Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A846-O239



Release Date: October 25, 2014



Topic: Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition Holds its Autumn 2014 Workshops in New York



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition Holds its Autumn 2014 Workshops in New York



During the day of Oct. 22, 2014, there were two workshops held at the Phoenix Terrace Ballroom of Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel at 135-20 39th Ave, Flushing, NY 11354.  More than 30 Chinese activists attended these workshops.


The two hours long workshop in the morning was given by WEI Jingsheng, the chairman of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition.  WEI Jingsheng is the long time leader for the opposition against the Chinese Communist dictatorship.  He was sentenced to jail twice for a total of more than 18 years due to his democracy activities, including a ground breaking and well publicized essay he wrote in 1978: "the Fifth Modernization".  Wei Jingsheng is a winner of numerous human rights awards.  He is the author of "Courage to Stand Alone -- letters from Prison and Other Writings".  After his exile to the USA in 1997, he founded and has been the leader of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition (OCDC).  He is also the president for the Wei Jingsheng Foundation, and the president of the Asia Democracy Alliance.


The four hours long "Citizen Reporters and Activists' Online Security Workshop" in the afternoon session was given by Stephane Koch, Reporters Without Borders' senior online security adviser, who is a trainer, advisor and lecturer in the areas of information technology and communication (Web, Social Networks and Media, Online-Reputation and Crisis Management, Information Security and Public Relations).


The purpose of the workshop was to preserve access to sensitive information and to protect people as they are communicating.  Citizen reporters and activists should be aware of basic online security issues and easy-to-use tools to protect their work.  This expertise is not just necessary for their own safety, but also for ensuring that people they communicate with feel protected as well.



Related photos:






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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A846-O239



Release Date: October 25, 2014



Topic: Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition Holds its Autumn 2014 Workshops in New York



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)




























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