Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A723-O205



Release Date: July 14, 2012



Topic: Wei Jingsheng Speaks to Thousands of People at the Rally: "Quit the Communist Party; Awaken People's Conscience" (from: The Epoch Times)

标题:魏京生在数千民众参加的声援中国退党潮大集会上讲话:三退唤醒民众良知 (来源:大纪元时报)


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Wei Jingsheng Speaks to Thousands of People at the Rally: "Quit the Communist Party; Awaken People's Conscience" (from: The Epoch Times)



On July 13, 2012, nearly 5,000 people held a rally at the Washington Monument in Washington, DC, USA.  They were Falun Gong practitioners from around the world, and representatives of non-governmental organizations and human rights organizations.  The rally was held in solidarity against the persecution of Falun Gong in the past 13 years and to celebrate the one hundred and twenty million Chinese people who have quit the Chinese Communist Party, its Youth League, and related teams and organizations.


During the rally lasting nearly two hours, nine speakers said that in the past thirteen years the Falun Gong practitioners' peaceful ways against persecution have been inspiring, moving, and have lead progress in China.  The indomitable spirit of Falun Gong practitioners has encouraged many Chinese people.  Their assistance and advice for the Chinese people to quit the Communist Party, its Youth League, and related teams and organizations have defined a moral choice to keep the evil away and be close to goodness spiritually, thus to obtain salvation.


Dr. Yu Jianmei presided over the rally.  The Chairman of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition, Mr. Wei Jingsheng, congratulated the more than one hundred twenty million Chinese people who have quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), its Youth League, and related teams and organizations due to the efforts of Falun Gong practitioners.


Mr. Wei said that the number of Chinese who have quit these organizations indicates that many Chinese people are awakening.


He thinks that this movement initiated by the Falun Gong practitioners has truly awaked the Chinese people, and the Chinese incidents of group resistance have also been affected by the impact of the quitting the CCP tide.  The end of the Communist regime is near.  He said, "More and more people are awakening from the Chinese Communist brainwashing.  People who quit from the Communist Party and related organizations are awakening faster and faster.  This movement is stimulating peoples' consciences to keep a distance from the CCP in their hearts and refuse being controlled by the CCP.  Even many officials have already or are on their way to leaving the CCP.  The Communist regime itself also knows that it has no legitimacy. "


He pledged to work together and work harder together with everyone.  He said that only by getting rid of the control of the Communist Party would China have a future.



For the complete original report in Chinese, please visit:



Related photos of the event:

1. Wei Jingsheng speaks at the rally (Photo credit: Lisa of The Epoch Times):


2. Thousands of people attending the rally in Washington, DC, USA (Photo credit: Ma Youzhi of The Epoch Times):




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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A723-O205



Release Date: July 14, 2012



Topic: Wei Jingsheng Speaks to Thousands of People at the Rally: "Quit the Communist Party; Awaken People's Conscience" (from: The Epoch Times)

标题:魏京生在数千民众参加的声援中国退党潮大集会上讲话:三退唤醒民众良知 (来源:大纪元时报)


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)








魏京生在数千民众参加的声援中国退党潮大集会上讲话:三退唤醒民众良知 (来源:大纪元时报)






















华盛顿“解体中共 停止迫害法轮功、声援三退一亿二千万”大集会(摄影:马有志/大纪元):








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