Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A750-W476

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A750-W476


Release Date: February 9, 2013



Topic: Renowned Chinese Dissident: Shen Yun Poses Greatest Challenge to Chinese Regime (the Epoch Times report and readers' responses)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Renowned Chinese Dissident: Shen Yun Poses Greatest Challenge to Chinese Regime

By Li Xin of The Epoch Times on January 30, 2013



WASHINGTON--For 35 years the dissident Wei Jingsheng has opposed the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party. At the Kennedy Center on Jan. 29 he saw what he considers the greatest challenge to the CCP's existence: a performance of classical Chinese dance and music by the New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts.


According to Wei,"Shen Yun's non-political program exposes the fundamental problem with the CCP: the CCP grafted Marxism from the West onto China and tried to fundamentally destroy traditional Chinese culture."


That beginning took a decisive shape during the Cultural Revolution. Wei said, "Today's Party remains rooted in beliefs propagated then: it is a crime to have humanity, and it is an even greater crime to be spiritual."


Wei thought the book the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" helped clarify the Party's stance toward religion by calling the CCP a cult. Cults sustain themselves by controlling people and turning people into fools and slaves through brainwashing, Wei said.


"A cult is also a religion, and is against all other religious beliefs. If people were to believe in true religions, they would no longer believe in the CCP. The Propaganda Department of the CCP has intentionally destroyed other faiths and traditional Chinese culture and replaced them with Party elements in order to maintain its rule," Wei said.


"The Chinese people have been left with nothing to believe in. They no longer believe in the CCP," Wei said. "And now they only believe in money. Yet, a society cannot continue like this."


As more and more Chinese people realize this, they have awakened, and things have reached a tipping point. At the same time, the CCP fears that the culture it imported from the Soviet Union would be replaced.


Shen Yun's website describes its mission as reviving the "true, divinely inspired culture of China."


Wei said the pursuit of spirituality is universal and innate among all human beings, and Shen Yun's performances have awakened people's conscience.


By presenting China's traditional culture, Shen Yun has posed the greatest challenge to the CCP, Wei said. Chinese have awakened to the beauty of their own traditional culture.


The Chinese people see that what Shen Yun presents is their true culture, and that what the CCP presents is wrong. In this sense, Shen Yun is very important to the Chinese people, Wei said.


"Shen Yun has also allowed Westerners to understand what the real China is, Wei said. Westerners have become less knowledgeable about Chinese culture, as most Chinese scholars in the West are engaged in scientific, political, or economic research, and few are engaged in introducing genuine Chinese culture to the West. The troupes organized by the CCP always carry elements of communism and are not accepted by the Western audience," Wei said.


Wei said that Shen Yun does not preach political doctrine, but just promotes culture. Its artistic presentation allows the Western audience to learn about Chinese culture through perception and intuition, Wei said.


Wei said that through Shen Yun, the Western audience can see the beauty of Chinese culture and understand the way Chinese people think and behave.


"What Shen Yun presents is much more important than academic research," Wei said. "People in the West may study the Chinese economy, Chinese politics, and Chinese leaders. However, the leaders could be replaced at any moment. Academic research from this perspective is temporary and not convincing to people."


He said, "The CCP would soon be completely disintegrated."



Note by the Epoch Times: Wei Jingsheng is a prominent Chinese dissident. Human rights prizes he has won include the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Human Rights Award in 1996, the European Parliament's Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, and the Olof Palme Memorial Prize in 1994.



Readers' comments of this article:


1: "Mr. Wei is really knowledgeable!"


2: "Mr. Wei understands Shen Yun. He also understands the Chinese Communists."


3: "Mr. Old Wei looks good."


4: "Mr. Wei's thought is really clear and very wise."


5: "Mr. Wei said that the Communist regime has to be disintegrated in two or three years, otherwise the Chinese people can not wait.  Is this too long?  It should be disintegrated in this year.  The weather in Beijing already gave the early warning."


6: "Wei Jingsheng said that the Chinese people have been left with nothing to believe in. They no longer believe in the CCP.  And now they only believe in money. Yet, a society cannot continue like this. -- He said it to the point.  That is why there is toxic milk and evil behavior without any basic moral."


7: "Mr. Wei is a really smart person! '


8: "Humans should be called as human, in the spirit of the creation, instead of self-deprecated as beasts without humanity, as is taught by the culture of the Chinese Communist Party."


9: "Greetings to Mr. Wei!"



Original link of the English version:



Link of the original Chinese report:



Photo link: Renowned human rights activist Wei Jingsheng at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. on Jan. 29 pictured after watching Shen Yun (photo credit: Le Hai of the Epoch Times):




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A750-W476

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A750-W476


Release Date: February 9, 2013



Topic: Renowned Chinese Dissident: Shen Yun Poses Greatest Challenge to Chinese Regime (the Epoch Times report and readers' responses)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)











【大纪元2013年01月30日讯】(大纪元记者李新美国华盛顿DC报导)2013年1月29日,美国神韵纽约艺术团在美国华盛顿DC的演出拉开序幕。六天七场的演出在华府顶级剧院──肯尼迪艺术中心歌剧院(John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts)举行。


















西方社会认同神韵 尊重中国神传文化








神韵展现中国文化精髓 中共惧怕党文化被代替掉












中共已走到临界点 中共解体是大势所趋











本文网址: http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/13/1/30/n3789177.htm魏京生-现在神韵变成了中共最大的挑战.html





1: '魏先生真的有见识!'


2: '魏先生理解神韵,也了解中共。'


3: '老爷子气色不错。'


4: '魏先生思维真清晰,很睿智'


5: '"最近两三年就要解体了,就要有变化了,不然老百姓也不能等了。"=======还要两三年解体,是否时间太长了?今年就应该解体了,北京的天气已经在预警了!'


6: '魏京生说,老百姓被中共搞的既没有信仰,又没有文化,信仰和文化在中国全被摧毁了。可是中国人同时也不信中共的东西,所以就虚无了,现在只能信钱了。确实也没有别的了。---------good 说到点子上了。所以才有毒奶粉 无底线的作恶'


7: '老魏是真正聪明之人!'


8: '人就是应该被称作人的,是万物之灵,不能荒谬到自贬为没有人性的动物。是党文化的说道。'


9: '老魏你好'




http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/13/1/30/n3789177.htm 或











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