Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A747-W473

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A747-W473


Release Date: January 30, 2013



Topic: Well-known Human Rights Activist: I Hope Shen Yun Will Spread Further in the World (the Epoch Times)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Well-known Human Rights Activist: I Hope Shen Yun Will Spread Further in the World



January 30, 2013 (The Epoch Times reporter Le Hai reports from Washington DC) On January 29, once again, the Kennedy Center's Opera House greeted a performance by the New York Company of the Shen Yun Performing Arts, which carries the traditional Chinese culture of 5,000 years.  When the curtian opened, the classic Chinese dances with colorful clothes in dignified and elegant moves, accompanied by a live orchestra of both Chinese and Western musical instruments and a brilliant dynamic stage canopy, continuously amazed the audience and elicited nearly constant applause.


After she watched the Shen Yun performance, Ms. Huang Ciping, the well-known human rights activist and the Executive Director of the Wei Jingsheng Foundation, joyfully said: "Every year, Shen Yun has a new performance.  I have different feelings after I watched each new performance.  I am thankful for the efforts by the Shen Yun performers."


Ms Huang said: "The Shen Yun performance has a rich content.  It includes the Chinese classical dance, solos, and live orchestra combined by both Chinese and Western musical instruments.  The use of high-tech in the dynamic canopy across the whole stage had a very wonderful charming effect.  As Shen Yun displayed the traditional Chinese culture and art, it also successfully inserted content about the current Chinese society, demonstrated the expectation for a beautiful future by the Chinese people from all walks of life, including Falun Gong practitioners."


Ms. Huang expressed that Shen Yun has provided an excellent way for people in the world, especially born-overseas Chinese, to learn the true Chinese culture.  She said: "It tells a lot of Chinese historic stories.  It has elegant Chinese classic dances and live performance of the orchestra.  Before each act, a lady and gentleman presenter introduced the bilingual program content.  The hostess was very poetic while the host was humorous.  This kind of introduction is very helpful for the audience to understand these dances.  Over all, all the aspects of the Shen Yun performance were composed well, without a simple duplication.  That has a very good effect."


Ms. Huang noticed: "The lyrics of the solo singers were translated into English accurately and appropriately, and thus were able to express the original intent of the lyrics and to reflect the theme of the Shen Yun performance which promotes good and punishes the evil."


Ms. Huang said that when she was in China and elsewhere, she had never seen a similar live performance of Shen Yun that carries this kind of Chinse traditional culture.  She was also moved to see that the performance attracted so many spectators to come to enjoy the unprecedented grand scene.  She said: "I feel very honored to watch such a grand show.  I am thankful for the effort payed to the art by the Shen Yun performers.  I wish that more friends watch the Shen Yun performance.  I wish that Shen Yun will be able to expand in the world even further and it will receive every greater success."


Ciping Huang graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China.  She had teachers including the late well-known Chinese professor of physics and advocate of democracy, Mr. Fang Lizhi.  She was the president of IFCSS (Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Schoalrs, USA).


Headquartered in New York, Shen Yun Performing Arts was established in 2006.  Its fuondation was to restore the five thousand years of Chinese divine culture.  It devotes itself to the creation and performance of programs of pure charm and goodness, to be dedicated to the audience.


Within only six years, Shen Yun Performing Arts has already expanded into three large-scale orchestra and art troupes of the same size that tour all over the world.  It has already become a notable star in the world of art galleries.



Original link:



Ciping Huang after watched Shen Yun (photo credit: Le Hai of the Epoch Times):




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A747-W473

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A747-W473


Release Date: January 30, 2013



Topic: Well-known Human Rights Activist: I Hope Shen Yun Will Spread Further in the World (the Epoch Times)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
































http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/13/1/30/n3789268.htm 或











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