Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A666-O190



Release Date: Nov. 11, 2011



Topic: Wei Jingsheng and Other Panelists Analyze Rights in China at Georgetown University (by The Hoya and the Georgetown Voice)

标题:魏京生等在美国首府华盛顿的乔治城大学谈中国人权 (The Hoya及“乔治城之声”报道)


Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)



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Wei Jingsheng and Other Panelists Analyze Rights in China at Georgetown University



On Nov. 9, 2011, Wei Jingsheng and Huang Ciping were invited to speak about Chinese human rights at a panel in Georgetown University in Washington, DC.  The following are the reports by Lily Westergaard for Georgetown University's oldest and largest student newspaper, The Hoya, as well as its campus news magazine, Georgetown Voice's blog, authored by Jackson Perry.

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Panel Analyzes Rights in China

By Lily Westergaard

Special to The Hoya


Published: Thursday, November 10, 2011

Updated: Thursday, November 10, 2011 22:11



Panelists, including Chinese pro-democracy dissident Wei Jingsheng, discussed the country's human rights record and the implications of the university's relationship with Chinese governmental organizations Wednesday night.


The panel, which took place in McShain Lounge, was cosponsored by the International Relations Club, the Lecture Fund and the Georgetown University Students Association. GUSA is spearheading an initiative for Georgetown to engage in dialogue with Chinese human rights activists and the Chinese government.


The event included Huang Ciping, a human rights activist who translated for Wei, as well as Amnesty International Director of Advocacy T. Kumar and Director of Georgetown's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, & World Affairs and associate professor Tom Banchoff. Fr. Steven Fields, S.J., monitored the spirited discussion.

Wei, who spent 18 years in Chinese prisons before being exiled to the United States, voiced criticism of his home country's approach to human rights.


"In China, there is only one political party - the Communist Party - and no one can compete," he said. "With only one party, human rights cannot be well respected," he said.


Kumar added that half a million people are currently detained by the Chinese government, some for up to 40 years. Religious minorities are especially targeted, according to Kumar.


"No religion is allowed. Only the state-sponsored religion is accepted," he said.

The most controversial topic of the evening was the Chinese government's denial of a visa to Georgetown professor James Millward related to his contribution to a book concerning a Muslim area in China. Wei, Kumar and Huang criticized Georgetown's lack of action on behalf of professor Millward.


"You do not have to be champions, but you must not do damage," Kumar said. "Georgetown has damaged its own reputation."


Banchoff defended Georgetown's handling of the situation and relationship with Chinese governmental organizations, such as the State Administration of Religious Affairs.


"Principles are important, but we live in a complex world," he said. "We shouldn't put the relationship [between Georgetown and China] at stake for one scholar's visa."

Student opinions were somewhat divided about Chinese-U.S. relations. One student demanded to know what Wei had done for the Chinese people, aside from making speeches.

"You have mentioned that I have often criticized the Chinese government," Wei said. "That is what I have done for the Chinese people."


Other students came away with warmer feelings toward Wei.


"I thought he was hilarious," Sophia Weng (MSB '15) said. "He's hoping for a change, and you can tell it through his words."


The panel concluded on an optimistic note, when Wei was asked about the future of the regime in China.


"If they don't reform, Chinese people will uprise," Wei said. "The final conclusion is, China will change."



Link of the original report:



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Striking the Balance: panel debates the morality of Georgetown's relationship with China

Posted by: Jackson Perry



Last night, the Lecture Fund and the International Relations Club hosted a spirited discussion entitled "Striking the Balance: How Should American Universities Engage the Chinese Government?" Provoked by a recent Voice feature (Full Disclosure: Perry is the author of this feature) that detailed the University's growing relationships with Chinese government institutions, the event became an evaluation of the history of modern Chinese human rights and a debate over the ethics of the University's efforts in China.


In a discussion moderated by Father Stephen Fields of the Theology Department, the panelists were Wei Jingsheng, a prominent Chinese dissident who was exiled for his pro-democracy activism, Ciping Huang, the Secretary General of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition who also served as Jingsheng's translator, T. Kumar, the Director of International advocacy for Amnesty International USA, and Professor Thomas Banchoff, the Director of the Georgetown'sBerkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs.


The most contentious part of the dialogue concerned Georgetown's response to China's denial in 2008 and 2009 of University professor James Millward's visa requests. Kumar and Wei disagreed with Banchoff over the University's position on academic freedom and China.


Kumar criticized Georgetown for strengthening ties with China after Millward was denied a visa, advocating a "red lines" ethical stance.


"Georgetown maintaining it's relationship with China after they deny the visa of a professor here," Kumar said, "It's an insult to Georgetown itself."


"The policy of red lines is a bit dangerous," Banchoff responded. "Are we going to cut off our relations with China? Are we going to expel the 120 Chinese scholars who are here? Are we not going to let our students study abroad? We have 20 agreements with Chinese universities on exchanges, so it's not that simple. We have to be proportionate in our response."


"If you don't stand up for your own colleague or professor, then why are you there?" Kumar asked. "What matters is principle."


"We should never compromise our principles," Wei weighed in. "Then you compromise everything."


The question and answer portion of the event demonstrated that many in the audience were there not to hear a discussion of Georgetown's engagement with China, but to see Wei. One Chinese student asked him what actual contributions he has made to the Chinese in addition to his criticism of the nation's government. In response, Wei cleverly defended his record in exile.


"You mentioned I have been criticizing the Chinese government," Wei said. "This is the one very important thing I have been doing for the Chinese people."


Daniel Lamagna (COL '13), one of the organizers of the event, wrote an op-ed in the September 29 issue of the Voice that outlined the challenges he faced in bringing Wei to Georgetown. In the article, Lamagna said that "not only did the majority of professors seem reluctant to even entertain the idea, many advised that Georgetown's 'extremely sensitive' relationship with the CCP made inviting a pro-democracy dissident  to campus too 'delicate.' One faculty member said that while he supported the concept, he feared possible 'repercussions' from the University."


After the panel, Lamagna said he was happy that Banchoff was able to provide balance to the panel and offer the University's perspective on its engagement with China.



Link of the original article:




Related photo (Photo credit: Jackson Perry):




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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A666-O190



Release Date: Nov. 11, 2011



Topic: Wei Jingsheng and Other Panelists Analyze Rights in China at Georgetown University (by The Hoya and the Georgetown Voice)

标题:魏京生等在美国首府华盛顿的乔治城大学谈中国人权 (The Hoya及“乔治城之声”报道)


Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)











2011年11月9日,魏京生及黄慈萍受邀到美国首府华盛顿的乔治城大学参加有关中国人权的讨论会。以下是Lily Westergaard在乔治城大学最老和最大的学生报纸The Hoya发表的报道,以及Jackson Perry在校园杂志“乔治城之声”上发表的博客。

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The Hoya 特别记者: Lily Westergaard

发布时间: 2011年11月10日, 星期四







本次活动包括黄慈萍,一个为魏京生翻译的人权活动家;以及大赦国际宣传主任T. Kumar;和乔治城大学伯克利宗教、和平,及世界事务中心主任兼副教授Tom Banchoff。Steven Fields神父主持了这场热烈的讨论。










当晚最具争议的话题是中国政府拒绝给乔治城教授James Millward签证的事。这位教授帮助写就了一本关于中国穆斯林地区的书。魏京生,Kumar和黄慈萍批评乔治城大学缺乏代表该教授的行动。














“我认为他非常了不起,”Sophia Weng(MSB '15)说。 “他希望改变,你从他的话语中能感到。”










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Jackson Perry发布






这场讨论由Stephen Fields神父主持,讨论小组包括魏京生,一个杰出的、因其民运活动而被放逐的中国持不同政见者;黄慈萍,中国民主运动海外联席会议秘书长兼魏京生的翻译;T. Kumar,大赦国际美国分部国际宣传主任;及Thomas Banchoff教授,乔治城大学伯克利宗教、和平,及世界事务中心主任。


有关对话最有争议的部分是乔治城大学就中国在2008年和2009年拒绝该大学的教授James Millward签证申请的反应。Kumar和魏京生就大学在学术自由及中国问题上的立场与Banchoff观点不一。
















讨论会的组织者之一Daniel LaMagna(COL '13)在9月29日的乔治城之声上写了篇意见社论,概述了他把魏带到乔治城所面临的挑战。在这篇文章中,LaMagna说:“不仅大多数教授对此想法都很犹豫,而且很多人的忠告是:由于乔治城与中共的“极其敏感”的关系,邀请一个支持民主的持不同政见者来校园就太“微妙”了。其中一个教师说,虽然他支持这个想法,但他担心可能从大学得到的“反响”。“









相关图片(Jackson Perry拍摄):








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