Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A871-W560

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A871-W560


Release Date: June 14, 2015



Topic: The Commemoration Conference of the 26 Anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre in New York (Epoch Times)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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The Commemoration Conference of the 26 Anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre in New York

-- Epoch Times



June 3, 2015 (Epoch Times New York correspondent station report) On June 2, a conference in the Greater New York area for the 26th anniversary of the June 4 Massacre was held in Flushing.  Wei Jingsheng, Wang Juntao, Hu Ping, Chen Pokong, Sheng Xue, Li Weidong, Wu Jianmin, Chen Chongchuang and other pro-democracy activists, academics, social activists, and those people born in the 1980's and 1990's who are sympathizers to the 1989 democracy movement delivered their speeches urging people not to forget the June 4 Massacre, to seek the truth of the June 4 Massacre, and to get rid of the fear of the Communist Party.  They noted that commemorations of the June 4 Massacre are not hoping the Communist regime will overturn its verdict of the 1989 democracy movement - these Communist butchers are not entitled to "vindication".  Only the end of the Chinese Communist tyranny is the future way for China.  There were more than one hundred people who attended this conference.


* Wei Jingsheng: The Communist Party Is Not Qualified to "Vindicate June 4" *


The conference was presided over by Yu Dahai, the publisher of "Beijing Spring."  It started with a moment of the silence for the victims of the June 4 Massacre.  Wei Jingsheng, chairman of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition, said that the democratic movement will have successors -- in Hong Kong and New York, there are a lot of young people participating in the activities in commemoration of the 1989 democracy movement.   Before, there were many people who asked the Communist regime to overturn its verdict of the June 4 Massacre.  But he said, what they ask is not the vindication by the Communist regime.  The Communist regime is criminal in this regard.  How could we let the criminal vindicate the martyrs?


Sheng Xue, Chairman of the China Democratic Front, also said that we are not asking the tyrannical Communist regime to change its statement on the massacre, but are demanding truth and justice; those who were responsible must be punished with legal sanctions.  Only under the premise of everyone being without fear, without persecution, and knowing the truth, then justice maybe realized.


26 years have passed since the June 4 Massacre.  The expression "64" is still being blocked in China.  Over the past 26 years, the only thing that did not change is the persecution of the Communist regime.  What role can the annual commemoration overseas really play after all?


Regarding this question, Chen Pokong, the former leader of the student movement in Guangzhou and a political commentator, said: "Despite the Chinese Communist Party blocking the memory of the people and blocking history to seal the truth in the dust with its iron fist, the commemoration every year on June 4 is a trial of the Communist Party."


* Seeking the Truth by Those Who Were Born in 1980's and 1990's *


The blockade of speeches, taboos in the Mainland Media, and containment of the firewalls have failed to stop the younger generation of China from knowing the truth.


Not long ago, an open letter titled "Letter to Our Classmates in China in Commemoration of the 26 Anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre" that was cosigned by many overseas Chinese students who were born in the 1980's and 1990's received the attention of the world.  Chen Chuangchong, a representative of the students who cosigned the letter, said that the Communist regime has always played down the June 4 Massacre in an effort to get people to forget about its crime.  The Communist regime is worried about the younger people overseas getting in contact with the democracy activists to learn the truth.  However, there are more and more young people daring to stand up in commemoration of the June 4 Massacre.  There were students from more than 50 universities inside China and abroad, including Tsinghua University, University of Science and Technology of China, Fudan University, Harvard University, Columbia University, universities in California and elsewhere, who signed this open letter.   In comparison to those in the free environment overseas, the young people inside China who signed their real names are more commendable with their courage.  The open letter stated: "Butchers do not deserve to vindicate victims.  Butchers must be brought to justice."  Chen Chuangchong said that a few days after the publication of this open letter, "Global Times" (of the Communist regime) published an editorial attacking it, yet less than a day later, it removed the editorial from its website.  The Communist regime found that the result of this editorial was counterproductive, for it allowed June 4 to re-emerge in public view, thus inspiring more people to seek the truth.


Hu Ping, the "Beijing Spring" honorary editor, said that one of the purposes of commemorating June 4 is to relive the sense of justice back then in 1989.  He encouraged the Chinese people not to be scared by the Communist Party, so more people will walk out of their fear, to stand up and say no to the Communist Party.


* Only by Ending the Tyranny of the Communist Party, Will the Chinese Have a Way Out *


Wang Juntao, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese Democratic Party, pointed out that after 26 years, the Communist regime still has not reduced corruption and the lack of social justice, the two major problems of people's livelihood that were presented during the 1989 Democracy Movement.  Moreover, the corruption of the Communist Party has evolved from personal corruption to corruption in cliques, from systemic corruption to the corruption of the whole society.  Many human rights lawyers have already concluded that it is impossible to change under the one party dictatorship of the Communist Party.  All the reflection points to one conclusion: the problems in China cannot be solved without the end of the tyranny of the Communist Party.


* The Whole World Saw the June 4 Massacre, While Persecution of Falun Gong Went on Secretly *


The whole world saw the June 4 Massacre in TianAnMen Square by the Communist Party.   However the persecution of Falun Gong was carried out in prisons, labor camps, brainwashing seminars and other enclosed places, with the Communist regime using all its means to block this information.  In this regard, Wei Jingsheng thinks that because the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners occurred 10 years after the June 4 Massacre, the Communist regime had learned cunning in its prosecution.  The June 4 Massacre was bloody.  The persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is equally bloody.   However, it is difficult get images and many people in the world cannot see it.  So it is important to talk about the truth.  When the people in this world know the truth, their conscience will be stimulated.


Chen Pokong said that Jiang Zemin, who came to power by stepping on the blood of the students, has not only covered up the truth of the June 4 Massacre, but also created a crime of large-scale persecution and genocide of the Falun Gong groups.  It is only a matter of the time of punishment for his guilt of new and old.  That time will come.


Editor: Zhong Ming



Original link of this report:



Related photos by the Epoch Times:





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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A871-W560

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A871-W560


Release Date: June 14, 2015



Topic: The Commemoration Conference of the 26 Anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre in New York (Epoch Times)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 大紀元





* 魏京生:共產黨沒資格平反六四 *










* 80後、90後尋求真相 *




不久前,海外留學生聯署發表的《紀念六四26週年致國內同學書》引起的世界的關注。參與這次聯署活動的80後、90後中國留學生代表陳闖創說,中共一直淡化六四,試圖讓人忘記它的罪行,害怕海外的年輕人接觸民主人士瞭解真相,但是越來越多的年輕人敢於站出來紀念六四。包括清華、中科大、復旦、哈佛、哥大、加州大學在內的國內外有50多所學校學生簽名支持公開信。那些中國大陸實名簽名支持的年輕人相比在海外自由環境的人,他們的勇氣更可嘉。公開信寫道:「劊子手不配為受害人平反 屠夫必須受到審判。」陳闖創表示,該公開信發表幾天後,《環球時報》發表社論進行抨擊,但不到一天就從網站撤下,因為中共發現社論效果適得其反,將六四事件又浮現在公眾視野中,會激起更多人尋求真相。




* 只有結束中共暴政 中國才有出路 *




* 六四的屠殺全世界看見,中共迫害法輪功背地裡進行 *




















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