Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A732-W459

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A732-W459


Release Date: September 3, 2012



Topic: Statement from Wei Jingsheng and the Wei Jingsheng Foundation in Support of the Tibetans Flame of Truth Torch Relay in North America



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Statement from Wei Jingsheng and the Wei Jingsheng Foundation in Support of the Tibetans Flame of Truth Torch Relay in North America


September 2, 2012


Dear Tibetan friends, also all the friends who support the freedom of the Tibetans,


Mr. Wei Jingsheng is traveling in Europe and regrets that he is unable to attend your kickoff of the North American leg of the Tibetan Flame of Truth Torch Relay today in person.  However, he asked me to send you this message on his behalf to let you know that his heart is with you, and in support of Tibetans' freedom, especially this event.


For several decades now, Wei Jingsheng has been in sympathy and supporting the freedom of the Tibetans, who are deprived of the basic human rights and who are suppressed more than the average Chinese by the Chinese Communist regime. 


We all know that for more than half century now, the Communist regime's killing of the Tibetans has been outrageous and horrifying.  From the bloodshed by the Chinese Communist army's invasion in 1959, the subsequent genocide of Tibetans by whole villages; to the crackdown and killing of the Tibetans by the Chinese military in March 1989 and the subsequent massacring the Chinese people on TianAnMen Square in Beijing; the evil atrocities by the Communist regime continue until today.  Tibetans have lost their homeland and are exploited out of basic economic, political, and religious rights, and even are not allowed to carry a portrait of your beloved Dalai Lama.  In recent years, the suppression against the Tibetans by the Communist Party has stepped up even more.  Yet the Tibetans' appeals and protests could not move the Chinese Communist regime -- Tibet is in such a desperate situation and it is so sad for the world to see that even the self-immolations by several dozen Tibetans cannot move the Communist government.


We are watching the Tibetans' misery in great sympathy and support your freedom fight just as our own.  We want to say that we the Chinese people are with you Tibetans at this very moment, and will always be with you.  The Communist regime is an evil.  It suppresses both Tibetans and Chinese people.  In dealing with the evil, we can only fight.  We must have confidence to win against the evil.  We must take action against the evil, instead of seeking and hoping for its mercy or good heart.  We must fight together, joining forces with all the people in the world who love freedom and human rights, until all of us win the victory against that evil Communist regime, until all of us are free!


Freedom belongs to the Tibetans!  Freedom belongs to all the people!


-- Ciping HUANG, executive director of the Wei Jingsheng Foundation



This is a message from WeiJingSheng.org


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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A732-W459

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A732-W459


Release Date: September 3, 2012



Topic: Statement from Wei Jingsheng and the Wei Jingsheng Foundation in Support of the Tibetans Flame of Truth Torch Relay in North America



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)

















我们知道,半个多世纪以来,共产政权杀害藏人的无耻和可怕。从中共军队1959年入侵时的血流成河,及随后对成村庄的藏人的种族灭绝;从1989年3月在西藏的军事镇压,到随后在北京天安门广场对汉人的屠杀;邪恶中共的暴行延续至今。藏人失去了他们的家园。藏人被剥削了最基本的经济、政治和宗教的权利,甚至都不允许随身携带心爱的达赖喇嘛的肖像。近些年来,中共更进一步加强了镇压的力度。然而,藏人的呼吁和抗议却感动不了中共政权 -- 整个世界都看到西藏的现况是这样地令人绝望,令人难过;然而,即使是数十名藏人以他们宝贵的生命进行的自焚事件也不能感动中共当局。






--魏京生基金会执行主任 黄慈萍








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Wei Jingsheng Foundation, P. O. Box 15449, Washington, DC 20003, USA

电话: 1-202-270-6980






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