在这样。中国是全世界人口最多的一个国家,本应得到尊重,但是当今中国没有得到世界的尊重,就是因为共产党在中国执政。中国必须实现民主,一根筷子易折,一把筷子难断,我们要团结起来,推翻共产党,使中国真正走向民主。"






1. 2011年10月6日下午,中国民主运动海外联席会议等十几个团体在美国国会大厦举办"辛亥革命的回顾与前瞻"研讨会。多位中国问题专家回顾中国一百年来的历史,探讨中华民族面临的抉择和未来的出路。黄祖威博士主持。


2. 中国民主运动海外联席会议主席魏京生对到会的一百三十多名听众演讲:


4. 治梅森大学客座教授,大纪元时报特约评论员章天亮演讲:


4. 独裁者观察创立人罗兰德.华生:


5. 纽约新泽西地区藏青会主席Cheden Adetseang:


6. 联合国中国公民控告团赵岩:






9. 中国怨民大同盟葛丽芳:

















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