Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A854-W548



Release Date: December 5, 2014



Topic: An Unforgettable Autumn: The Hong Kong People's Struggle for Genuine Universal Suffrage Shall Become a Glorious Page in the History of Chinese Democracy -- Prize Dedication of the Eleventh Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" by the Wei Jingsheng Foundation

标题:难忘今秋:香港人争真普选是中国民主史册上光辉灿烂的一页 -- 2014年第十一届"魏京生民主斗士奖"颁奖词


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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An Unforgettable Autumn: The Hong Kong People's Struggle for Genuine Universal Suffrage Shall Become a Glorious Page in the History of Chinese Democracy

-- Prize Dedication of the Eleventh Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" by the Wei Jingsheng Foundation


December 5, 2014


This autumn, multitudes of photos are crying out with deafening silence.


In one picture are several dozens of Hongkongers with shaved heads.  They show calm faces and steady looks.  Among them is a woman.  On her smooth face, two eyes shine with youth and determination.  These people were going through a hair-shaving ceremony.  They had decided to regain dignity by sacrificing their hair, sending a message that "there is nothing more to shave, and there is no way to back off."  They simply have to fight for genuine universal suffrage in Hong Kong.


In another one, with the neon-lit skyline of the city as background, a white-on-black banner of "Disobedience Through Boycotting Classes" is laid on lush grass.  Thousands of young students are sitting around it directly on the lawn.  Their straight backs, focused eyesight, and silent attention in facing the rapidly approaching darkest political night of Hong Kong form a solemn and awe-inspiring atmosphere.


In yet another photo, the marching protesters carry a long black banner of "Citizens' Disobedience."  The banner floats like a river, flies like a dragon, and demonstrates a unified cry and a knife-like daring.


Bird's-eye views show endless flows of protesters and umbrellas everywhere.  People are like ants and umbrellas are like flowers.  While unable to tell each individual apart, one can feel the ever-present momentum, the unstoppable will of the people, and the lives radiating brilliant light under the glaring subtropical sun.


There are many more photos:

    A young mother holding her child with one arm and wearing a yellow ribbon on her chest;

    One 17 year old youth showing total defiance with his eyes;

    The yellow banner of "I Want Genuine Universal Suffrage" hanging down from the top of the Lion Rock;

    The numerous posts on the Democracy Wall at 660 Nathan Road of Mong Kok;

    Helmeted riot police shooting teargas;

    One lone man, with his head and umbrella held high, marching bravely into the smoke of the harmful gas;



All these are pictures of the Hong Kong people's fight for genuine universal suffrage, which have sketched the extraordinary autumn of 2014 in Hong Kong.


To recognize and commemorate this unforgettable autumn, the Wei Jingsheng Foundation has decided to award the 2014 "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" to the Hong Kong people's struggle for genuine universal suffrage.


Unlike previous years, this year the award is not given to a person, a few individuals, or a group, but to all the people who have participated and supported this struggle, including Hongkongers, Mainlanders, Taiwanese, overseas Chinese, and people all over the world who have supported this just cause.


By awarding this year's "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" to the Hong Kong people's struggle for genuine universal suffrage, we are affirming the meaning of this movement and recognizing the bravery and persistence of all participants and supporters.


The political movement of Hong Kong people demanding genuine universal suffrage for the election of Hong Kong 's Chief Executive has already become a major event of 2014 and attracted worldwide attention.  Since the transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong to China in 1997, Hong Kong has seen four Chief Executives, all produced by the so-called Election Committee.  It is well known that the general public did not elect most members of Election Committee.


Since the return of Hong Kong to China, there has been an ever-growing demand for universal suffrage.  In August of 2007, a poll conducted by the Hong Kong University showed that over 50% of the Hong Kong citizens supported universal suffrage.  The movement of Hong Kong people demanding genuine universal suffrage has been fermenting since 2013 and reached a climax in the fall of 2014.  On July 1 of this year, the 17th anniversary of the transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong to China, over half million Hong Kong people took the street to demonstrate, demanding the preservation of existing freedoms and human rights in Hong Kong.  Their wanted fundamental human rights are viewed as unalienable in the democratic countries, yet their demands were not affirmed or responded to, and activists and leaders of the movement have been subjected to suppression.


As of today, over 100 persons have been arrested, and many more have paid heavy prices for their legitimate choice -- some could not get their diplomas, some had their home visit permits revoked, some were blacklisted, some were threatened, and some had their businesses in the Mainland severely impacted.  In particular, the supporters in the Mainland have been subjected to cruel oppressions, making their already harsh situations even more miserable.  The prize of this year is for these people, for all the conscientious individuals who, by their own conscience, have been insisting on the democratic principles.


By awarding this year's "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" to the Hong Kong people's struggle for genuine universal suffrage, we are also denouncing and challenging the denial of basic rights of information to the Chinese people under the rule of the Communist regime.


I have learned from friends who were in China recently that no major overseas news outlets could be accessed inside the Mainland.  People could only get news of the Hong Kong people's fight for genuine universal suffrage from one official source of the Communist regime, the CCTV.  Even for the privileged few who were able to watch CNN programs in the Mainland, whenever there was a story about the Hong Kong demonstrations, the TV screens would turn black or be covered with snow-like noise.

China has one of the few authoritarian regimes in the world where people cannot hear freely with their ears and may not see at will with their eyes, and are forced to listen and obey one voice.  The truth about the Hong Kong people's struggle for genuine universal suffrage was completely twisted and distorted by this single voice.  It has been described as riots supported by foreign agencies, actions disgusted by the Hong Kong people, and disasters that will bring calamity to the country and the people.  This fact reminded me that on the next day after the collapse of the Berlin Wall, the official newspaper of the East German Communists, Neues Deutschland (New Germany), did not print a single word about the historic event.  This practice of mandatory blocking of information and denying truth not only shows the regime is self-deceiving and laughable, but also demonstrates its extreme weakness and cowardice.


Undeniably, people can be brainwashed and deceived.  It is not incredible that Mainland people may have biased ideas due to the blockade of information and the stripping of rights to know; and it is unsurprising that public opinion generated under such circumstances does not always represent proper values.  However, we do hope that by giving this prize, we may make the Mainland people and overseas Chinese come closer to the realization that they are entitled to elect their own leaders.  This should be an unalienable right of every human being.  We hope we all will utterly detest the despicable practice of blockading information and fabricating one-sided and distorted accounts, and further hope that we all will not doubt about the blueness of an ocean just because we are seeing a puddle of dirty water in front of us.


By awarding this year's "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" to the Hong Kong people's struggle for genuine universal suffrage, we are also reminding people to the true nature of the "One Country Two Systems" promise put forward by the Chinese Communist regime, and to discard this false hope.


Mr. Wei Jingsheng has made the following comments on a myth believed by some Hong Kong people.  "In 1997, with this deception, the people in Hong Kong were ushered into this transfer of power.  Even so, when the disaster was approaching many people felt fear and emigrated overseas to escape the tyranny that may come.  That was not a good thing for the Communist regime and did not meet its goal for taking over Hong Kong.  Under the pressure of emigration, the Communist regime chose the strategy of boiling frogs from the warm water.  It temporarily kept its promise to retain most freedoms and human rights in Hong Kong.  At that time, the economic development of Hong Kong was still very important to the Chinese Communist regime.  It took a strategy of temporary forbearance to Hong Kong's support of the democratic movement in China in 1989, while waiting to settle scores later on.  These strategies created a false impression in the people of Hong Kong that the Chinese Communists would really keep their promises.  The Hong Kong people who were used to dealing with a British Hong Kong government that was relatively better at keeping its promises, were mistaken that the Communist regime in China would also keep its promises.  They did not know that the Communist regime would only keep its promises according to its own interests, rather than the normal understanding of promise."


In reality, the confidence of Mainland people on the government and their personal future is unprecedentedly low.  Numerous rich individuals and high officials are trying very hard to relocate their families and wealth to other countries.  During the struggle for genuine universal suffrage, a Hong Kong journalist took her infant child to the street with her.  "I have to come," she told the baby.  "Because mommy is afraid that when you reach mommy's age, you may no longer have the freedoms of gathering and speech."  One positive result of the fight for genuine universal suffrage was to show people of Hong Kong, Taiwan, and everywhere else the true nature of the "One Country Two Systems" policy proposed by the Communist regime in China, and promises of that regime that are not even worth the paper they were printed on.  This is a painful but necessary awakening.


By awarding this year's "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" to the Hong Kong people's struggle for genuine universal suffrage, we are expressing our appreciation to a special group of individuals.


These individuals are some of the well-off people, including members of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, entertainment stars who could make big money in the Mainland, individuals who can easily move to Western countries such as England and the USA, good students of colleges and universities, and famous artists of the Mainland, etc.  These individuals, due to their personal status, were not yet pushed back into a corner, and have no immediate need to participate or support this fight for genuine universal suffrage, but engaged themselves into this fight voluntarily, refusing to compromise and readily sacrificing their personal interests.


They remind me of the experience of Mr. Wei Jingsheng himself.  Mr. Wei was born in the family of a high-ranking Communist official.  If he had not posted his article titled "The Fifth Modernization - Democracy" on the Xidan Democracy Wall of Beijing, which led the democracy movement of modern China, and if he had given in to countless threats and promises, thus compromising and surrendering, he would likely have become a member of the Second Generation Red, making enormous wealth and/or occupying a top official position.  Mr. Wei has paid an extremely dear price for his choice.  He was imprisoned for 18 years, is ridden by sickness, without a country to return to and a home to call his own, yet still a needle in the eye and a thorn in the flesh to the Chinese regime.


I always feel for the defiance shown by people at the bottom of a society.  And there were multitudes of earth-shaking rebellions in Chinese history.  However, I am even more moved by those who are well-off, who could just have a comfortable life with a guaranteed future, yet who choose to show compassion for suffering people and are willing to sacrifice themselves for the fundamental interests of the others.  In my mind, they are heroes who deserve even more respect.  This prize shows our admiration and salutes to such kind of individuals.


By awarding this year's "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" to the Hong Kong people's struggle for genuine universal suffrage, we are also applauding the young people of Hong Kong.


The Democracy Champion Prize of this year is dedicated to a large group of pure, passionate, and idealistic youth, who have moved us to tears.  They let the world witness that while a stereotypical Hongkonger might be pragmatic and have been subjected to years of brainwashing and material enticements, there are still so many brave young souls seeking for justice.  These young men and women have shown marvelous fortitude and perseverance.  They are the hope of democracy in China!


During the most intensive periods of the Hong Kong people's fight for genuine universal suffrage, there were many popular songs for lifting the spirit of the participants.  One of them was adopted from "Do You Hear The People Sing" from the opera Les Miserables.  During the French Revolution, countless young people participated in the deadly street fights.  They carried such youthful faces and harbored so many plans for future; yet they chose to give their lives instead.  Many protesters in the Hong Kong people's fight for genuine universal suffrage are students.  They have inherited the freedom-seeking spirit of people worldwide.  Just like the kids fighting at the road blocks of the French streets, these youngsters have shown tremendous passion and courage.


As in all movements in human history, not every detail can be perfect.  But just as the historic significance of the French Revolution could not be compromised a bit by all the not-so-appropriate details, the Hong Kong people's fight for genuine universal suffrage will never lose its shine due to minor imperfections.  This struggle of 2014, show the will and determination of people for freedom and democracy.  Just like the Xidan Democracy Wall in 1978, like the Tiananmen Democracy Movement in 1989, this struggle of 2014 in Hong Kong shall become a glorious page about the endeavor of achieving democracy and freedoms in the history of modern China.


"After an earth scorched by wild fire, spring breezes inevitably bring back new life."  Today, we award the eleventh annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" of the Wei Jingsheng Foundation to the Hong Kong people's struggle for genuine universal suffrage, because:

    The Struggle has demonstrated that "only three things cannot be long hidden: The sun, the moon, and the truth" (a Buddha quote);

    The Struggle has demonstrated that "so far as a man thinks, he is free" (Ralph Waldo Emerson);

    The Struggle has demonstrated that not all Hong Kong people are pragmatic and money thirsty, and they will fight for justice;

    The Struggle has demonstrated that while freedoms are precious, they do come with costs; and

    The Struggle has demonstrated that the ideas of democracy and freedoms will always guide the human race.


Now please allow me to conclude with a quote from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn:

"The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie... And if we get cold feet for even taking this step, then we are worthless and hopeless, and the scorn of Pushkin should be directed to us:

    Why should cattle have the gifts of freedom?

    Their heritage from generation to generation is the belled yoke and the lash."


Thank you all very much!



Ciping Huang

Executive Director

Wei Jingsheng Foundation



For more details about this year's awards, please refer to our prize announcement:



Related photos:













(The Wei Jingsheng Foundation is grateful to Yike CHENG for her great contribution of composing this dedication, and for her long time voluntary work and other contributions to this Foundation.)


For further information and detail, visit our website at: www.weijingsheng.org

or contact us at HCP@weijingsheng.org or HCP0411WJS@aol.com or call 1-202-270-6980.



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A854-W548



Release Date: December 5, 2014



Topic: An Unforgettable Autumn: The Hong Kong People's Struggle for Genuine Universal Suffrage Shall Become a Glorious Page in the History of Chinese Democracy -- Prize Dedication of the Eleventh Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" by the Wei Jingsheng Foundation

标题:难忘今秋:香港人争真普选是中国民主史册上光辉灿烂的一页 -- 2014年第十一届"魏京生民主斗士奖"颁奖词


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 2014年第十一届"魏京生民主斗士奖"颁奖词































争取真普选香港行政长官的政治运动,已成为2014 年世界瞩目的重要事件。自从1997年香港主权移交给中国以后,香港有四届行政长官,这些长官全部都由所谓的"选举委员会"选出。众所周知,这个选举委员会成员的大多数并非由选民选举产生。自香港回归以来,争取普选的呼声不断高涨。2007年8月的港大民调已经显示,超过一半的市民支持普选。香港人争真普选,酝酿于2013年,于2014年秋季达到高潮。今年七月一号是香港主权移交给中共十七周年。这一天有五十多万人上街游行。大家要求保留香港现有的自由和人权。这些要求,在民主国家看来是天经地义的基本人权。可是这个要求不仅得不到肯定和答复,争取真普选运动的积极分子和领头人还遭到打压。迄今为止,已有逾百人被捕。还有许多人为了自己的正当选择付出了代价:有人拿不到毕业证书,有人被取消了返乡证,有人被上了黑名单,有人遭到恐吓,有人在大陆的业务发展受到或将要受到严重影响。特别值得一提的是,大陆境内的支持者尤其遭到了残酷的镇压,使他们本来就困苦的境地更加悲惨。今年这个奖,就是奖给这些人,奖给所有愿意坚守民主原则的良心!




从国内回来的朋友们说,在中国大陆根本上不了海外重要新闻网页。港人争真普选的情形,只能从中央电视台里听到一种口径。尽管有人因为工作的缘故,可以在中国大陆看到CNN 电视节目,但每当开始报道香港人争真普选的实况,屏幕就骤然变成一片黑色,或是一片雪花。中国,是世界上少有的极权国家之一,那里人们有耳不能自由听,有眼不能随意看,而是被迫地只能听从一种声音。香港人争真普选的实情,被这"一种声音"彻底歪曲了,被变成了海外势力支持的骚乱、香港人民反感的动乱、祸国殃民的灾难等等。这让我想起,柏林墙倒塌的第二天,东德共产党机关报《新德国》竟然对前一天发生的大事一字不提。这种强制性的封锁消息、拒绝真相的做法,不仅证明了一个政府的自欺欺人和可笑,也说明了它的极端虚弱和胆怯。






















在港人争取真普选运动的高潮时期,曾经流行了很多鼓舞人心的歌曲。其中之一改编自《悲惨世界》的"Do you hear the people sing?"(你可否听到人们的歌声?)。在法国大革命的街垒战里有许多青年,他们的面孔如此年轻,他们对未来有着如此的向往,但是他们选择了牺牲。参加港人争取真普选运动的人们中,许多都是青年学生。这些人继承了全世界民众寻求自由的精神。他们和法国街垒前的孩子们一样,具有令人感动的激情和勇敢!




















魏京生基金会执行主任 黄慈萍























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电话: 1-202-270-6980






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