Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A735-O209



Release Date: September 24, 2012



Topic: Statement about the Chinese Government's Refusal of Dr. Wenhe Lu's Visa to China -- IFCSS (Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars, USA)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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IFCSS Statement about the Chinese Government's Refusal of Dr. Wenhe Lu's Visa to China


September 24, 2012


For Immediate Release



Dr. WANG, Ping, 703-220-5693

Dr. LU, Wenhe, 302-312-6840

Email: media.ifcss@gmail.com


On September 18, 2012, IFCSS (Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars, USA) council member Dr. Wenhe Lu's 90-year-old mother passed away.  On September 19, Dr. Lu went to the Chinese embassy in the United States to apply for a visa, and was refused with the excuse "you had a refusal of visa before".  The IFCSS strongly condemns the Chinese embassy's consistent conduct that shows a complete lack of human understanding and is without a moral baseline.  We share the double pain of Dr. Lu for his loss of his beloved mother and inability to attend her funeral.  We express our deep condolences to Dr. Lu and his family.


Since the mid-1990s, Dr. Lu has been responsible for the IFCSS humanitarian relief work, especially offering help to the victims and families of the 1989 June 4 Massacre.  In December 1999, when some Overseas Chinese were anxious to return to China to get wealthy, Dr. Lu went to Beijing alone to deliver the humanitarian fund to Professor Ding Zilin on behalf of the June 4 victims and families.  Dr. Lu was taken into custody by the Communist authorities and his parents' certificate of residence was held in custody as a way to force Dr. Lu to surrender the humanitarian relief fund.  However, with his intelligence he was able to dissolve the crisis and keep the humanitarian fund intact.  Since then, every time Dr. Lu returned China to visit his parents, he was harassed by the secret police of the Communist regime.  In recent years, he has been refused a visa.


For a long time, the Communist authorities have been using human love and affection to blackmail and combat IFCSS members, trying to force us to abandon our principles and resistance, and thus achieving its purpose to disintegrate IFCSS.  For more than a decade now, a number of IFCSS members and/or their families have experienced threats, detention, interrogation, denial of visa, refused entry, and even forbidden to attend funerals.  On the other hand, faced with the crisis of legitimacy of rule, Communist hired intellectuals have been raising the banner of "using filial piety to rule the country".  Undoubtedly Dr. Lu's visa refusal has once again exposed the true face of the Communist regime behind its hypocritical mask.


This act of the Communist regime to use human love and affection as a way of blackmail is tantamount to kidnapping.  Time and fact have proven that such policies or strategy are ineffective to the IFCSS as well as many other dissidents.  The reason that we stand by our principles is due to our love of our relatives, our compatriots, and our own human nature.  The despicable and brutal actions of the Communist regime would only stimulate our fighting spirit.  The Chinese Communist Party and its followers must learn from the bitter experience of the past that the drastic changes in Eastern Europe and the Arab Spring is not a distant future in the land of China.


On September 22, the IFCSS convened its council meeting.  All the participating council members unanimously agreed to expand the scope of humanitarian work and decided to add relief projects, with an upper limit for each individual case of $1,000 each.  These projects are for the purpose of aiding dissidents who have been pushing for democracy, freedom and human rights inside China, and as a result of difficulty to live.  Meanwhile, we are calling on all overseas Chinese and groups to lend a helping hand to our fellow compatriots, to support them substantially in every possible way and channel.  Joining together, let us strive for the early arrival of a free and democratic China.



Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars, USA



Related photo:

Opening remarks by Dr. LU Wenhe, during the June 2012 IFCSS candle light vigil in memory of the victims of June 4 Massacre in 1989:




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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A735-O209



Release Date: September 24, 2012



Topic: Statement about the Chinese Government's Refusal of Dr. Wenhe Lu's Visa to China - IFCSS (Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars, USA)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)











王平: 703-220-5693

陆文禾: 302-312-6840

电子信箱: media.ifcss@gmail.com


全美中国学生学者自治联合会理事陆文禾博士90高龄的母亲于9月18日去世。9月19日, 陆博士前往中国驻美大使馆申请签证,竟因有过被拒签记录为理由而遭到拒绝。“全美学自联”对中国驻华盛顿大使馆毫无人性的决定、对中共政府毫无伦理道德底 线的一贯行径表示强烈谴责;我们对陆博士痛失至亲而无法返乡奔丧的双重之痛感同身受,对他以及他的家人表示深切哀悼。




长期以来,中共当局以人伦亲情要挟和打击全美学自联成员,试图迫使我们放弃原则及抗争,并达到分化瓦解学自联的目的。过去十几年中,多位全美学自联的理事、 成员及他们的家属都曾经历过被威胁、被拘留问话、被拒签证、被拒入境,甚至被拒返乡奔丧。另一方面,面临统治合法性危机的中共利用御用文人祭出“以孝治国”的大旗。这次陆博士申请签证被拒,无疑又再一次戳穿了中共当局的虚伪面具。


中共当局以人伦亲情为要挟的行径无异于绑匪。时间和事实证明,这种政策或策略对全美学自联是无效的,相信对其他众多的异议人士也是无效的。我们之所以坚守正是因为对亲人的爱、对同胞的爱、对同类的爱,中共的卑劣和残暴只会激发我们的斗志。中共及其跟随者必须痛改前非,否则,东欧剧变、阿拉伯之春对于华夏大地 并非遥远的将来。


















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