Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A894-W575
魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A894-W575
Date: October 11, 2015
Multiple Groups Outside the White House Supported
"Prosecuting Jiang Zemin" (Epoch Times)
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Multiple Groups Outside the White House Supported "Prosecuting (Former Communist Leader) Jiang Zemin" During the Meeting Between President Obama and Xi Jinping
[Epoch Times, September 26, 2015] (Chen Li, Epoch Times Journalist, Washington DC Report) On September 25, President Obama hosted the Chinese Communist leader Xi Jinping for an Official State Visit. Some Falun Gong practitioners from Washington DC had whole-day protests outside the White House and Marriott Hotel where Xi Jinping stayed for the visit. On Pennsylvania Ave outside the White House, there were also more than ten Falun Gong practitioners meditating quietly, calling for Xi Jinping to prosecute (former Communist chief) Jiang Zemin.
Falun Gong practitioners protested peacefully with banners such as "Prosecute Jiang Zemin", "Bring Jiang to Justice", "Falun Dafa is great" and "Falun Gong, Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance". As Xi Jingping's motorcade passed by, those banners were seen at least four times.
At the same time, many democracy activists, human rights defenders, Christians, and Tibetans were also protesting against human rights abuses by the Chinese Communist Party. Many people were touched by these peaceful protests done by rational Falun Gong practitioners; they therefore supported the pleas to prosecute Jiang Zemin.
People were moved by the toughness,
peacefulness and rationality showed by Falun Gong Practitioners. Many Chinese Americans took photos.
Ms. Zhong, a Falun Gong practitioner, said many Chinese took photos of the gathering of the Falun Gong practitioners. They also asked very politely for the permission to take photos. They were mostly with China mainland accent. There were also a couple of Chinese who drove by and weren't able to snap photos, but they gave Falun Gong practitioners a thumbs up.
Huang Ciping, human rights activist in the USA and the Executive Director of the Wei Jingsheng Foundation, said: "I have been here since 8 am this morning. I am very touched; after so many years Falun practitioners are still persisting. Though today is a sunny day, I have seen them protesting in the rain as well. I still remembered the day in July ten years ago when I saw them protesting under the scorching sun near the US Capitol, I was so touched."
Huang Ciping said, "It is very good" that these practitioners are protesting to "Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice". The practitioners' families, which include around 180,000 people in China, also sued Jiang Zemin in the prosecutor's office in China. She said: "It showed that prosecuting Jiang is what people want, as things have been progressing so quickly since May this year."
Tenzin Jigma, the speaker of Tibetan organizations said the Falun Gong practitioners were peaceful and unmoved.
Yang Yu, a Chinese dissident living in the U.S and an independent writer said he observed the gathering of the Falun Gong practitioners closely. He said he felt positive about it. He also said "Such peaceful petitioning fits the universal values. Such rational and unmoved petitioning should be accepted by a rational ruler."
Frank Lee, the speaker of the Washington DC Falun Gong Association said: "Falun Gong practitioners ask to bring Jiang Zemin to justice and stop persecuting Falun Gong. We are targeting the evil person. Xi Jinping is not the one who did all those persecutions. We ask him to arrest the one who persecuted Falun Gong and bring him to court. This would be beneficial for Chinese people. "
Frank Lee also expressed that he encourages and supports Xi Jinping to arrest other Chinese officials who persecuted Falun Gong.
Huang Ciping: It is the duty of all
Chinese who wish China to get better to bring Jiang Zemin to justice.
Huang Ciping is willing to support the movement "to prosecute Jiang". She also asked for other Chinese people to join with her as she felt that "all people who knew about Jiang's and the Chinese Communist Party's crimes should stand out". She said: "Everyone should stand up against Jiang together and treat him as the biggest target in order to bring him to justice. This movement is necessary, especially for Falun Gong practitioners. I am willing to support and join this movement. I also urge other friends to join. Bringing Jiang to justice is not only the Falun practitioners' responsibility, but every Chinese who wishes for a better China." She also said: "Jiang had committed so many bloody crimes and persecuted so many Chinese. How could we bring justice back to China and to Chinese people's hearts if we do not try to bring Jiang to justice in the first place?"
Pastor Guo Baosheng: It is shameful
to all human beings if we let Jiang Zemin die by natural causes without
bringing him to justice.
Guo Baosheng, a Chinese pastor and a religion commentator was at the scene of the protest. He said: "I feel very encouraged to see this many Falun Gong practitioners asking to bring Jiang Zemin to justice peacefully, because we need a lot of people to stand up and speak the truth. I support such activity of the Falun Gong practitioners."
"Jiang Zemin should have been bought to justice a long time ago. Dismembering the Chinese Communist Party is the only solution for true religious freedom and the persecution of Christians and Falun Gong practitioners. "
"Jiang Zemin is really old and going to die pretty soon. But it is shameful to all human beings to let him die by natural causes without bringing him to justice. There is no justice if we let him get away. We have to show all the dictators around the world that their fate would be miserable."
Guo Baosheng said: "The U.S should formally complain to China about the persecutions of Christians and Falun Gong practitioners." He also said:" I hope the CCP stops persecuting Christians and demolishing the holy crosses. They have demolished more than 15,000 crosses. In addition to suppressing Catholics, Christians, the crimes against Falun Gong practitioners are even worse. We are here to express our strongest condemnation. Religious freedom is one of main American values, the First Amendment is also about the religious freedom and separation of Church and State."
Yang Yu, a dissident and independent
writer: we should bring Jiang Zemin to justice.
Yang Yu, a Chinese dissident in United States said: "I support all the reasonable citizens' appeals from Falun practitioners including bringing Jiang to Justice, stop removing organs from living people and stop persecuting Chinese citizens."
For the request to "prosecute Jiang Zemin", Yang Yu said: "It is very reasonable under the current framework of the constitution. The request to bring Jiang to justice is reasonable. I support this request. Jiang has made many human right crimes, and he should be prosecuted under the current law."
"We should first condemn the fact that organs have been taken away from living people. Then all people involved in this crime should bear legal liabilities. Not only Jiang, the person who started this should be condemned, all other enforcers involved should also be held accountable."
"The request to prosecute Jiang is also a warning for Jiang's followers. Based on human beings' conscience, any anti-human actions should be condemned and revenged."
Vice president Tang Yuanjuan of the United Headquarters of the China Democracy Party hoped that Obama and Xi meeting could emphasize on human right topics as well. All human rights activists, human rights lawyers and prisoners of conscience should be released. He said: "Falun Gong believes in Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance. This belief brings positive spirits to Chinese people especially during this current moral re-armament times. We believe Falun Gong should be re-addressed. The CCP should be held accountable for Falun Gong repression and taking organs from Falun practitioners. No matter how highly ranked the person is, as long as he committed the crime, he and his followers should be held accountable.
Tang Yuanjuan also said: "In the future, Falun Gong practitioners' requests will be taken and all these crimes need to be revenged. Jiang shouldn't have repressed Falun Gong. He is the felon in the history.
Tibetan Organizations support Falun
Gong practitioners to prosecute Jiang Zemin.
Tenzin Jigme, the speaker of the Tibetan organizations, was here to speak for the Tibetans in Mainland China. Jigme said: "There is no freedom in Tibet. More than 145 people have set themselves on fire. The Tibetan people are calling for freedom and we ask Obama to address this issue publicly. Tibetans are against all the persecutions by the CCP, including those against Tibetans, Falun Gong practitioners, and average Chinese. We are with the victims."
Mr. Jigme said: "the Tibetan organizations in Spain sued Jiang Zemin a couple of years ago and I support Falun Gong practitioners from Mainland China to do the same thing." He encouraged them to keep the work going.
Many people quit the CCP at the
An elderly Falun Gong practitioner, Tao, said that she met a group of Chinese people and they decided to quit CCP immediately after they heard the words "bring Jiang Zemin to justice." There were also human rights activists who renounced the membership of the Communist Party at the scene.
Link of the original report:
(Wei Jingsheng Foundation wants to
express its gratitude to Shi Yi, for translating this article and his other
support as well.)
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Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A894-W575
魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A894-W575
Date: October 11, 2015
Multiple Groups Outside the White House Supported
"Prosecuting Jiang Zemin" (Epoch Times)
Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
法轮功学员平和地展示了"法办江泽民""全民起诉江泽民""法轮大法好""法轮大法 真善忍"等多个中英文横幅。习近平的车队当天至少有4次看到"法办江泽民"的横幅。
法轮功学员钟女士表示, 许多华人特意拍照法轮功学员和平请愿的现场,还很有礼貌的问:"能不能拍照?"说的是大陆口音;还有几个中国人开车,因被前面的车挡住而有机会停下来看到法轮功的横幅,对法轮功学员竖起两手的大拇指(thumbs
西藏团体发言人Tenzin Jigme表示,现场的法轮功学员"平和、坚定"。
华盛顿DC法轮大法学会发言人弗兰克•李(Frank Lee)说:法轮功学员呼吁习近平法办江泽民,帮助停止迫害法轮功。"冤有头,债有主。习近平不是发动迫害的人,我们向他呼吁:把真正迫害法轮功的元凶抓起来,送上法庭,这对所有的中国人有好处。"
郭宝胜说,美国应该在基督教迫害、法轮功受迫害问题上向中共提出严正的抗议。他还说:"希望中共停止迫害基督教人士和停止拆毁十字架,现在已经强拆了 1500多个。中共除了压制天主教、基督教,对法轮功的迫害是更加的残酷,所以我们这次来表示最强烈的谴责,美国的最主要价值观也是宗教自由,宪法修正案
西藏团体发言人Tenzin Jigme表示,他们来为大陆的西藏人发出声音,Jigme说,西藏没有自由,被极度的压制,超过145人自焚;西藏人呼唤自由,要求奥巴马公开对此发声。他表示,法轮功群体在中国遭受迫害,西藏人反对中共迫害,包括对西藏人、法轮功学员和普通中国人的迫害。我们和受迫害者站在一起。
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